Take a look at those ship girls who are iron-blooded, each of them has a strange personality.

Looking at so many camps, the iron-blooded one is the strangest.

Some are world-weary, autistic, sickly, arrogant, withdrawn, timid...

The personality is so distinct that one person can be divided into one without repetition.

Thinking this way, the cruise ship docked, the boards were put down, and the tourists on board came ashore one after another.

From afar, Su Hao saw the most eye-catching girls in the crowd.

One, two, three, four, five... seven, eight, nine?


Isn't it seven?Why are there nine?

Frederick the Great, Hipper, z46, Zeppelin...

I know all of them, and two don't.

Wait until they come to Su Hao's side.

Su Hao looked at the two curiously.

One looks quite normal, shouldn't it be the iron-blooded ship girl?Enthusiastic girl, has the image of a ship girl.

As for the other...

The maid, and then a Sima face.

Su Hao was stunned for a moment.

"Are you Sheffield?"

Sheffield had to raise his eyes, and finally started to look Su Hao squarely.


PS: Grand Fleet has been updated! !

Chapter 610 Actual Combat Exchange, Recovery Plan of NA Sea Area

Crumbs, Field.

Did you hear me right just now?

The maid's self-introduction, um, although I have already guessed it, that's what Galatea is called, and I'm not the only one who calls it that.

Su Hao was still regretting the lack of a core force in the maid team before, but he came up with whatever he wanted, let’s talk about it, what is the European Emperor?Translation What is the name of translation, TM's, European Emperor?

Got it, you can do whatever you want, that's called Ouhuang.

Su Hao felt a little proud.

Then after hearing the explanation from Frederick the Great, I realized that it was the companions I met on the road and not the people from the headquarters of the Jagged Ship Girl.

The three Leander sisters were still strolling in the port area before, but recently they were often entangled by the ship girls in the port area. Now everyone knows that the free ship girls in the port area are a family.

There is no need for the family to talk so much. Su Hao is thinking about when to bring them into the port area communication group and mention it to other ship girls.

On the other side, Galatea and Sheffield stood on the yacht.

Now they are newcomers and cute newcomers. Seeing those big guys chatting together, the temperament of the big guys in the chatting and laughing is fully revealed. In contrast, Galatea pulled up her clothes, hid herself, and then swallowed I spit.

What kind of ship girls are these, Richelieu, Bismarck, Frederick the Great, Zeppelin, this is not counted, there are several others who cannot be named but are very powerful at first glance.

Then she lowered her head.

"Xie Fei, is this really a yacht?"

She stomped her feet, and there was a bang bang bang on the deck, and she didn't dare to use too much force, for fear that she would directly stomp off a piece of gold, and would not be able to pay for it if she sold her.

Sheffield didn't speak, and pointed to the top horizontal part of the yacht, where three large characters were written with spray paint: Lingshui.

"Battleship?" Galatea was stunned for a moment, "No, it really is a yacht, the Lingshui yacht, the signboard, tsk tsk~"

Galatea marveled, how much such a large yacht is worth.

Probably she won't earn it in her whole life... no, she won't be able to earn it in her next life.

Just as he was talking, the yacht had already arrived at the dock in the port area.

On the pier, many ship girls walked back and forth, walking, chatting, and watching the scenery, and they didn't care at all about the entry and exit of yachts.

Commander is out?Oh, the commander is back, the yacht must have been loaded with a ship girl.

"Xie Fei, look, look!" Galatea yelled, "Look at the pier, those houses are exactly the same as the port, this is the port area, the port area!"

Sheffield covered his ears in disgust.

On the pier, Befa folded his hands in front of him, and stood there alone waiting.

She came over after finishing her work and learned about Su Hao's itinerary. As the master's maid, she must first give the guests a good impression. The maid's good impression is the master's good impression, and finally converted into bonus points, making a contribution to the fishing boat .

The yacht docked, and Sheffield's eyes fell, and he trembled slightly.

"Look, Xie Fei, there is a maid just like you."

Su Hao came out of the cab.

"Master." Befa smiled slightly, and looked at the iron-blooded people: "Welcome to the port area, everyone."

