"I'm not going anyway."

Deutsch doesn't want to say anything more.

Bismarck and Frederick the Great looked at each other, and they nodded slightly.

"Then Germany and Earl Spey stay here, Hipper, how about you?"

"I'll go!" Hipper said immediately, "I'll sign up with Eugen, the most iron-blooded vanguard team!"

"The strongest vanguard... Ron also said before that he would come."

Su Hao remembered that there was another person, but Ron is not here now, so he doesn't know where he went.

Hipper choked and stopped talking for a while.

Finally decided.

Great Emperor, Hipper, Eugen, z46, Tirpitz, Ron.

Six ship girls are enough, if there are more, I'm afraid to scare others.

As for the others, Zeppelin is obviously not interested in drinking, Leipzig seems to be more interested in the large canteen in the port area, and Germany is sharpening its knife to Kaohsiung, each has its own things to do.

In the end, Bismarck stayed to guard the port area, lest these little bastards like Iron Blood make trouble.

On Su Hao's side, he brought the battle maid Sirius because he wanted to fight. The rest, Enterprise, Amagi, Akagi Kaga, in order to make up for the shortcomings of the iron-blooded aircraft carrier, but it seems a bit too much. After thinking about it, the other vanguard troops, Santiago Firefly, enough, a little too much but not too much, give others some room to play.

"No problem, let's go."

The whole team came to the pier, Lingshui - set sail!



Gu Ping walks a little sloppy now.

Toes on the ground, good or bad, let's be more down-to-earth, what to do, his mouth is cracked, he can't stop laughing, he can't be too Su Hao, he always reminded in his heart, and then took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mind.

It has been half a month since I came to this port area for an internship, and I have learned everything I need to learn, and I can do it well.

It's been like this, it's quite satisfactory, the seniors here said that he is pretty good, and he should be able to get a high score.

However, the number of actual attacks so far is pitifully small, the number of official battles is only 2, and the number of battles led alone is 0.

The main reason is that the time is too short. For half a month, most of the front is learning how to manage the port area, and only then will they have the opportunity to attack. In fact, there are not so many battles in the port area. Sometimes the whole day is calm, and the seniors have already taken care He, let him follow every attack.

However, it would be a pity to go back like this.

My glorious career has been golden since I entered school, the golden legend, the Warspite, everyone is envious, and then?The golden internship career, after graduation is the beginning of the golden commander career.

In order to draw an end to the academy career, this joint operation is absolutely necessary.

Gu Ping even felt that he was probably the protagonist of this game, right?All the way is smooth and smooth, luck is good, and someone gives you a pillow when you sleep, isn't it like this for the protagonists in novels?

"Gu Ping, are you ready?"

A senior in Minato, a young man less than 30 years old came from afar.

Zhao Hua, a veteran who graduated from the Naval Academy in Bagui District, has managed the port area smoothly and steadily until now. He has not made great achievements but has been dedicated to his duties until now, and the development of the port area is not bad.

How can there be so many chosen people? For most commanders, they actually prefer this kind of ordinary life.

I chose to be a commander because I wanted to be with the ship's mother. Because I became a commander, I felt the responsibility on my shoulders, but compared to going to the sea to ride the wind and waves to make achievements, I can guard my own sea area so that the ship's mother will not be injured. It is enough that the security of the sea area is guaranteed.

Zhao Hua has always come here like this.

But now that he has such an opportunity, the risk is not too great, and he has done a lot of military exploits. As an ordinary commander, he will naturally not give up this opportunity.

At this moment, he walked over and called out to Gu Ping, who immediately responded to him.

"Senior, I'm ready."

With his own ship wife, Warspite and London, Gu Ping straightened his waist.

"Don't be so nervous, take it easy." Zhao Hua smiled, "It's not like we're going to fight right away."

"Hey~ I can't help it, I'm excited."

"I'm not joking." Zhao Hua became serious, "Relax, it's very important to have a calm mind. Our commanders don't need to face the sirens directly to fight, but we need to pay attention to the overall battle situation from behind the battlefield and take care of the situation. Keep your eyes wide open, don't be locked by the ship girl, no matter how worried we are, it won't help, it's better to think about what to do next to make the situation better."

Gu Ping nodded, Su Hao seemed to have said this too.

"But...although we say so, we are commanders after all." Zhao Hua patted Gu Ping on the shoulder, "It's normal to be worried about the ship's mother, how can a commander not worry about his own ship's situation, take your time, You still have a long way to go in the future, I don't expect you to do your best at once, but I hope you can gain something every time, and then improve, you grow, this is the best thing to be responsible for the ship girl Performance."

Gu Ping looked serious, and said loudly: "I remember the senior!"

"Okay, very spirited!"

Zhao Hua nodded in satisfaction.

These days, people are not afraid of hot-blooded youths, but those above them.

"Let's go."

They walked towards the pier.

"Speaking of which, Gu Ping, I seem to have heard you mention that you have a brother who is also a commander in Bagui District?"

"Well, I said so."

"Will he pass this time?"

"Yes, I'll talk to him on the phone in the morning."

"Okay, let me introduce you to me when the time comes. Joint operations between commanders is very important. He should be about the same age as you, right? Newcomer commander, I will take him with me when I have time. When you graduate, let's go together Form a large fleet."

"Uh... well, I'll ask him, ask him."


The yacht gradually entered the waters of Wujiang City.

I contacted Zhu Qiao for a while, and she also participated without any accident. After all, I haven't seen each other for a while since the last time we parted.

"Well, I'm here, and I'm going to your port area. Come out, let's go to the Maritime Safety Administration together."

Su Hao hung up the phone.

The Lingshui sailed close to the coastline, and soon a tall building stood among the trees in the distance.

"There is a port area over there. I visited it when I first became a commander."


Prince Eugen asked inexplicably.

"Does it matter?"

"That's not true, hehe~"

"Eugen, how did you learn to be yin and yang?"

Hipper felt weird, his sister couldn't explain it in words.


With a loud cry, Su Hao thought he had brought the wrong person, but when he turned around, it was Santiago.

"Wow! Commander, this yacht is awesome!"

She stood on the yacht and swayed in the wind.

"Santiago, be careful."

"It's okay, nothing... woohoo!"

boom! ~

Su Hao's heart skipped a beat.

Run over in a hurry.


"Woooo...it's okay, it's okay." She got up and sat on the ground, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Commander, don't worry."

"go away."


Su Hao threw her away, touched the deck, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's okay, it's not bad.

The high-end ones are different. If it is the one at home, it may make a hole if it is dropped from such a high position.

Santiago: "???"

"Don't do this next time." Su Hao coughed lightly, pretending, "What should I do if I fall? Right?"

"Oh, I see, Commander."


Another sound.

The firefly rushed out, but she didn't go on a rampage. Now she has learned to behave well, and she resolutely maintains the image of a good child when Su Hao is around.

"Look, Commander, it's here."

She stood on the railing and waved.

The yacht is approaching the port area, and the ladies of the ship gather.

In the distance, Zhu Qiao is leading the girls out.

"It's coming, huh? Su Hao, isn't this yacht the one from last time? Did you buy another yacht?"

Just as Su Hao was about to say hello, his heart felt bleeding in a word.

Ron played with his hair, looked away, and did not meet Su Hao's gaze.

Akagi on the side yawned, thinking that the moonlight is so beautiful.

"There are other things about that yacht." Su Hao twitched, "My family has nothing else, only more yachts."

"Tsk tsk~ rich and willful."

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