Zhu Qiao climbed into her small yacht.

"It seems that Lu Dong is also here this time, have you contacted him yet?"

"No, he came so far away?"

"Of course you can't miss such a good opportunity. It's okay to fight for it if you can't do it. If you do it, you can make a lot of money. What's that saying? It's not a loss anyway, right?"

Su Hao smiled, "Yes, it's not a loss anyway."

After chatting for a few words, the two drove the yacht towards the Maritime Safety Administration.

As the sun was setting, many commanders had already gathered.

Yachts are everywhere on the pier, near and far. On the pier, the commanders walked around with the ship girls, the sea wind blowing, and the waves pushed the yachts to sway.

Gu Ping tied the rope to the stone pillar.

"Senior, is that all right?"

"Well, it's almost done after dropping the anchor and tying the rope. The yacht is an important tool for the configuration of the port area. The commanders have to rely on it when they go out to sea, so they must be protected at all times."

"Uh, is it assigned by the Maritime Safety Administration?"

"Of course, otherwise which rookie commander can afford a yacht?"

"Is that all yachts of this size?"

"Yes, the yacht specifications of the Maritime Safety Administration are all unified."

"Is there one that is several times bigger?"

Zhao Hua laughed, there was nothing the newcomers could do if they didn't understand the market.

"Gu Ping, although the number of port areas is not large, they add up to a lot. Equipping each port area with so many resources is enough even if the Maritime Safety Administration has the support of the state, so they are all equipped with the most standard equipment. How could it be several times bigger? How much would it cost? And it’s not necessary, I dare say that there is no one of that level in the entire Donghuang.”

Saying this, the ship girl next to him tugged at his sleeve.

"Commander, look over there."

Zhao Hua turned her head.

At the same time, a group of walking commanders on the pier stopped.

Qiqi looked at the ultra-luxury yacht that was gradually sailing into the dock.


Zhao Hua had thousands of words in his heart, and they turned into the sweetest words when they reached his mouth.

"This guy is a dog, right? The second generation of dogs, he came here to bask in the sun."

"No... Commander, look at the deck, there is still that spray paint."

"Huh? Lingshui? Lingshui? Isn't that..."

Thinking of this, Gu Ping's excited voice came from his ear.

"Su Hao! Su Hao! This way!"

Zhao Hua: "???"


PS: The iron-blooded army is coming, I love the style of the iron-blooded ship girl, nmd, what kind of Azur Lane commander is it, wouldn't it be good to go to the red center axis?

PPS: On Christmas Eve, a lonely code word, does anyone send a girlfriend?

Chapter 612 Commander Su, How Did You Get The Boat?

Zhao Hua stood in the wind.

He was indeed standing in the wind, and the wind was blowing in all directions, whistling, blowing on his body and blowing into his heart.

At this time, he looked at Gu Ping's junior who was chatting happily with Su Hao not far away.

It is reasonable for juniors to come to Minato for an internship as seniors to take care of them, right?

and then?The brothers of the younger generation will also come to participate in the joint operation, so it is reasonable to take care of them as a senior, right?

Originally it was double happiness, why, why does he feel cold in his heart now?

Gu Ping, I regard you as a junior and as a friend, but now...

He raised his head and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees. The evening sunset reflected on his cheeks, revealing the loneliness in his heart.

No more, no more, I will never be able to be friends happily again.

"Zhao Hua, do you know that person?"

Someone around me asked.

He turned around, ahed, and asked again, "Which one?"

"It's the one chatting with Commander Su. I think they have a pretty good relationship. Why haven't we seen each other before?"

"Oh, his name is Gu Ping, and he is still a student of the Naval Academy in Bagui District, and he is doing an internship in our port area."

"No wonder." The man was stunned, and then he smiled and patted Zhao Hua's shoulder, "It's ok, now I'm hugging my thigh."

"Ah, yes, um..."

Zhao Hua lowered her head, her shoes were a little dirty, she should wear the most expensive leather shoes out today, and her clothes haven't been changed from yesterday, should she order a new uniform?

