Galatea sat down, and then saw Sheffield standing, pulled up her sleeves, hurry up, listen to Mama.

Sheffield sat down anyway.

Frederick the Great personally took their snacks.

"Not so much, not so much." Galatea waved his hand, said, and took all of them, took a few bites and his eyes lit up, "Is there any more?"


She was attacked by the eyes of Earl Spey.


Galatea froze for a moment, realizing that the other party was looking at the food in her hand.

"Spee, I'll get you more later, how about using these to entertain friends?"

Earl Spey thought for a while and nodded.

Deutsch muttered: Take more, it’s not mine, huh~

"Are you frigates?"

"Ah yes, it's a frigate, how about you?"

"Guess." Frederick the Great smiled.

"Is it the Iron Blood? The Maritime Bureau...ah no, the Iron Blood does not have the Maritime Bureau, the headquarters of the Iron Blood Ship Mother?"

"Hehe~ You are a very smart kid."

Sure enough, Galatea got a little excited, and then looked at Sheffield, who kept silent, no, he would be called rude.

"Shefy Shefy."

She reminded in a low voice.

"what's your name?"

Sheffield asked.

"Ah, do you want to know that much?"

Sheffield nodded.

"Her name is Frederick the Great." Deutsch interjected, "You can also call her Emperor's Mother kindly, anyway, she will definitely call you your child."

Galatea is directly petrified in place.

Sheffield was also stunned for a moment, her mentality was stable... Sure enough, she couldn't be stable. The name of Frederick the Great successfully cured her facial paralysis that had been going on for many years.

"Wait, wait a minute! Isn't Emperor Frederick the...the ship's mother who exists in theory?"

Galatea exclaimed.

"Yes, but the theory is also possible, right?" Frederick the Great smiled, "So don't be too nervous, just treat me as a ship girl like you, or... if you call me sister, I will do it too." I'll be very happy~"

"Pfft~ You should still call her mother, she will definitely be angry if you call her sister, and she will be angry in her heart."

Frederick the Great looked over.

The smile is restrained.

Immediately, Germany felt that he had become small, and the figure of Frederick the Great had become infinitely huge.

This sense of gap, under the strong shock, caused deep fear in her heart. She felt a chill in her heart, it was over, it was really over this time.

But it's a risk, it's not over, because Sheffield spoke.

"Why are you here?"

Emperor Frederick withdrew his gaze.

He pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

"Go to Donghuang to do something."

"Are you going to Lingshui City?" Galatea blinked.


"That's a coincidence!" Galatea said excitedly, "We originally planned to stay in Lingshui City for a few days. I heard that the port area over there is the Donghuang Port area. It is true that it has now become the headquarters. Is it? Why is a human port area like this, isn’t it better to choose the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration in a place like the Alliance Base?"

"This one... you will know when you see it." Frederick the Great kept a smile on his face, "Speaking of which, you are free ship girls, right? Have you considered where to join?"


Galatea shook her head, "No, it's good to feel free." After speaking, she looked at Sheffield again, "How about you, Sheffield?"


"Isn't it a maid?" Frederick the Great wondered, "For a maid, there will always be a master who wants to serve, right?"

When she saw Sheffield wearing a maid outfit, she thought it was someone's maid ship at first, but later found out that it was not, it was a frigate.

Generally, the frigate girls who travel such long distances are free ship girls. It is impossible to rest assured about the port area, and the time is too long. After all, the main task of the port ship girls is to do the daily work of the port area.

Since it is a free ship girl, after these few days of observation, it feels pretty good, and Emperor Frederick wants to absorb it into the Iron Blood headquarters.

Otherwise, if the light does not come in, what will happen to the work?

These days, she also helped post a few recruitment announcements!

There is no way, the base has been leaving one after another recently, coupled with the arrangement of exchange and study, the manpower was not enough for a while.

Although the two are just vanguard ships, in her opinion, they don't need to be too powerful. The frigate is just right, and they can handle other things after they have experience in escorting.

But Sheffield's answer is still very dragging.

"The master worthy of my service in this world has not yet been born."

