"It doesn't cost money to stay here, does it?"

"A visitor is a guest, and giving each guest the warmest treatment is the way of hospitality in our port area."

"Sounds great, Xie Fei Xie Fei, shall we play here for a few more days?"

Sheffield didn't say a word, thinking that of course it sounds good, but if it's not good, how can it catch you, a silly girl?

But she is also interested in this place, the most important thing is Belfa. I just heard that there is a group of maids here, which is too much, just a port area, and a group of maids?

Both of them were interested, so after agreeing, Su Hao called Sirius over to be their guide.

Then the rest came to the office.

"Where's Eugen?"

Hipper didn't see anyone he wanted to see along the way, "Where did you hide Eugen?"

"I didn't hide it." Su Hao was speechless, "Just give her a call."

"I called early, but I didn't answer."

"Maybe basking in the sun by the sea, she often does this."

Hipper was vigilant: "It's often like this? Do you often go to peep while lying on the beach in a bathing suit?"

"Xiao Hao doesn't need to peep." Richelieu said lightly, "Prince Eugen would like to come over and show him."

"Liar!" Hipper was hit hard, "I don't believe it, I'll go find her!"

After finishing speaking, he left the back of a defeated dog and rushed out of the office.


"Bad dog."

Deutsch laughed.

The others didn't care, as Hipper had always been like this anyway.

Belfa poured tea for everyone.

Su Hao opened his mouth and said: "As for the content of exchange and learning, I think it is mainly about exercises and combat, and the other is theoretical negotiation. At that time, I will ask Richelieu to allocate according to your respective situations, and then in the port area. Find some corresponding ship girls to communicate with you, how about it?"

"It's so troublesome." Deutsch waved his hand, "It's better to fight directly."

Bismarck said blankly: "Every time you hit you, you lose. What's the point?"

"Who said that? I have become very powerful!"

Bismarck shook his head, you are amazing, Eugen is a few blocks away from you.

She didn't want to tell Dezhi that Eugen sleeps in the port area every day, basks in the sun and eats to amuse Su Hao, but his strength has grown steadily, and the evil will return to the evil.

"Yes~" Frederick the Great nodded, "However, I hope to arrange more exercises and operations. It is best to have actual combat exchanges. From the daily operations in the port area, we can also learn a lot. This point Bismarck said it long ago."

Su Hao nodded: "Of course."

"Master." Befa walked to the desk and took a piece of paper, "This is the document sent by the Maritime Safety Administration just now, and I printed it out."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Su Hao took it over and took a look, and was stunned for a moment: "Maritime Raiders? Bagui District and Ninghe District join forces? How did it get to me?"

Richelieu chuckled: "Have you forgotten your identity? You are the commander of Donghuang, and you belong to the Bagui District. This document should be distributed in groups."


Su Hao took a closer look. It is probably an important sea area named NA in Area E. The sirens in it seem to have retreated a lot. That area is particularly important for Donghuang. It is to open up the gap between Donghuang and Chongying. important areas of contact.

If this sea area can be regained, the trade between Donghuang and Sakura will be raised to a higher level by then.

The most direct beneficiaries are the Bagui District and Ninghe District, which are close to this sea area, so the Maritime Safety Administration decided to form a joint operation.

"It is estimated that you will be notified soon that you don't need to go."

As soon as Richelieu finished speaking, Su Hao's cell phone rang.

"Yixian." He glanced at it and took it over, "Hello?"

"Su Hao? Have you seen the combat notification? Sorry, because it was a group notification sent by the commanders in the selected area, it was also sent to you."

"I know, I saw it just now, but will the commanders of both areas participate in this operation?"

"No, it's mainly to select some powerful commanders. This battle is also very important to us, so we must ensure that it can be successful."

"I see."

Su Hao understood.

"Commander Su Hao."

Emperor Frederick said suddenly, "Why don't you include this battle in the exchange and learning content?"

"Huh?" Su Hao looked surprised, "Do you want to participate in joint operations?"

