He looked at Tiancheng, wanting to wait for the latter to continue to say more, say more, but Tiancheng didn't seem to have any plans to continue.

Su Hao could only continue to eat, thinking about asking alone when he was resting at night.

Then the company suddenly said: "During the investigation with the carrier-based aircraft just now, we did find a lot of traces of siren activities. Something important must have taken place."

"There are no special instructions from the command ship."

All in all, in a word, just be careful.

After the meal, Su Hao returned to the room.

There is a signal site nearby, so he took out his phone and lay down on the bed.

The news in the group is flashing, and they are all trivial things, but if you say something to her, the atmosphere will be lively.

Richelieu: "@Commander Xiaohao, have you reached the NA waters yet?"

Su Hao: "Evening just arrived."

Richelieu: "Be careful."

Purification pro: "Huh? Did Commander go to the NA waters?"

Su Hao: "Do you know this place?"

Build moe: "bomb.jpg"

Purification pro: "I don't know, I don't know, I didn't say anything, and you didn't remember anything."

Clear Sauce: "Scared.jpg Trembling.jpg"

Su Hao: "???"

Obviously meant to say something, probably because the builder popped up and realized it shouldn't be said.

Even in the port area, these three siren bosses are utterly loyal to the siren.

Feeling that there was nothing to ask, Su Hao was about to give up, but the purifier suddenly chatted with him in private.

"Commander, be careful in the NA waters."

"what happened?"

"I don't know, just be careful anyway. I heard observers say that this is the origin of the world's move to a higher level. It's probably the same as an upgrade, haha. I can't tell."

"Uh... well, thank you."

"That's right, Commander, we may have to leave the port area recently."


"Going back, the dream weaver told us to go back."

I'm finally going back. In the past, even if I rushed, I couldn't be driven away, crying and shouting, "Life is a person from the port area, and death is the soul of the port area", but now the dream weaver will go back immediately, this determination is really not as good as the high-level boss a sentence.

Su Hao felt that it was a big loss, so he raised the three of them in the port area and left without doing anything.

Will you come back?

Originally I wanted to ask this question, forget it, it's fine if I don't come back, so as not to cause trouble.



The next day, the fleet held a short meeting.

The Duke of York talked about the initial battle plan. It probably divided the recovery of the NA sea area into several stages. There is no way that this place is too big. The horizontal span has reached the range of the heavy cherry sea area. Originally, this place was Donghuang and heavy cherry. After being occupied by the Sirens, the economic benefits brought by this route have been greatly affected, so the task of recovering is very important to both sides.

But the task is also taken by snatching, Donghuang will act first, and there will definitely be rewards for Azur Lane.

However, when Su Hao set off, he even talked to Mikasa specifically. She seemed to have no idea at all. She always felt that the ship girls from various camps have become more and more salty after they came to his port area recently.

Elizabeth drank tea all day and didn't do business, and Mikasa-senpai would go shopping in the courtyard from time to time when he had nothing to do, feeling happy.

Essex is very diligent, but what she is diligent about is the mission of the port area. Whether it is a mission or a commission, she is very happy. It is said that she wants to experience the life of the seniors of the company, draw up plans to become stronger, and strive to catch up as soon as possible. The pace of corporate predecessors.

Not to mention the Northern United, the winery is in full swing.

Useless, useless, useless.

Su Hao is very helpless, please don't be like this, in the future, people will mistake my port area as a wholesale place for waste cute ship girls.

After the meeting, Su Hao returned to the yacht.

Gu Ping was not far away on Zhao Hua's yacht. He stood on the deck and waved to Su Hao, who also waved. Then Zhao Hua's yacht slowly left the fleet, and then several more yachts left.

"Aren't we going?"

asked Frederick the Great.

"Don't be so anxious, we are the ace, and the time is still long."

During the meeting, Su Hao talked about his worries, so that everyone had a bottom line in their hearts, so they wouldn't rush into it rashly.

"Commander, something is wrong."

Enterprise stood on the uppermost deck of the yacht, she jumped off and landed beside Su Hao.