Galatea raised his forehead: "Xie Fei, what are you talking about? How can you be like this? When you meet someone, you call him a scumbag. You have such a vicious mouth. Let alone the master, you can't even find friends."

"Those people are scumbags." Sheffield insisted on his point of view, with a blank expression, "I'm just telling them the truth. I can't hold on to this level. Living in this world, I feel worse than cockroaches. At least cockroaches eat They earn less than them, and they will not take the initiative to come out to disgust others."

Emperor Frederick was surprised, and then smiled and said: "There are indeed many such people in human beings, but we can't generalize. At least the human beings I have seen, human commanders, also have many excellent existences."

"Then it's a pity I didn't meet you." Sheffield didn't have any regrets on his face, "It's good if I didn't meet you, after teaching all the scumbags, a fool like Galatea won't be so easily deceived gone."

"No way, Xie Fei, I'm so stupid and sweet. I'm just a little more enthusiastic. I still know what those people are like."

Galatea felt aggrieved.

Aside, Hipper was a little excited.

"What's that called? Sheffield... Sheffield." She said impatiently, "I know a commander, do you want to introduce him to you? He's a good guy, he's definitely not a scumbag, huh~"

Haha, introduce that guy Su Hao to this poisonous maid, ask him to take my Eugen away, ask him to be so arrogant, hum!

"no need."

Sheffield shook his head indifferently, "I don't have the habit of disgusting myself."

"Don't worry, he's really nice." Hipper raised his eyebrows and winked, "It's the destination of this cruise ship, the port area of ​​Lingshui City, just now you mentioned the location of the alliance base, just now we will also go there , how about taking you there to see?"

"Okay, okay!"

Galatea nodded, "Xie Fei, let's go over and have a look. What is that powerful port area like? I have never seen such a special port area since I grew up. It allows the alliance base to be set up in our own port area." In the district, how powerful it is!"

Sheffield hesitated.

Look, what's there to see.

It's just that there are more people.

The port area is bigger.

Commander definitely can't say good or bad, if you say good, she can't say bad, all the ship girls in the port area are facing the commander, even these people must say good, there is no one who goes to someone's house to speak ill of him.

But Galatea insisted, and Sheffield could only nod.

Originally, she planned to break up with Galatea when she arrived in Lingshui City.

Since it's so long, it's okay to stay for a while.

It's just that when she saw Hipper's appearance, she knew that something was wrong.

"Then it's settled!"

Hipper was afraid that others would not know what conspiracy she had.

But Galatea was still immersed in excitement, and Sheffield found out but didn't say anything.

Frederick the Great frowned slightly.

Because she suddenly realized that if she was going to the port area this time, she would bring two Liberty Ship Girls with her, I'm afraid...

It seems that they have to be drawn into the Jianniang headquarters before Lingshui City.


In the next few days, when they had nothing to do, they got together.

Under the intentional arrangement of Frederick the Great, they became good 'friends'.

It's just that Sheffield still kept his face sullen throughout the whole process. When asked, Galatea said that someone once owed her money and ran away without changing it. In fact, she couldn't find a fat time when she woke up in the morning, so she felt uncomfortable because she had to go into battle in a vacuum?

Wait, wait, it might be quite comfortable to go into battle in a vacuum, how do you know if you haven't tried it?

Want to try it?

Sure enough, it was still a pass, Galatea shook her head and gave up this perverted idea.

But even though they became friends, because of Sheffield's hard-to-understand heart, Frederick the Great's win-win plan did not succeed.

Until the cruise ship arrives in Lingshui City.

Su Hao, who received the news in advance, brought Richelieu and Bismarck to wait here early.

"Is that the cruise ship?"

Su Hao pointed to a huge cruise ship that was entering the port, "It's really strange, isn't Iron Blood so many ships, why take a cruise ship?"

"It was proposed by Frederick the Great." Bismarck shook his head, "She always has her own ideas, and it must not be that simple."

"Well, that's right. Maybe it's to let everyone get in touch with the outside world. It's not good to stay on the island all the time."

Su Hao thinks it makes sense.

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