Then the little guy's brows and eyelashes trembled, and there was a raving sound from his mouth, whining, so cute.

After a while, she opened her eyes.

There was curiosity and innocence in his eyes.

The clear eyes are bright and moving, shining with brilliance and full of vitality.

At this time, the little guy sat up from the bed, sat on the duck, yawned, rubbed his eyes, and looked naive.

Shoulders shrugged, listless.

Have you ever seen the kind of child who wakes up in the morning in a daze?

This is what small businesses look like now.


Su Hao wished he could hold her in his arms and love her a lot.

But no, Jianniang wakes up and accepts the world. She knows a lot of things from the very beginning, just like passing on. The current small business is probably in this state.

Su Hao was excited, and the company was even more excited than him.

The extremely strong enterprise, the calm enterprise, subconsciously clenched its fists at this time, staring at the small enterprise sitting on the bed in a daze.

After a while, the little guy finally turned his head around.

"Paper waving?"

Some can't speak clearly.

But after a pause, he said, "Commander?"

Milky voice.

"Yes, yes, I am your commander! She is..."



The company froze on the spot.



PS: I was transferred out of the intensive care unit and took care of them in turn. I feel that the situation is not bad. Thank you for your blessings. I am an old man in his [-]s. Suddenly, I am really worried. ε=(?ο`*)))

Chapter 608 Baseball, Fox Prompt, Daily Life

Simple small business, originally thought it was like this, but it wasn't like that.

It's just that when he first woke up, he was a little silly, but when he looked back, he completely changed.

This is how I woke up↓

And now it becomes like this↓

I don't like monotonous old clothes, I like trendy clothes, I like to wear a baseball cap and run around with a baseball bat.

I like to climb on trees, huh huh~ think of myself as an aircraft carrier that can fly, but no matter what, I still can't fly, so I fall, so dangerous, there are other ship girls below to catch it.

He likes to go to the beach to plan the sand, build a small castle, and show off to Su Hao triumphantly, but when suddenly a wave washes up, the small castle turns into a smooth sandy beach, crying.

Out of curiosity, Su Hao asked for a mobile phone, and he threw it away shortly after he pressed it. Just like her numbness, he didn't want to play with the mobile phone.

All in all, there is another lively little cutie in the port area.

There are little guys and small businesses in the port area. At first, the companies were a little apprehensive. In fact, it was completely unnecessary. It took less than two hours for the small businesses to fully integrate into the port area.

But because of the birth of the small business, Atago was ready to move, she regretted it now, if she persisted last night, there might be twins all of a sudden, a small business and a small Atago, isn't it great?

For this, Su Hao can only give her a blank stare, you think it's a piggy, how many do you want, the more the better?

At this time, the small business was arranged, and Su Hao continued to devote himself to his daily work.

dong dong dong~

Today's Minato Secretary ship is Fox Ti.

I have reminded many times that I must knock on the door before entering, but this time I finally remembered that it is not so easy to train a dog. This guy, like Xi Li, always likes to cling to people. He never had a chance before, but now he is the secretary ship, so he has a chance.

However, even if there is a chance, it won't work, at most give a hug, and resolutely pass other things!

"Commander Commander~"

Even if you don't do anything, just call a few times, your face will smile with excitement.

Su Hao raised his head, his gaze shifted from the computer to Hu Ti.

At this time, she was sitting at the rest table for entertaining guests in the office, with her hands propped on her sides, and her legs swinging back and forth regularly under the chair.

There is only one day to teach the secretary to work, the adults will do their homework in advance, the little ones are definitely not good, even if I tell them the day before, I promise well, and then I will forget it soon, and when I wake up the next day, I will be another Pipi shrimp.

So Su Hao didn't expect the little guy to help with anything at all, but even so, he still insisted on letting the little guy serve as the secretary ship. Richelieu finally agreed, and then silently handled most of the secretary ship's work.

Miss Li is awesome.

"Fox Ti, help me bring that over here."

Su Hao found something for her.

"Which one?"

"The documents in the cabinet, the files of the last quarter's settlement data."

"I don't know these words."

"That's the third from the left."

"One, two... three, this one?"

Hu Ti brought it over, and then obediently stood beside Su Hao.

However, after a few seconds, I felt bored again. I walked back to the chair and continued to sit, looked at Su Hao and then continued to wait. I was so bored. I went to lie on the sofa, picked up a book and read it upside down without paying attention. He kept glancing at Su Hao, and finally took out a pack of biscuits from somewhere, crunched and ate them. All in all, he didn't stop for a moment.

After a long time, Su Hao finished the work.

"All right."

"Going to play?"

"It's not for fun, but to inspect the port area."

"Yeah! (^-^)V is going to play!"

Can't wait to hold Su Hao's hand and run out of the office, talking while running, what are you going to play today, what did you play yesterday, and plan to catch fish, play ball and dive tomorrow, how far can you dive at a time, Commander?

"Today... well, it's a secretary ship so I can't go too far, but it's great to be with the commander, hehe~"

"You can also play, what do you want to play?"

"Aren't you going to inspect the port area?"

"It can be combined with inspections. For example, while walking, count how many ship girls you meet on this road, how many ship girls you meet on that road, and play with the ship girls. This is also part of the inspection."

It feels so boring, counting ship girls or something, how could I think of such a bad idea, no, super inferior.

Thinking of this, there was a crisp attack in the distance.

"A home run! A home run!"

I don't know who cheered, Su Hao turned his head, and there was a spacious grass field, and then saw a little guy running with his head up, his eyes moved with a white ball flying out of the sky.

At last the white ball flew out, flew through the woods and landed on the sand by the sea.

It was a small business that hit the ball. At this time, she chopped the baseball bat on her shoulder, with a confident look on her face.

"Who else is coming?"

She yelled, and immediately someone went over to challenge.

"Olic, you can't do it!"

Firefly shouted, "Let me do it."

"Who said I can't?"


"It's Orlik!"

Olik is not Ollie, concentrate, gather momentum, and throw the ball.


Knocked away.

Even with the power under control, the baseball still flew high, and everyone cheered.

Home runs, home runs, whatever, it always sounds weird, but only if you think it's weird.

Su Hao walked over.

"Whose turn is it?"

Not at a baseball game, just simply knocking the ball up.

"It's small business 5:0 now!"

Small Business grinned, "Who's next?"

She was originally a little girl, and she even spoke with a babyish voice, but now she looks like a little adult.

"I come!"

Saratoga jumped out and said loudly: "The aircraft carrier should use the aircraft carrier to sanction!"

"Come on, little Gaga!"

"You are the fattest!"

Saratoga raised his head and looked at Su Hao proudly, "Commander, watch!"

Su Hao nodded, I'm watching.

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