Emperor Frederick said helplessly, "Even for the sake of safety, this distance may not be able to hit even a highly proficient battleship with precise straddle."

"You do not understand."

Su Hao stared straight at him, and didn't care about Frederick the Great's expression.

Then he added: "Safety first."

Just kidding, a few hundred million will be gone in one shot, can you be careful?

Injury to people is a trivial matter, the key is that the yacht must be fine.

"Safe... If you want to be safe, you should stand on the battleship and command, and you will be absolutely safe with the ship's mother." Emperor Frederick turned his gaze to the distance.

"In that case, the ship's mother will fall into a passive state, which is not conducive to fighting."

"Then why are you still following me?"

As the battle drew to a close, Su Hao put down the binoculars.

"Did you see it?" he asked.

Emperor Frederick tilted his head slightly, "What do you see?"

"The gap." Su Hao said seriously, "The gap between my ship girl in the port area and your iron-blooded ship girl."


Emperor Frederick pursed his lips.

Although I don't want to admit it, the gap is really obvious. She can see the battle situation in the distance. Facing a relatively powerful siren, almost all the girls on the yacht have gone out. Everyone cooperates in the battle, and the iron-blooded fleet together, Then Su Hao port area is together, just to compare and learn from each other.

However, the gap soon became apparent. Even Firefly, who was able to deftly avoid artillery fire when rampaging, and Santiago, who was a good fighter at flying planes, seemed to be a team that was not serious. Enemies whose strength is far beyond the current stage of the sea area have already struggled a bit.

"I see."

Emperor Frederick nodded, "The ship girls in your port area are very strong, that's why we came to learn."

Even if she joins in, the result will still not change.

What surprised her was that the ship girl who came here earlier, Tirpitz or Ron, had made great progress compared to when they left.


Frederick the Great Rational Analysis.

Minato relationship!

"This is just one of them." Su Hao waved his hand, "I know what you want to say, the atmosphere in the port area is good, the powerful ship girls communicate with each other, and the mentality of wanting to become stronger influences each other, promoting a virtuous circle and the like. .”

Frederick the Great was curious: "Isn't it?"

"So this is just one of them. I know that the atmosphere in our port area is good. I never impose any high-intensity training on them. It depends on talent and self-consciousness. In my opinion, the ship girl is the kind of girl who can do it in order to achieve her goal. Things that make myself feel unbelievable, this is the same for human beings, under the burst of strong consciousness, it is possible to become a 'superman'."

"However, this is one point, and another point is, why did I come here? Because I want to watch my ship girls fight, and my ship girls know that I am here to watch them, so they become stronger. Otherwise, why are so many commanders attacking with the ship's mother? It's definitely not for the sake of being handsome, it's helpful."

Facing the sea breeze, Emperor Frederick's eyes narrowed. She savored Su Hao's words carefully.

"This... I'm not very clear about it. Just looking at it gives you strength. It always feels too illusory."

Su Hao smiled.

"It is indeed too illusory, so there is another one that is not illusory."


"Soul Network."

Frederick the Great was thoughtful.

"Does this really have such a powerful effect? ​​In my opinion, the power of human beings is too weak."

"So you don't understand." Su Hao spread his hands, "This is a kind of sustenance of longing, a kind of emotional outburst, you are strong, Great Emperor, so you can take it easy at any time, because everything is under control, So it is difficult to have emotions that can make your heart fluctuate... But just imagine, if one day you meet an invincible enemy, and this enemy is destroying the territory you guard, what will your heart be like? "

"What about this... probably don't want to think about anything, let's die together with the other party."

Su Hao: "???"

Hey, hey, great emperor, don't say such a terrible thing with a calm face.

"What's the matter?" Frederick the Great asked with a look on his face, what's the matter?What's wrong? Is there a problem?Na na, is there a problem?

She took it for granted, but that was the scariest thing.

Su Hao smacked his lips, feeling that his thinking was a little simple. Compared with Frederick the Great, Hipper was at the level of his younger brother's younger brother.

