Opening his eyes again, he looked at the deep and bright beautiful purple eyes of the enterprise. There was a slight smile on the corner of the latter's mouth, more like a crabapple flower waking up by the lake in the early morning, with a kind of demure beauty.

Looking down, the crisp breasts against his skin were even more dazzling than the morning light.

White, big, soft, tender.

Ah, the morning of the laborer is simply wonderful.

"It woke you up."

Su Hao apologized, "I forgot to turn off the alarm clock yesterday."

"I also wake up at about this time." Enterprise said with a smile, "and I feel pretty good about making plans for my own schedule."

"Well, it's just hard to do every time."

"Don't worry, just take your time."

Enterprise moved his body slightly, approaching Su Hao, his slender arms moved under the quilt, bringing a smooth and delicate touch, and then hugged Su Hao.

"Even for me, there are occasional times when I want to relax. Being with the Commander like this is a fatal temptation for me... But I like this feeling very much, so it's okay to break my schedule sometimes .”

Su Hao didn't say anything.

Enterprises, you break it once in a while, and I insist on it occasionally, there is no comparison.

However, as the company said, in the short and quiet time of the morning, it is really great to hug each other quietly and snuggle up to each other.

Ah~ Even the air is so damn sweet.

No way?No way?It's not like someone is eating dog food alone in a cold quilt, right?

That's right, it's down.

Holding the enterprise at this moment, Su Hao couldn't even think about it anymore.

Sorry, Rafi.

I muttered silently in my heart, wanting to be lazy, but the state of hugging at this time is a bit bad. After all, the two of them have been naked from last night to now. Scientific research shows that sleeping naked is good for physical and mental health. Su Hao follows this point , In fact, there is no egg use, science and so on are deceiving, and sleeping naked can never be healthy physically and mentally, whether it is sleeping alone or two.

But now there are two people, the delicate contact on the skin makes people feel itchy.

Don't move, Ming Wang Jing, take a deep breath, divert your attention, rise up, bow your waist like a shrimp.


Enterprise's originally closed eyes opened, with a little hesitation in his expression.

"what happened?"

"Last night...well, I dreamed of someone."

"Oh, dreamed of me?"



"It's a little guy."

Ah, that's right, a false alarm.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Who is it?"

"It's... a small business."

She still said it, and the company didn't know how to do it. Ever since she saw the portrait of a small business that Portland drew for her, this impression has always remained in her mind.

I also told York City before that it’s okay to be teased by the latter. Seeing other wedding ships with little guys around, it’s only natural that you want it, right?

However, the company understands that she doesn't have this kind of comparison in her heart. The idea that you have what I must have is a bit naive, not to mention the Chicheng set of "mother is more expensive than daughter", which is completely unreliable. You can tell by the way little Chicheng pissed Chicheng to death every day.

It is estimated that he was pissed off by women before he was able to rely on women.

Su Hao was also a little surprised, because he knew that the company did not have the idea of ​​longing for the little ship girl.


"Well, it's very cute." Only this point is very sure, and a sweet smile appeared on the face of the enterprise, "I dreamed that I took the small enterprise, and then walked on the seaside with the commander. The small enterprise went to pick up shells, find I couldn't find it for a long time and then I was a little anxious, Commander, you go to help her find it together, I feel a little... a little moved."

It is a very simple picture, short but very warm, which makes the company very nostalgic for that feeling.

"That's really nice."

Su Hao hugged Enterprise, turned over and pressed her under him, and said with a smile, "Would you like to try again? Maybe a small enterprise will come out."

Enterprise blushed, shook his head, nodded again, and finally shook his head.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Commander, I know, the current state will definitely not be able to wake up the small enterprise." The enterprise slightly pursed his lips, "I don't have the desire in my heart like Richelieu and the others, nor do I have the persistence like Tiancheng, so... ..."

"All right."

Su Hao patted her on the head lightly, "Compared to these, before this, I think it would be better to have a more simple mind. If there are too many distracting thoughts in anything, it will be difficult to succeed, as if our commander will sleep in the battleship. It’s the same as awakening the ship girl in the middle, if you touch the hull with too many thoughts, it will fail, I think it’s the same to wake up the little ship girl.”

"Well... Commander, you are right, but why do I feel that Commander, you have bad intentions?"

"How come, look at my eyes, isn't it sincere and simple?"

"Pfft~ I just saw something else."