"Since this morning, I have discovered that in the sea area that has been investigated so far, those sirens are distributed very regularly, as if they are welcoming our attack."

"It seems that the sirens know we are here, so their evacuation is not giving up here?"

"should be."

Su Hao called Chicheng and Kaga, the two of them plus the company, and three super powerful aircraft carrier mothers were here, which greatly made up for the lack of aviation capabilities of the fleet.

At this time, the three people controlled the carrier-based aircraft to disperse, extending all the way from the nearest area, and the detected situation was similar. The situation in every section of the sea area changed, and it was impossible to judge the specifics without contact.

In the end, Akagi tried to attack, but was entangled by the Siren's carrier-based aircraft. After a long drag, the carrier-based aircraft disappeared.

Although it was a little difficult to control because the distance was too far, Akagi could still judge that the strength of those sirens was very good.

"Duke of York, has anyone from our fleet confronted the Sirens?"

Su Hao contacted the command ship through the terminal.

"It's already matched, and the current situation is good, but what is certain is that the strength of the sirens here exceeds the strength that the sea area of ​​​​E area should have. It may have been upgraded by a level, so it can be regarded as the area of ​​​​F."

It's just one level, that's okay, the impact of frontal battles won't be too great.

It's just that Su Hao is a little worried. After all, this is only the situation on the periphery of the NA sea area, and the situation inside and even the core area is uncertain.

"Let's go see the situation too."

Su Hao explained to the Duke of York.

"Be careful, if you have something to do, contact Yu, and Yu will send someone to help."

"rest assured."

Su Hao drove the yacht deep into the interior of the NA sea area.

Not long after, a small Siren fleet was encountered, which was wiped out by a round of corporate and eating and drinking.

Su Hao paid attention to the sky here, feeling a little groggy, but the signal is still unblocked, unlike the situation in the mirror sea area.

"Sirius, you come to steer the ship."

Su Hao handed over the rudder to Sirius.

After sailing for another two hours, they encountered a second wave of enemies.

The battle was still easily resolved, but it took a little longer than the first time.

Continue, in the afternoon, after advancing about 100 nautical miles, Su Hao had a judgment in his heart.

At this time, the yacht was moored near a deserted island.

"It's almost clear that the enemies in this sea area are getting stronger and stronger, and the ability leap is quite obvious. We are still in the sea area of ​​​​E area, but the chasing Siren has almost the strength of the sea area of ​​​​I area. Incredible."

The ship girls gathered here, and Su Hao explained the situation.

The news from the command ship was similar. After half a day, the fleet felt that the battle was strenuous.

The advance speed is quite fast, after all, there are many people, but because it is a recovery operation, the kind that does not leave a bitch in a hundred miles, fight whatever there is, after a few battles, some commanders' fleets can't hold on and need to return to the voyage for supplies.

This time they are all elites, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with the ordinary E area sea area.

"But the strange thing is that no other special places have been found besides this."

Su Hao was puzzled.

Sirens are so powerful, so why are they so powerful?

There are powerful sirens, for protection or something, no, the company and Akagi Kaga have been paying attention, there are no other special places except for a few regular siren strongholds.

This is the weirdest place.

As for what the siren is doing here, such as research experiments, there is no such thing. The purifier specially reminded him to be careful before, which made Su Hao frightened along the way.

Tiancheng raised a strange opinion: "Could it be that this sea area itself is a 'special' place?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"In other words, the current situation in this sea area is what the Sirens want to see."

"Want to lure us in?"

"It can be said that it may not be for an ambush. Judging from the siren's previous behavior, they seem to be very keen on collecting data."

Tiancheng's analysis makes sense.

Even sirens collect data.

It's just that there is no evidence to prove this at present, so we can only continue to explore slowly. Anyway, there is not much danger at the moment, as long as other fleets are not as deep as Su Hao's side, just keep going.


bang bang bang~

The sound of shelling resounded across the open sea.

Standing on the yacht, Su Hao could barely see the fierce battle scene through the binoculars.

At sea level, several small black shadows were fighting with the huge battleship.

"Aren't you too far away?"

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