"Belfast, we meet again." Frederick the Great raised his lips slightly, "As a maid, you are still as competent as ever. Have you considered working in Iron Blood? No matter what the conditions are, you can do it~"

"Thank you for your kindness." Befa always had a smile on his face, polite and calm, "But Befa is the master's maid, and Befa will go wherever the master goes, and has no intention of leaving the master."

"Ah, that's such a pity."

"Uh, Emperor Frederick, do you want to dig the wall in front of me?" Su Hao's face was full of black lines, "What should I say about you?"

"Isn't that the same, Commander?" Emperor Frederick chuckled, "Even the flagship of our iron-blooded fleet was taken away."

Su Hao sneered, and looked at Bismarck, whose expression was as calm as usual, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

The ship girls are all calm, what's the embarrassment of the commander, stand upright, Su Hao stands upright, not afraid of slander!

Then he heard two guys talking behind him.

"Galatea, Sheffield."

He called out, "Let me introduce to you, this is the head maid of our port area, the leader of the maid group."


Galatea was a little confused.

Sheffield tilted his head.

"Hello." Belfa smiled, "Sheffield...it's actually a maid. It's my first time meeting you. Nice to meet you."

When the maid saw the maid, Sheffield felt strange for a moment.

Galatea was chattering along the way just now, saying things like 'this commander is so powerful', 'the rich man', 'it's definitely not a loss to be recognized as the master', although she is disdainful, how could it be possible What about such a superficial ship girl?

Rich and powerful, how about it?Want to be my Sheffield owner, dream!


She, Sheffield, is a connotative ship girl!

But when she saw Belfast at this time, she knew the legendary head maid, because she heard that Belfast was a maid, and the characteristics brought out by the ship girl from her appearance were too few and too few to be famous for it. There is no doubt that Belfast Fa is the pride of the maid world, and it is also an existence that Sheffield has always wanted to know.

However, now there is a Befa, who is actually in this port area, which makes her a little confused. The surprise in her heart is even magnified by [-] times the expression on her face. It is a pity that although Frederick the Great and others appeared before, it was cured. She has had facial paralysis for many years, but she is still used to facial paralysis, and she can still maintain a calm and composed expression on her face even when the surprise effect is magnified ten thousand times.

That's the strength of Sheffield.


Out of politeness, she spoke anyway.

"Everyone please come inside."

Beffa led the way for everyone.

Although Frederick the Great and the others are guests, this is not the first time they have come, and they are very familiar with the port area.

It's just that Galatea and Sheffield are newcomers. They walked and watched all the way, and they were surprised all the way. Galatea's jaw fell to the ground, and Sheffield was not much better. It is still expanding ten thousand times. Now Some were too surprised to speak vulgar words.

"Your port area has changed a lot." Dezhi looked around all the way, "When will you get a sightseeing car, won't it be troublesome to walk?"

"Exercising is also good."

"If you can exercise while walking, then our mother-in-law has already gone to heaven."

Saying so, a voice came from the sky.

"Hoohoo~ Chong Duck!!"

I don't know which little guy's shout came from, flying in a carrier-based aircraft, it was a Hellcat carrier-based aircraft, and everyone raised their heads.

Richelieu frowned: "Is it from Xiao Chicheng?"

"But that guy above shouldn't be... Xue Feng's voice?"

Soon another carrier-based plane flew up, but there was no one on the carrier-based plane. It circled around after the one in front, and it seemed that something had happened, so it flew down in a hurry.

Su Hao twitched and said, "We don't take sightseeing buses in the port area, but take carrier-based planes."

Deutsch immediately laughed.

Richelieu sighed softly: "It seems that we need to clearly stipulate it in the future."

After a small episode, everyone continued to walk in.

Su Hao was clear about the purpose of Frederick the Great and their communication, and he was not in a hurry anyway. At this moment, he looked at Galatea and the two of them.

"What are your plans? If you want to visit, I can ask Jian Niang to take you there. My place is quite big, and there are many houses and rooms. If you want to, you can stay for a few more days."

The two looked at each other.

Galatea said, "Can we take a look first?"

"of course."

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