The quilt was turned over, the bed bears the weight of the breasts, and the Lafite alarm clock on the head of the bed also turned over and fell down, Lafite Lafite, you are slacking off to sleep again.



Although I experienced another ordeal in the morning, I still didn't have the ninety-nine-eighty-one difficulties, so I couldn't achieve a positive result and failed to wake up the small business.

Just like the company itself said, maybe it can’t be awakened without ideas, but Su Hao also thinks that it is important to have ideas, but more importantly, pure thoughts, which also proves that the company’s heart is wavering now Uncertain.

Everyone wants to be nostalgic for a beautiful picture, but there are more beautiful things in life besides this point. Every day is very meaningful to an enterprise, and colleagues who enjoy other beautiful things will definitely feel the current Things bring about changes, maybe... maybe she is afraid?

Only she knows the company's thoughts. After all, every ship girl has every ship girl's thoughts. Su Hao has no way to understand everyone's heart, so he can only turn to other people for help.

"You ask the company."

I found York City, who had just returned with Bumblebee and Harman, and was asked about it by Su Hao.

York City seemed to know something, she smiled, "The company showed me that picture yesterday."

"Picture? What picture?"

"It's just a picture of a small business." York City tilted his head slightly, "Didn't you read it, Commander?"

"Uh, no."

"It's probably because she hasn't made up her mind yet, that child from the enterprise, how should I put it, she is not very good at 'change', or she is more used to a relatively stable way of life. Just like in Baiying before, Whether it is patrolling, fighting, or daily reports, she will do it. She is used to using high-intensity work methods to ensure that everything is correct, even if she knows that a change can make it better, because she is afraid of the existence of certain "uncertain factors", That’s why it’s been too long to make changes.”

Su Hao was thoughtful.

"Do you understand that?"

"I probably understand you."

It's not a special mental state, but I didn't expect that the company as a ship mother would have this kind of situation. It chooses a more conservative way because of fear of change. In fact, this kind of psychology is not unfamiliar to human beings.

It's as if Su Hao remembers himself before crossing, the peachy campus life, full of youthful sprouting and hot passion, but no matter how big the impulse in his heart is, how strong he wants to express it, he will be afraid of it after taking action. Hesitating because of the "evil consequences" brought about, maybe, maybe you will be rejected if you say it, so it's better to keep it like this.

As soon as he hesitated, he hesitated until they parted ways after graduation, and never saw each other again.

Maybe this is not the worst result, what is the worst thing, the worst thing is before parting ways, there is another sentence of "I thought you liked me", and it suddenly stops in place like a clock that has forgotten to wind up, at the end It's raining again in the sky to celebrate what happened to you as a single dog.

Wait, I'm not single.

Then again, the original enterprise did not awaken the idea of ​​small businesses, and the root of everything is the portrait of Portland.

So Su Hao found Portland again.

Although he was very reluctant to take his eyes off Indianapolis, but because it was Su Hao, he was still half and half willing. After hearing Su Hao's question, he immediately remembered.

"Oh, that painting, I even took a special photo as a souvenir~"

Portland happily opened the phone photo album, "Here, look, Commander, how is my technique?"


After seeing the paintings of Small Enterprise, Su Hao was taken aback, "Since when did your drawing skills become so good?"

"Commander, what are you talking about?" Portland raised his mouth with some displeasure, "You draw dozens of paintings every day for such a long time, even if you have some talent, you should improve."

Su Hao thought so too, but why does this sentence sound a bit sad?

You have worked hard for so long, but any talent should improve.

You have worked so hard, why haven't you made any progress?

Wait, wait, this is not a chicken soup session.

Putting aside this distracting thought, Su Hao focused on the small business.

It's cute, and it gives people a feeling of 'as expected of a small business' at first glance after watching it.

Not like a small business, but a small business.

No wonder even businesses are shaken.

After thinking for a while, Su Hao said, "Then you can draw another picture for me. I want an illustration, a big picture."


Su Hao said the request again.

"Commander, why don't you draw yourself? Don't you understand?"

"You've come out of nowhere now, and I don't feel like my small businesses have that kind of vibe."

Portland sighed, "Oh~ okay, okay, Indy-chan just happened to be sleepy and wanted to take a nap, but Commander, you can take a few photos for me, and do as I said."


"Whether you give it or not, I don't paint if you don't give it."

Just Portland, still want to rebel?

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