"Not a frigate."

"Ah, that's right, it's not a frigate... Well, Xie Fei, did you feel it? They walked past me just now, and my small universe was about to shatter, huh~ It's so scary, I don't know where it came from." With such a group of powerful ship girls, I feel like I can't even beat the youngest one."

Galatea glanced at Sheffield, who was unmoved, and she continued: "Don't underestimate the little ship girl, the little ship girl has big guns, this is common sense, since I met a girl who looked like The guy who is much younger than me, after being abused by her, I no longer believe in love. There are so many good things in this world, just go wherever you want, little sister, you are so cute, why don’t you go home with your uncle, and your uncle will take you Going to see the goldfish is useless! You will definitely be beaten."


Sheffield said three words.

"Is that right? I also feel crazy, how can there be that kind of... ehhhhh! What are you talking about?"


Sheffield stepped aside.

She kept looking at the girls, there were big boats and small boats, the big boats were big and the small boats were small, the difference was too obvious.

"What a foul." Galatea clicked his tongue.

Sheffield looked at her and asked.

"Look, Xie Fei, is that ship girl's Oupai bigger than that little guy's head?"


"There is no such thing. I know that some big ships are very foul. Otherwise, the commanders in the port area would not have shouted 'big big' like playing dice when they were building. They are all enchanted, but I never thought of such a big , I'm so stupid, really, I'm so naive."

Sheffield didn't bother to pay attention to her. At this time, he looked at the girls on board, feeling puzzled, but of course he was interested. The ship was so boring, and he had seen them occasionally before, but he saw them as one or two, but he didn't expect them to be together.

"Our two Oppai are very small."


"By the way, Xie Fei, have you worn fat times today?"


Sheffield finally made a move.

"Ah, sorry, beat the mosquitoes."

"Wuu~~Xie Fei, I'm just joking, to liven up the atmosphere, not to say that you don't wear fat clothes at night..."

Bang bang bang! !


Galatea was knocked down and lay on the ground.

"Hehe~ What two interesting children."

Emperor Frederick's eyes fell on the two of them, "Are they the frigates of this ship?"

"Why do you care so much? It's Frederick the Great. Why do we take a cruise ship? There are so many people, it's annoying to death."

Hipper's face was full of anxiety, "I said that I am the ship's wife, and I still leaned in. If it weren't for being on the ship, I would have thrown those guys into the sea. Also, why are you so slow? How much Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

"Haha! Someone actually strikes up a conversation with you, is that person blind? No, you must have made it up yourself, right?"

Deutsch laughed.

"Huh!? Is there a problem with flirting with me?"

"Of course there is a problem. If you didn't have long hair, I would have thought you were a man. Your chest is too flat. I will call you Princess Taiping from now on."

"Huh!? Do you think your wrinkled and sagging breasts are beautiful? You are obviously a short man, but also an old woman, an old woman who is not tall."


Deutschland's voice raised, and he stared.

I'm an old woman?

You don’t want to donate your eyes, where am I drooping!I am youth, youth!

"That..." Leipzig raised his hand weakly, "You guys should stop arguing, it will affect others on the boat, so..."

"Huh!?" Hipper put his hips on his hips, "Who did I influence? It's clear that this guy is looking for trouble."

Leipzig pointed hesitantly at the two Sheffields in the distance.


"It's so far away, what's the impact?"


Leipzig immediately lowered his head and fell silent.

"Have you two had enough trouble?" Zeppelin said with a cold face, "It's not embarrassing to be on a boat and yell all day."

"Tch! It's better than you being cold and silent every day, acting like a ghost. Ghosts are not as cold as you."

Dezhi waved her hand, she was not afraid of Zeppelin, so what if she was big?Big ship, hehehe, the strongest aircraft carrier, the strongest aircraft carrier of iron and blood is you, you are the strongest light mother.

Zeppelin glanced at her, with a cold light in his wine-red eyes.

"Ah, everyone, don't quarrel." Frederick the Great said with a smile on his face, "And Deutschland, you are wrong."