"But having said that, Commander Su is such a mysterious person, I didn't expect to see him here. You must know that many senior commanders have never even spoken to Commander Su. Think about it, a port area, What an honor it is to use a port area as an alliance base, and then powerful ships from all camps gather to recognize him as the commander-in-chief? I feel like my face turned red before I woke up. In fact, that is the case. I've been watching the news all day."

Zhao Hua looked over and saw that Gu Ping and Su Hao were still chatting. After thinking for a while, he said, "It's not that I recognize the commander, I just act as the commander-in-chief to coordinate. In fact, the war operations of various countries still do not interfere with each other. It feels more like It's a symbolic position."

"That's not bad. Anyway, I think it's amazing. Where can I find a second port area like this in the world? Donghuang is the only one here. Commander Su is giving all our commanders in Donghuang a face. He is now It's my idol... You said if I went over to ask him for an autograph, would he give it?"

"Ah, I don't know, signature..."

Zhao Hua looked into the distance, wanting to say something, and then saw some ship girls coming out from the Maritime Bureau, they were the Duke of York.

"Master Chief welcomes you personally."

Then he asked the commander beside him.

"You said that if I build a large fleet and invite Commander Su to join, will he join?"


The friends around me looked blank.


"Why didn't you let me know when you came?"

The Duke of York said angrily.

At this moment, she took a few ship girls with her, and came in a hurry after hearing the news that Su Hao was coming.

"What's the matter?" Su Hao spread his hands, "Didn't I tell you this morning?"

"Morning is morning, now is now, if you don't notify me in advance, how will Yu greet you?"

"You don't need to engage in that nonsense, I don't care, besides, we are so familiar, right?"

"Yu doesn't care about that." The Duke of York looked at the group of shipwives beside Su Hao, "It's just that your status is different now, at least outside, the treatment you deserve must be the same, otherwise others will inevitably think that you are the commander-in-chief. The officer is just a decoration~"

"That's right, I felt unbelievable just now." Gu Ping was a little speechless, "Su Hao, who are you now? Commander, there should be at least ten or eight yachts following you when you go out, right? What's that called? Chain boat? Anyway More or less, the important thing is momentum, and nothing else matters.”

"Forget it, ten or eight more, how much do you think I spent on this yacht?" Su Hao shook his head, "Well, Duke of York, I will let you know in advance when I come next time, but you also know my yacht. Personality, I don't like this kind of face-to-face work."

"Hehe~Of course Yu is clear, speaking..." The Duke of York tilted his head, "Who are you?"

Gu Ping opened his mouth, stretched out his hand, and pointed at himself.


"Well, Yu Ke doesn't remember inviting you to participate in joint operations, right? Which port area are you in command of?"

"He is a student."


"Ah, that... I, Gu Ping, from the Naval Academy in Bagui District, that is my senior intern."

Zhao Hua in the distance was still smoking a cigarette in the void, when suddenly he saw Su Hao and the others looking over.

Zhao Hua's hands trembled in fright.

"Senior Zhao Hua!"

Gu Ping shouted loudly, very energetic, and immediately attracted all the commanders staying on the pier to look over.

Zhao Hua had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over.

"Commander Zhao Hua...I remember, I did invite you, but..." The Duke of York frowned, "There has never been such a rule for bringing newcomers here."

"Sorry, I'm going to let him come and see it, and it doesn't have to be with the fleet."

Gu Ping was stunned, what would he do if he didn't follow the fleet to attack.

No way, the great chapter of life has just been opened from here, and you are going to cover it for me?

He hastily winked at Su Hao.

Gu Ping: Brother Hao, help me!

Su Hao: Rules.

Gu Ping: Just a hammer, I know about this joint operation, the big deal is that I will stay on the joint ship and not go out, since everything is here, I can’t just leave now, right?

Su Hao: One pack of cigarettes, one bottle of wine.

Gu Ping: Do you smoke?

Su Hao: No smoking.

Gu Ping: If you don’t smoke, you need a hammer.

Su Hao: Think about it, take a formality and call Brother Hao.

Gu Ping: You little brother, if you don’t help me, I’ll go to your port area and tell your girls about your embarrassing things at school.

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