Little Gaga didn't come, and as a loyal dog... ah, bah, bah, frigate, the frigate of the aircraft carrier, it's time to take action.

She looked over, but before she could say anything, Santiago thumped again.

This time it really hurt, Firefly was angry: "Why did you hit me?"

"What are you two arguing about?"

Su Hao was a little speechless, "Don't make trouble."

Firefly pouted, paused, and said, "Commander, let's go outside and play."

"It's windy."

"Then let's play games in the room?"

Not stubborn but the little guy, Su Hao followed her, followed by Santiago and z46.

The yacht is equipped with a game hall, which is the kind of game city. Fishing and catching dolls still require money.

Don't ask, asking is the sponsorship of Mingmiao brand.

Su Hao originally wanted to do it for free, but he felt that it was free and there was no such atmosphere. For example, grabbing dolls, horizontal grabbing and vertical grabbing doesn't cost money anyway, so every time you grab it, you won't have that kind of experience.

At this moment, Su Hao gave the money, and Firefly and Santiago rushed in with a shout.

They actually wanted Su Hao to come and pay the money. When paying, the commander is good, the commander is super good, and he is stingy when he has no money.

"Are you going to play?"

z46 shook his head, and found a place to sit down.

"looking at what?"

She held up the book in her hand.

"Sow Breeding" (×)

"Overbearing President Falls in Love with Me" (√)

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"Why do you also see this?"

"I took it in the raider's room when I went out." z46 blinked. "There are many books in her room, and Bran reads them too."

"She reads too?"

"Learning makes people progress, learning is endless."

The sound of the z46 doesn't have much ups and downs.

But Su Hao felt a little strange, even if he was studying, what would he do with this kind of book?Endless, where there is no end, is it unfathomable?

I have to say that Su Hao's thinking was wrong, and when he looked at z46's calm face, he immediately felt ashamed.

No, no, what I was originally, pure and pure, I thought it wrong because the thinking in this world is not right, change it, now I get along with the cute little guy, z46, you are the ship girl I want most!

Very good, all right, very energetic.

Then Su Hao said: "There are a lot of books in the Assaulter's room, but don't read a lot of them randomly. She never picks books when she reads, no, it's not that she doesn't pick, but only reads the same kind of books. Just grab a few books and get them out."

Su Hao often went to the Assaulter's room, and sometimes he read a few books before going to bed at night, and found that the smell was too strong and he couldn't stand it.

But the attackers watched with gusto.

Z46 also expressed approval, "So I only took one copy, and only one copy is enough."


If there is only one book, forget it. After thinking about it, Su Hao said, "Have you ever thought about writing a book yourself? After reading so many books, how about writing it yourself?"

Finally, there were some obvious fluctuations in z46's eyes.

" yourself?"

She tilted her head to look at Su Hao, and asked, can this kind of thing be done?

"It doesn't have to be philosophical or theoretical. You can write some stories you like, add adventure elements and some interesting things. Write short stories at the beginning, and then try long stories. You will know if you try it. .”

"Well, after going back..."

After a pause, she asked with a look of expectation: "Can you read it for me first?"

"of course can."

Studying literature and art with a cute little girl is of course good, z46z46, one is worth two, needless to say how good it is, right?

I have a good relationship with z46 and have a good relationship. I have established a deep friendship in Iron Blood before. Sometimes I think that I am quite attractive to little guys. Whether it is quiet or mischievous, the charm of personality is the best for kids. allow.

But now there is a problem, seize the opportunity to work harder, and aim for a more ambitious future.

He looked at z46, lowered his voice and asked, "By the way, z46, did Emperor Frederick say anything before he came here this time?"

z46 thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Ah, yes."

"what happened?"

Of course there is a way to deal with little guys. Su Hao patted his head and said, "I was just thinking, didn't we visit Iron Blood before? After we came back, the scientific research went smoothly, and we created a mental upgrade ability. Have you used it?"

z46 nodded: "Used, mental unit, used once."