"It's nothing, um... I can't think of a suitable scene for you at the moment, but it probably means this. The soul network is a kind of emotional fusion. It doesn't mean that human beings are weak or strong. It's the bond between the commander and the ship's wife. The power it brings, so you underestimate it a bit.”

"Is that so?" Frederick the Great was thoughtful. She always felt that the ship girls in the Suhao port area were a little too powerful. If she thought this, it seemed necessary to re-examine her views on the soul network.

"Then can you use this ability on me?"

"This one……"

"Can't it? It must be your ship's wife?"

"Theoretically it is."

It's not impossible. In fact, besides the soul network, the most helpful thing he can do to the ship's mother now is the power of the Black Rubik's Cube, which can be blessed even if it is not his own ship's mother, but this is his biggest secret.

"Theoretically...but you can still do it?"

Emperor Frederick grabbed Hua Dian, and smiled lightly at this moment: "If it's inconvenient, forget it, I will use my eyes to personally witness what you said."

"It's not impossible. Well, my situation is quite special. I can bless the soul network separately. You can feel it."

Su Hao made a cover for the Black Rubik's Cube field. Anyway, as long as he doesn't say anything, no one will think that a human body has a Black Rubik's Cube hidden in it, and they will only think it is a mutation in the soul.

Exactly, why am I so strong?

Because I am mutated.

If outsiders misunderstood him like this, there is no need to worry about being speculated in the future.

Frederick the Great's eyes brightened a little.

It is quite exciting to experience the legendary power of the soul as a free ship girl.

Thinking of this, she felt a force rushing into her body quickly.

Quick, strong!

"This is……"

Power came out.

The charm in Frederick's eyes was gradually replaced by deep shock.

"How is it so strong!?"


Chapter 615

Frederick the Great stood on the deck looking out to the sea.

Her eyes fell in the distance, and she saw a sea surface, but her thoughts were not there.

her thoughts...

What about thoughts?

Such a big one.

Frederick the Great fell into a state of contemplation.

Although I came here to learn, after seeing the situation in the port area, I really feel that I can learn it. There is no doubt that many ship girls in the port area are very strong.

It's just a little unexpected, the undoubted strength becomes stronger in the real battle, because of the soul network, because that Su Hao's soul network has some special relationship, this is actually easy to understand but...

Why is it so strong?

Think back to how you felt not so long ago.

Powerful, a lot, overflowing!

Emperor Frederick even felt that in that state, it would not be a problem to beat a few purifiers.

However, it disappeared after the experience, and the body was empty, and it felt a bit high when I recalled it. Too bad, this feeling of longing and rejection.

Then Frederick the Great thought about a problem.

If the particularity of this soul network cannot be replicated, then what is the significance of their coming here?

No, no, you can't think that way, even if you can't copy it, the performance of the ship girl in the port area alone is enough for them to learn.

It's just that after experiencing the soul network bonus, this kind of learning made Frederick the Great feel a little... tasteless.

Sometimes it’s okay to work hard in silence and not know what to do. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to sit and watch the sky. It’s good to be happy. It’s not good if you know too much, because you always think in your heart and feel unfair, even if you work a hundred times harder. People nod their heads.

Frederick the Great's mentality is not bad, she is comforting herself, anyway, only the ship girl in Suhao Port Area is like this, she is the strongest in the first place, and she is the existence that everyone looks up to, so the battle of this existence is 1 million Or 10 billion, what's the difference?

Frederick the Great was in a slightly better mood.

"Why are you standing here alone in a daze?"

Hipper came over, frowning as she spoke. She had been looking for Frederick the Great just now, but she ended up hiding here.

"What's up?"

"It's something."

Saying this, Hipper's expression became a little unnatural, he coughed lightly, and cleared his throat.

Frederick the Great knew immediately that she had something to hide.

"I thought... Well, this is for the Iron Blood Fleet, not my own." Hipper emphasized.

Frederick the Great watched, folded his arms, and listened.

With her like this, it was even more difficult for Hipper to speak.

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