But after working for a long time, she still didn't understand the reason.

Su Hao also followed her. Anyway, the emperor's hemp is here, everyone is here, come in and sit down, sit down, let's rest for one night, then two nights and three nights. Finding the Great Emperor, this must not be too anxious.

In this way, when the yacht continued to advance.

Suddenly, his commanding spirit spoke.

After speaking, she turned into a white-haired loli he was familiar with, greeting him with a smile.

"Commander, long time no see, do you miss me, hehe~"


PS: Chinese New Year is coming soon! !The army of iron and blood is coming, are you ready for Rubik's Cube?

Chapter 616 The Truth of This World 【End】

[How many floors do you have to carry a bag of rice, how many floors do you have to carry a bag of rice, how tired is a bag of rice, I wash a bag of rice, there is mud in the mouth, who will give you a bag of rice! ——Blue sky and white clouds! ] "Why did it suddenly stop here?"

Next to a deserted island in the NA sea area, the yacht is moored on the sea, and the girls disembark one after another, staying on the beach.

"The Lord said to let everyone take a break and have lunch here."

"Lunch...is there still more than an hour?"

"Well, anyway, everyone is tired after so many days, it's okay to take a break."

"What about the commander?"

"Don't look for Ron, the commander can't be in the sea or on a tree, let alone buried in the sand."

Tiancheng's eyes flickered slightly, he looked at the top of the island, then pursed his lips lightly, and said with a smile: "Sirius is with you, don't worry, let's prepare lunch, when the Lord comes back, it will probably be time for dinner."

They suddenly stopped to have lunch. Everyone had no objections, but were a little curious. Then they divided up their duties and patrolled. Ron, who was in charge of preparing lunch, was dragged over by Frederick the Great.

Ron looked reluctant, absent-minded with the shovel.

Then Hipper asked: "No seafood?"

"Yes, it's all in the sea."

"Ron, what do you look like? If the chef can't cook with a happy mood, then the dishes he makes must be terrible."

"No one will let you eat."

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, there are no ingredients on the yacht, if you want to eat seafood...it should be no problem to fry fish here, right?"

"Firefly, Santiago, go get some fish and shrimp!"

"Wait, wait, let Eugen go, it's too dangerous to let them go."

"Huh? Why should my sister go?"

"Then you go?"

Hipper whimpered and went to sea with a big bag.

The waves rolled out countless bubbles, washing over the reefs on the shore, a crab crawled out from the cracks in the rocks, z46 sat on a reef and read a book quietly.

In the distance, smoke slowly rose.

Su Hao glanced down the mountain, and after confirming that the explosion just now was not a siren attack, he continued to walk up the mountain.

When he got to the mountainside, he said to Sirius: "You wait for me here."

"Master, do you have any important business here?" Sirius looked around worriedly, "I'll take care of anything for you."

"No need." Su Hao smiled, "Look at this creek, there must be a pool on it, I'll go for a swim."

"Then why not in the sea..."

"The following are all girls, I'm thin-skinned, I'm sorry."

Sirius: ? ? ?

Master, I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid at all!

Su Hao said seriously: "I like to swim naked, do you think it's suitable for me to be down there? And too much sea water is not good for your health."

Sirius was stunned.


It's right to think so.

"In this case..." Sirius was ready, "My proud master, let Sirius guard you swimming on the shore, so that you can tell me in time if you need anything."

"No, no, no." Su Hao waved his hand, "Why don't you go around the woods to see if there are any cute rabbits, wild boars, etc., grab one and eat fresh ones when you go back. It’s refrigerated food, and if you eat too much, it won’t taste right.”

"It's… okay."

Since Su Hao insisted, that wolf star could only agree.

Originally, taking a bath with Su Hao should be done by her sister Dido. Although she doesn't mind, she will definitely be disgusted because of her lack of practice, but even so, Sirius will not give up. Step down, one day, one day...

Sirius is gone.

Su Hao continued to go up the mountain along the stream alone, the rushing water was crisp and clear to the ear, the trees on both sides of the road were unusually tall, with luxuriant branches and leaves covering the sun above his head, the light fell through the thin gaps between the leaves, and the beams of light scattered in the air were captured by him The silhouette was cut off, and the dark and alternating sights were in rotation in front of his eyes. After a while, the field of vision widened, and the sound of running water became more and more obvious.

"Sure enough, there is a small waterfall."

Su Hao looked around.

The not-so-wide lawn extends to the front, and there is a pool of about [-] square meters. The water column hanging down from the break of the cliff forms a natural small waterfall, and the sound of rushing water is a bit noisy.

Su Hao swept his gaze, saw Hua, saw Shit, but didn't see that guy.

What about people?


A head emerges from under the surface of the water.

"Hee hee~ here."

The observer stretched out his smooth arms and waved to Su Hao.

"What, why do you..."

"It's very comfortable. Would you like to come down for a swim too?"

"Forget it."

Su Hao moved his gaze away somewhat unnaturally.

What are you doing?

Hello!Gendarmerie?Yes, new place, here's a shameless loli seducing me!

"Haha~ I'm actually shy, I haven't seen you before, don't forget that I'm your 'mother-in-law'~"

The observer laughed, "You probably don't know, I checked your body last year. Don't human beings explain equivalent exchange? I saw you. Wouldn't you feel bad if you didn't look at me?"

"From a general theory point of view, yes."

Su Hao went to a place and sat down facing the pool, "However, human beings also have a moral bottom line. If you can't abide by it yourself, then you need some people in uniform to abide by it for him."

"Hehehe~ I know, it's the gendarmerie, right?"

"You actually know."

"Hee hee~ My research on human beings is more than that. I have recorded all these materials. Not only that, but there are many more. Do you want to hear it?"

"Forget it." Su Hao waved his hand, looked around, and noticed that no one else came, so he said, "Why are you looking for me all of a sudden? Do you know that it is very difficult for me to come out to see you alone?" .”

"It's because of the difficulty."

The observer raised his head and swam leisurely up and down the water.

She is a shameless loli, she doesn't care about being naked, she suddenly emerges from the water, bang, very quickly, and sneaks up on Su Hao, a young man.

"However, if you are in the port area, it will be even more difficult to meet, and I can't show up like the Purifiers without attracting suspicion, so I can only think of this way~ It just so happens that you are also in the NA sea area, probably There will be many doubts you want to ask me, right?"

Su Hao thought about it.

"So what are you doing here? Our fleet has been here for almost a week, and there doesn't seem to be anything special except that the ordinary sirens we encountered are relatively strong."

"Hee hee~ Isn't it special to be stronger? Even Commander, your port area is very difficult to fight, so it must be even more difficult for others, right?"

Su Hao glanced, ah, damn Holy Light, I didn't see anything.

He said: "Yes, they are struggling, and then? You didn't come up with this place to collect this kind of data, did you?"

"Bingo~ You got the answer right."


Did I get it right?

Observer, I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid at all!

"Well, of course the ultimate goal is not like this."

The observer swam over. The water in the pool was very deep. She put her arms on the rock and looked up at Su Hao.

"Do you want to know? Know our purpose, and... the truth of this world."


Su Hao opened his mouth.

To be honest he didn't really want to know.

Because the more you know, the more things you have to bear, and the more things you have to bear.

Now he just wants to be an ordinary fishing commander honestly.

"Actually, I don't have any lofty ambitions." Su Hao sighed softly.

"See." The observer nodded.

Su Hao choked, "I haven't finished yet."

The observer looked at him with a smile, you talk, I listen.

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