"How about it?"

"very good."

"That's right, but the technology hasn't been fully disclosed yet. Emperor Frederick must have wanted it. I thought she would find an opportunity for you to ask."

"Then you tell me now?"

"It's nothing." Su Hao touched z46's head, "Everyone is so familiar."

z46 lowered his head and did not speak.

"What kind of ship girl do you think Frederick the Great is?" Su Hao asked.

"Well... very good, she has a good personality and is very powerful. She is a perfect ship girl like Sister Bismarck, but the two have different personalities. Sister Bismarck is more strict and demanding, and Sister Great Emperor...she will protect everyone. "

"That sums it up pretty well."

Su Hao asked again, "Then what are her hobbies? Habits and the like."

Z46 tilted his head: "Commander, do you want to win the Emperor's sister?"

"Ah, no, I want to know more about you, after all, we have to spend some time together in the port area, right?"

z46 does not speak, she is not a simple child like the firefly, although she is also simple, she is still very smart.


Su Hao raised his finger, "I'm just telling you that it's not easy for us to be a commander. Once you become a commander, you have to do the job of a commander. If you don't catch a boat, people will say that you are not doing your job properly. You will do your best in the port area and work hard. , very tired, you know?"


z46 responded, but still didn't speak.

It really wasn't good to be too anxious, Su Hao decided to change his strategy.

"z46 Do you have any ideas for what you want to write?"


"How about writing from the things around you? Something like a diary, first write a small story, write a small story about you in Iron Blood, and then splice them together to become a very long story."

"Short stories can be written about everyone and the people around you. There are always some simple but warm and happy things every day."

z46 nodded silently.

She looked at Su Hao for a while, making the latter a little unnatural, but finally agreed with Su Hao's statement.

"Let me try."

"Well, let me help you see, I'm very good at this."

Saying this, the sound of fireflies came from inside.

"Wow! Come on, Commander, woo~"

"what happened again?"

"Come on, come on!"

"I'll go over there."

Sitting in the same place, z46 saw Su Hao trotting over, watching, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised slightly, and his palm lightly stroked the cover of the book, thinking about it, what is he going to write?

Things to write, the life of the Iron Blood Fleet, everyone in the Iron Blood and...

Next Minato life.

She put away the book, and followed Su Hao's pace into this small game room.


The yacht was moving forward steadily. At the beginning, Su Hao was still very relaxed, and everyone on the yacht was very relaxed.

He explored in the NA sea area according to the navigation of the command elf every day, but as the advancement progressed deeper and deeper, not only he but even the entire fleet encountered many obstacles.

The overall strength of the sirens is too strong. Based on Su Hao's current situation, the strength of the sirens in this sea area is up to 6 grades stronger than those in the E area.

What the rest of the fleet encountered was generally 2 to 3 levels stronger.

One battle is not obvious, and after three or five battles, the problem is discovered. The supply consumption after the battle is far greater than expected, so that the Duke of York is considering whether to go back to regroup first, and then fight again in the future.

The main reason is to consider the actions of the sirens in this abnormal situation. If there is an ambush for them, it will be the rhythm of the whole team.

Su Hao told the fleet to slow down, and then he led the fleet to continue strolling in the NA waters with the main purpose of exploration.

The overall situation of the ship girls on his side is not bad, and the encounters are all ended as soon as possible with the least resources. It is worth mentioning that in the follow-up battle, Frederick the Great also joined the battle, and showed surprises to everyone strength.

She didn't want to join at first, after all, she was only the team leader for this exchange and study, and she didn't need to communicate with her strength, but because she was curious about Su Hao's blessing ability, the feeling of being overwhelmed made her feel overwhelmed. People are fascinated and puzzled.

She had to figure out what was going on.

If it is really a mutation, the world is so big, it may not be that only Su Hao has changed. When the time comes to dig, Iron Blood will dig out a lot, and then carry out targeted training, and his strength will skyrocket.

Perfect plan.

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