Deutsch refused to accept: "Where did you say something wrong?"

"As for Zeppelin, although he looks cold, he is actually a very enthusiastic kid. Although he and Tirpitz don't have the same personality, they are also of the same type. He is a companion who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside~"

Zeppelin twitched.

Want to say something, did not say.

It's a bit strange for her to be called a 'child' by Frederick the Great for such a big person.

But this kind of thing, everyone who is iron-blooded knows that even Bismarck was a "child" in front of Frederick the Great, and Bismarck didn't say anything, so it seems that he doesn't care about it.

"Germany is also a good boy." Frederick the Great looked over with a smile, "But once in a while, you have to restrain your temper. It would be even better if you could give some of this lively character to little angel Spee. When the two are neutralized, you are the most well-behaved child in the world."

"Enough, enough!" Deutsch blushed, "Emperor Frederick, you guys, listen to me clearly, don't call me 'child' anymore! Otherwise, I will turn my face! I will turn my face!"

"Then you're out of luck." Hipper chuckled.

Turn it over, turn it over and show us.

Deutsch stared.

Earl Spey sat quietly.

z46 is flipping through the book.

Leipzig thought to himself, stop arguing, stop arguing.

A friendly, iron-blooded atmosphere.


"I remember that the cruise ship came from the Iron Blood, that is to say, these ship girls are from the Iron Blood camp, are they from the Iron Blood camp?"

Here, Galatea finally stood up, she patted the dust on her clothes, and complained a little, Xie Fei, you are too hard, and she still didn't say it in the end.


After being beaten up, he felt much better, and Sheffield rarely responded.

"Iron blood, I don't know what to do in Donghuang... Oh, I remembered, the last time I read the news, it seems that a port area in Donghuang has been recognized as the general base of the alliance of all parties. The port area has changed! To become an alliance base, with the commander in charge, it’s amazing.”

Galatea's eyes flashed, "Xie Fei, do you think these ship girls are going there? I remember it was... that's right! At the end of this cruise, I will say how the small place in Lingshui City will I didn’t go there before when I took a cruise ship, at most it’s a small passenger boat.”

Galatea was a little excited, and hurriedly asked if she wanted to go and have a look.

Unmoved, Sheffield walked in, and Galatea yelled and hurriedly followed.

Then when they walked halfway, they saw dark forces in the distance, and a big ship girl was waving at them.

Smiling, like the Madonna of Darkness, the Grim Reaper, hiss~ so scary.

Galatea's heart skipped a beat, and she whispered, "What should we do? Xie Fei Xie Fei, they seem to be eyeing us, won't they be beaten?"

Sheffield rolled his eyes.

"You talk too much, so you messed with them."

"Eh??? Can you hear it so far away? No, no... Xie Fei, don't go there!"

Xie Fei went, and Galatea hurriedly followed behind. The friendship between friends is as deep as the sea.

At this time, I straightened my chest and tried my best to show off my aura, but soon became discouraged. What, how could there be a ship girl who can compare to this group of guys in front of me!

"Hello." Frederick the Great greeted with a smile, "Children, don't be nervous, I just want to get to know you."

Galatea: ? ? ?


Who is it?

She looked left and right.

"Pfft~ So stupid."

Deutsch laughed.

Galatea suddenly raised her eyes, "What, it's really rude, Xie Fei, let's go!"

She went to La Sheffield, didn't move, and then heard Frederick the Great's light scolding.

"Dezhi, if this happens again, I will be angry."

Dezhi hesitated a few times, then turned his head humming.

If you're going to be angry, just shut up.

Galatea was curious, and suddenly felt like facing 'Ma Ma Sang'.

How should I put it, seeing the smile on Frederick the Great's face, "ah~ so warm", like this, I can't help but want to rely on it.

"What's your name?"

When she heard Frederick the Great ask, she immediately replied, "I'm Galatea, she's Sheffield, what about you sister?"

"Me~" Emperor Frederick smiled, "Sit down and talk."

"Oh oh~"

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