Gu Ping was shameless, and Su Hao was shocked. If he let his girls know that he was chased by one hundred and eight girls at school, wouldn't he be dead?

"Ahem~ I think, um..." Su Hao coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention, "Since everyone is here, let him follow, seeing this kind of scene will also help the devolution to the port area in the future, the big deal When the time comes, let Gu Ping follow the command ship and not run around."

The Duke of York glanced at Su Hao, and finally agreed.

Then she looked at the girls around Su Hao.

"Duke of York, long time no see."

The enterprise smiled and said hello.

"Ah, long time no see."

The Duke of York looked at the emperor's girls.

There was a sudden silence for a while.

"Come on, go first."

The Duke of York led the way, and everyone walked behind.

Gu Ping said in a low voice: "Why does it feel like she's in a bad mood all of a sudden, the Duke of York, right? I've heard of her, she's a bit worse than my war weariness, but it's pretty good."


"What the hell, I mean, why didn't you catch her? Didn't you claim that there are no bitches in a hundred miles? Wherever you walk, there is still a blade of grass. It's hell."

"Fuck your sister, the Duke of York and I are... yes... well, a pure relationship between men and women."

Saying this, the calm voice of the Duke of York came from the front.

"Please keep your voice down when you whisper, Yu Ke can hear everything."

Su Hao: "..."

Gu Ping grinned secretly, heartlessly.

"Speaking of which, why didn't George V come this time?"

"There's no way to bring so many at once. Next time you have time, you can go to the port area to find her. George V has become so powerful now. I guess you can't beat her anymore."

"Yu didn't want to fight her."

"You still have George V?" Gu Ping asked.

"I still have Hao."

"Hello dog, it's a dog seal in our college, be careful when you go out."

Gu Ping was heartless.

Zhao Hua, who was walking aside, felt very uncomfortable.

who I am?where am I?What am I doing?

Why should I go with you?Why should I follow along?

"By the way, Commander Zhao Hua, where is your port area?"

Su Hao asked suddenly.

Zhao Hua was startled, is it time for me to perform?

"Oh, Senior Zhao Hua's port area is in Guigang City."

"Guigang? Isn't that not far from Lingshui City?"

"It's all in Bagui District, how far can it be? Hey, I remember... where is Senior Sister Zhu Qiao? Where did she go?"

"I went to find some of her friends."

"Oh, Senior Zhao Hua and Senior Sister Zhu Qiao know each other, right?"

Is it time for my show?

Su Hao responded: "She told me just now that she seemed to have participated in a joint exercise or something."

"Yes, there are still drills between the port areas, write it down, Su Hao, when I am released to the port area, I will find you for drills when I have time."

"Okay, if you come, I will arrange it."

"That's settled."

Zhao Hua opened her mouth and saw the smile on Gu Ping's face, what should I do?Do you want to protect this smile?

Junior, do you know...

Forget it.

Zhao Hua glanced into the distance.

His gaze followed the setting sun to the other side of the horizon.



The recovery plan for the NA sea area this time is a linkage with the Ninghe District, but currently only the commander of the Bagui District is present, and they will have to go to the sea area of ​​the E area to meet up at that time, and then draw up a more detailed battle plan.

Su Hao counted them in detail. There were thirteen commanders who participated in the battle. It was almost the same when they came to Ninghe District. Considering the danger of the sea area in Area E and the particularity of the NA sea area, all the commanders who came to participate in the battle were elites.

Zhu Qiao has also changed from a rookie star to an elite. In the past six months, her port area has developed rapidly, and it has been continuously linked with Su Hao port area. She has searched all over the sea area she is in charge of. Various siren bases have been fought again and again. Now The port area is insanely rich.

Lu Dong's port area was far behind, but he managed to make it to the end of the queue and took the last train. In Zhu Qiao's words, it was not a loss anyway.

"For this battle, the Maritime Safety Administration will upgrade the terminals of the commanders. At that time, a new AI program will be loaded on it. The Maritime Safety Administration will order this level as 'Command Elf', responsible for the connection between the various fleets in large-scale operations. .”

"The command spirit will form an internal local area network among the commanders, and the signal will be enhanced through special equipment. With it, it is even possible to communicate in the siren mirror sea area."

"In addition, the command spirit is also responsible for issuing orders. It is connected to the command ship, and the orders issued from the command ship will be transmitted by the command spirit to the terminals of the commanders, so as to achieve rapid and effective combat cooperation."