Emperor Frederick smiled lightly: "Exchanges and learning are best achieved through actual combat. It just so happens that this is an opportunity, so you don't have to think about other arrangements."

"that's true."

"Huh? Su Hao, who are you talking to?"

"Oh, it's Frederick the Great."

"She's at!?"

"Iron Blood exchanged studies with the port area. Many ships from the Iron Blood Fleet have come and want to participate in this joint operation. How about it? Is it convenient?"

Yixian was silent for a long time.

"You are the commander-in-chief. You can decide for yourself. If you want to participate, you can make an agreement with the Duke of York. She is the person in charge of deployment in the Bagui District."


After hanging up the phone, Su Hao pondered for a moment, and said, "Since this is the case, let's go and participate. It happens to be an important battle. As the commander of Bagui District, we naturally have to contribute."

"Why don't you just take the fleet in the port area and fight over there." Deutsch said disdainfully, "What is there to unite with? Those port areas will only drag you down."

"You can't say that." The corner of Frederick's mouth raised, "One person's strength is limited. In joint operations, the port area and the port area, the good cooperation between the teams, and the use of effective tactics, can be used. Unexpected results."

"Our enemy is the Siren. The strength of the Siren is unquestionable, so we must seize every opportunity to learn to strengthen ourselves. Maybe this time the situation is strong and the enemy is weak, but what about next time? If we don't learn to join forces In combat, once you encounter an enemy stronger than us, the only option is death."

"Well... well, well, I admit that you are right."

Deutsch pouted and stopped talking.

Su Hao also felt that what the emperor said made sense.

Being strong is only temporary, so what about the strongest port area?

Not the strongest in the world.

Not to mention the Siren, even if you meet those embers and black companies, you have absolutely no chance of winning if you fight alone.

Isn't the so-called joint action just to learn tactics and strategies that can change the situation of the battle? To defeat a powerful opponent with a joint force of small forces. If Su Hao doesn't participate, the joint operation between Bagui District and Ninghe District will probably be successful. That's it.

However, the matter is very important. Considering the importance of the NA sea area to the development of Donghuang, it is natural to take victory as the first goal, and to ensure that the results of the battle are foolproof under the condition of exerting the joint effect.

After chatting for a few more words, everyone dispersed.

"Leipzig, you're here too."

Su Hao stopped the cute girl with a perky ass. To be honest, he was very surprised when he saw Leipzig's name appear on the list.

After all, Leipzig was in charge of the cafeteria when he was Iron Blood. Considering the improvement of abilities, the ship girl in charge of the battle should be the priority, right?

"Mm, um...Master Commander, I want to take a look so please..."

Leipzig lowered his head, his face was rosy and very cute.

"Leipzig applied for it herself." z46 popped up, "She wants to see your port area, Commander."

When you arrive in the port area, call the commander. Of course, this commander is not that commander.

"Hold, sorry to bother you." Leipzig kneaded his hands a little uneasily.

"What's the matter, didn't I tell you? You are always welcome if you want to come."

No commander would dislike the visit of the ship's mother, especially Su Hao.

"Let's go, I'll show you around the port area."

Leipzig nodded excitedly, and followed Su Hao with a blushing face.

"Z46, let's go."

The little guy followed behind.

Go downstairs and walk around the port area, look here and there, and let them imagine their future plans.

In the evening, Su Hao asked the maid team to prepare a sumptuous welcome dinner.

The noise lasted until midnight, and then the next morning, when Su Hao's cheek was still buried in his radiant and warm chest...

A phone call woke him up.

"Hmm... Gu Ping?"

"Su Hao, are you still sleeping? You'll be paralyzed after sleeping!"


"Don't sleep, be serious, hurry up and tell me what to do when you attack?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"Hey~ Let me tell you, the port area where I have been devolved for internship this time will conduct a joint operation to recover some NA. The commander here said that he can take me to participate and see the world. How about it? Are you envious?"

Su Hao was silent for a moment.

Immediately, hang up the phone.

Turn over and continue to be buried between the bright and warm breasts.


PS: After the update, it feels so difficult to play, my grass period is gone, damn it, return my grass period!

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