The commander watched the battle, proud for three seconds, and then the baseball was also knocked into the air. Sister Sara suddenly bent forward in frustration, and her whole body turned gray and white with no color.

"If it's a hit that goes out, it's a catch and the batter is out."

Su Hao felt that the small business would be supernatural after playing like this.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Fox ran over.

"This is the Goddess of Destiny, Hu Ti, you will be next in line."

"That's better than one pitch and one catch." Su Hao suggested, "The batter loses if he catches the ball."

"Commander, are you coming?"

"I'll forget it, I'll watch you guys play."

The goddess of fortune throws the ball, and the fox catches the ball.

Huti seemed quite excited, but the Goddess of Destiny's look of being so nervous that she was about to cry really couldn't make people look forward to her pitching.

As expected, Fate threw a limp parabola out.

"This kind of ball, I can fly it into the Milky Way!"

Small businesses swung aggressively.


The ball was too slow, it only hit the edge, and the baseball immediately spun and flew out, but it didn't fly too far, and Hu Ti jumped up and asked to catch it.


Small businesses are a little dumbfounded.

"Small business out?"

"What?" Small Business looked at Goddess Fate angrily, "How could you throw such a slow ball!"

"Haha~ This is also a kind of technology." Su Hao smiled, "It was all fast balls just now, and it suddenly slowed down. You must not be used to small businesses."

"So it's tactics?"

No, no, no, looking at the bewildered look of Goddess of Fate, I knew it was definitely not the case.

"Who's going to bat next?"

"Little Hiei."

Watching the girls playing baseball, I stayed for a long time, Hu Ti picked up a few times, hit 0 times, and finally happily stopped and returned to Su Hao's side.

She originally wanted to continue playing, but thought of her mission.

Su Hao asked: "Do you play like this every day?"

"It's not like that."

Hu Ti thought for a while, "Anyway, play whatever is interesting."

"I didn't see you go to the stadium and build it so big for nothing."

"Hee hee~ I still like a more spacious place."

"Is the stadium not spacious enough?"

"It's different, Commander, do you know? It's the kind where you can feel free. Playing volleyball in the stadium is different from playing outside on the beach."

Chatting like this, Hu Ti dragged him around.

Patrolling, running, and laughing all the time.

Patrolling the port area, no matter where you go, in fact, you walk here and pick up a ship girl, check your body, go there too, ask how you are doing, get along with each other, walk, walk, one day It's over.

"How does it feel to wear a fox today?"

Back at the residence, Richelieu said with some amusement: "I feel funny when I see you being dragged around by her. If you really don't want to, just say so, no one will force you."

"It's not that I don't want to." Su Hao poured a glass of water and sat down, "I was thinking, walking, eating, playing games, different moods will make a lot of difference, do you know Sister Li, today is a whole day God, I can feel that Huti is very happy."

"After all, she has been looking forward to it in her heart."

"So, it doesn't matter if you can't do anything as a secretary ship. If the port area can't bring happiness, the work of the secretary ship is meaningless. To make the port area better is actually to make the ship girls become better. to be happier, Miss Li, are you right?"

"Yes, yes, as long as you are happy."

Richelieu went to the kitchen and put on his apron.

"Let's eat at home today."

"I'll help too."

"Just sit down."

"I miss you."

"It's so fake... But I like to hear it. Say it again."

"I love you, I love you, I love you..."

"Okay, okay, nasty."


"That's right, Xiaohao."


"The iron-blooded people will arrive tomorrow."


PS: I just transferred my grandma to a big hospital. I have been busy all day today and went through the hospitalization procedures. I wrote a little bit until now, but I really can’t concentrate. I am very sleepy. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow morning. If the situation is stable tomorrow, I will take time write more~~~


I just got home, I didn’t have a shower, I’m too tired, my eyes feel red and swollen, please take a leave, sorry~

a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one A hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words

Chapter 609 When the Iron Blood Legion Meets the Scrap Maid

Putting away the sailing feet and boarding the boat, stomping on the side of the deck left wet water stains, the shoes were not wet, but the hem of the skirt was accidentally wet just now, Sheffield frowned slightly, and seemed dissatisfied.