In the conference room, the latest head of the combat department of the Bagui District Maritime Safety Administration is explaining the purpose and plan of this operation to the commanders.

Everyone is very curious about the latest command elves.

This is also the first time Su Hao heard that the Maritime Safety Administration is actually researching this kind of thing.

AI elves, judging from the current technology, it is indeed feasible. Just look at the big bosses of the Sirens. Presumably, among the black technologies obtained from the Sirens, there are many technologies related to this aspect.

Thinking of this, a villain suddenly appeared on the projection screen in the meeting room.

"This is the avatar of the commander elf. Of course, the appearance can be replaced. This time is in the experimental stage. If feasible, it will be promoted in various port areas in the future. Even if the ship mother goes to sea to fight, the commanders will be able to pass in the port area. Commanding the elves to convey orders to them, there are many specific functions of commanding the elves, let me briefly explain..."

The above ship girl Barabara said a lot.

"Is this a regular combat operation? Awesome~"

Gu Ping was amazed, "Su Hao, you must have participated in such operations many times, right?"

"Uh, okay."

"Don't be humble. Modesty is pride. I noticed just now that many commanders are looking at us. You are a celebrity now."

In fact, everyone did not expect Su Hao's arrival. On the one hand, they were curious, and on the other hand, they were grateful and worried. After all, the group of ship girls brought by Su Hao was really scary.

Is it enough for him to fight alone?

Some people said so, but the Maritime Safety Administration had the final say on this operation, and Su Hao only participated as an ordinary commander. Besides, even if he was asked to command the battle, he would not be able to command a single flower.

What?Isn't fighting just choosing self-discipline and waiting for victory?

Oh, it's a major combat event, so that's fine.

Get out!Labor and management want to grow grass!

Su Hao thought about it for a while.

After a while the meeting ended.

A short meeting, a dinner reception prepared by the Maritime Safety Administration, the departure time is scheduled for tomorrow morning, and it is expected to arrive at the meeting point before tomorrow evening, and then start operations at that time.

At this time Su Hao came out, greeted the girls, and was going to eat something.

Then several commanders came over, all of them were women, and Zhu Qiao was pushed in front.

"Commander Su, may I bother you?"

About the same age as Zhu Qiao, sisters, seniors, Su Hao talked to the girls, and then walked over.

"What's up?"

"Commander Su."

A girl with big eyes asked expectantly, "Commander Su, how did you get the ship? I heard that there are dozens of ship girls in your port area. Is it true?"

"Uh... almost."

In fact, counting the major camps, it has already broken through one hundred. Although it is still far from the full picture book, most of them are very powerful ship girls, and they are said to be the number one in the world.

"So, Commander Su, how did you get the boat? We feel that all the ship girls are very difficult to get close to. They seem to be very polite, but politeness means distance. Many ship girls are very wary, and the stronger they are The ship girl, and the arrogant mentality, arrogance is not that kind of shortcoming, but if you want to win her, you have to get her approval, this kind of thing is really too difficult."

What is most important to commanders?

Some commanders are seniors, and they are indeed seniors, but those seniors are all very old, some of them are really lucky, relying on the construction of the ship girls has been developing smoothly, and if there is nothing to do, then get some free ship girls, this is what happened current scale.

These powerful port areas all have their detailed growth history. They have come step by step and changed a little bit. When they say it, the younger generations are amazed and said they have learned it.

However, when it comes to Su Hao's port area, many people have specialized research. After graduating from high school, they directly moved into the abandoned port area as a free commander, and became an official commander with a strong ship girl and their own efforts.

When it comes to Richelieu, everyone can only marvel at the difference between people, but it doesn't mean that a Richelieu at the beginning can clear the customs and become the strongest port area in just one year.

There are not many ship girls who are good at the beginning, but what about the latter?How did so many girls come here?

Everyone analyzed it, and then it was useless.

"You ask this."

At this time Su Hao was standing here, and the commanders who came out of the conference room all stretched their necks.

"Looking for a boat, in the final analysis, is to learn to get along with the ship's wife."

"Then how can we get along with Jianniang? Can you teach us?"

A master is a teacher, if he can learn the secret of fishing a boat, what is the shame?

Seeing such a group of people surrounding him, Su Hao felt a little difficult.

He knows how to fish a boat with a hammer, exchange a heart for a heart, do you understand?

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