"Xie Fei, how's the situation?"

A blond-haired girl came up to greet her.

"Just by looking at me, you know I'm fine, right?"

Sheffield replied calmly, with a dull and even indifferent expression.

"Hee hee~ Just ask me casually, the daily chat achievement with Xie Fei has been achieved, and the number of days has been increased by 1."

Girl, Galatea didn't care about Sheffield's tone at all.

In other words, she fully understands the serious heart behind Sheffield's expressionless mask.

The mouth says no, but the body is very honest, probably the mouth of a knife, the bean curd heart is not necessarily, because several times I saw a human being who wanted to get close and was said to be livid, but as a friend and also a ship girl, the girl thinks Sheffield people are pretty good.

"We are friends. I can't find an excuse to chat with you. I can't meet and walk over and pretend not to see it, can I?"

"That's good, just because I don't have to speak, although these few words are the same polite words that can be used by anyone."

Sheffield walked on.

Galatea chased after her, feeling aggrieved.

"Don't be like this, we are best friends~ On this ship, on this ship, do you have any other friends, Sheffield?"

The corner of Sheffield's mouth twitched slightly.

"No? Surely not? Don't say that even if you disembark from this ship, you will definitely not find it. After all, Xie Fei, you are so dishonest, it must be difficult to make friends, hehe~"

Sheffield stopped.

Reach out and pinch the other person's cheek.

Pull hard.

Pulling hard, very quickly, Galatea didn't even react.

"Woooo...Xie Fei, I was wrong."

"It's Xie Feier De!"

Word by word, the voice raised, but the expression still didn't change much. Facing this repulsive face, I'm afraid that apart from some lecherous guys, no 'friends' would come to her actively. Chatted.

However, as a frigate on the same cruise ship, I felt that I could become friends from the very beginning. After trying to contact Sheffield, Galatea discovered that there was a sincere heart hidden under the indifferent appearance. There will be.

Enthusiasm... Well, it can’t be counted. Even now, I am still treated indifferently, but if there is a problem, I will definitely show up to help as soon as possible. Everyone will be grateful to say thank you.

However, the real situation is that even if she is helped, she can't say the word "thank you", because Sheffield left without waiting for the other person to speak, which makes it impossible to determine whether she happened to pass by or came here to help, but there is no doubt. There is no doubt that in the end it will be mistaken for a cold 'charity', no gratitude is fine, and some may even hold a grudge.

Hello!no?Does anyone else feel like helping out?

Certainly not, Galatea thinks this way, human beings are complex creatures, they will doubt anyone except themselves, they always have the habit of thinking about the bad side first, it's really strange, obviously as long as this habit is reversed, happiness will be achieved It will definitely double.

It’s more than doubled, hehe, but the idiot can’t help it, alas~ also, if they can all develop towards the good side, there won’t be any troubles.

Her mind wandered a little, daydreaming, but she couldn't see the front with her eyes open, and then she was suddenly pulled back by Sheffield.

Galatea came back to her senses, her vision flickered, and several people walked past in front of her.

It's the ship girl, not a human being. Girls, adults and children, formed a special momentum when they walked over like this. Galatea was taken aback. Seeing the ship girl at the front, seeing her The towering illegal buildings, the slightly raised arc of the mouth, and the calm eyes piercing people's hearts, saw her, her long black hair was blown by the sea breeze, like a character in a novel, with magic power released, coercion, and a combat power of up to one million.

Galatea didn't dare to move for a moment.

Then the ship girl glanced at her, smiled and walked over.

Then a group of ship girls walked over.

It took a long time for Galatea to slow down, patted her chest, and said with a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, I almost ran into them, Xie Fei, thank you."

Sheffield kept staring at the ship girls.

Galatea scratched her head, her face full of confusion: "It's really strange, are there other frigates on board?"

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