Su Hao sorted out his thoughts, the spellcasting was interrupted, and he waited for it to cool down, after a while.

"However, since we have come to this point, whether you like it or not, you sirens won't stop anyway, right? Since this is the case, it's better to know more, it's better than being confused."

"Hmm~ yes, but you made a mistake, it's not 'you' but 'us', even if you don't want to admit it, you are also a member of our siren, and you have authority no less than mine, It's just that the Dream Weaver guy didn't open it up to you."

"I'm not at all happy when you say that."

Regardless, I'm human anyway, well, I'm a human with special abilities.

"Okay, okay, no one forced you to come here, it's really, alas~ It's too big to stay."

The observer sighed, with an old-fashioned look, she was so arrogant when she was clearly a lolita, just a mere lolita.

Su Hao twitched, you, go to the port area to find out, which loli dares to talk to me like that?

"Actually, our purpose of creating the NA sea area is very simple, it is to make human beings aware of the coming of 'crisis'."


"Didn't I give you a document before? The data in it should have trans-epochal significance for you humans, right?"

Su Hao nodded.

The emergence of the mental unit has greatly improved the overall strength of the ship girls on the human side.

It is not simply to improve the potential of the ship girl, but to optimize the mental Rubik's cube. While improving the potential, the optimized mental Rubik's cube can make the ship girl have more powerful combat capabilities.

That is, an improvement of a direct nature.

"So, since human beings have crossed the age, we sirens must of course keep pace with the times~"

The observer's words made Su Hao stunned for a moment.

"You mean, the strength of ordinary sirens will be improved!?"

"Bingo~ As expected of you, Commander, you are really smart." The observer smiled, "Not just ordinary sirens, even us, including the two idiots and one idiot caught by you, will be promoted together. "

No wonder.

Su Hao was stunned.

The Purifiers couldn't be driven away no matter how hard they chased them before, and now they leave voluntarily because of this.

Judging from the siren's current actions, Su Hao is basically sure that they have planned a series of experiments and action plans to make human beings 'stronger'.

However, Su Hao felt a little depressed again.

"How much does it increase?"

"That depends on the data collected in this battle. From the current point of view, I think it is no problem to generally increase the level by two."

Su Hao frowned and said, "Don't forget, the commanders who came here this time are all relatively good people, and there are many others who are slightly weaker, and even the commanders who have just taken office can't resist the powerful sirens. .”

The observer blinked: "And then?"

"They might die."

"Everyone is mortal."

"Even if it's meaningless? Sirens don't exist to destroy humans, do you?"

"You're wrong, it's not meaningless, only the lessons of blood can always alert mankind, excessive comfort will only make them lose their fighting spirit more and more, and even turn their attention to boring internal fights, those are meaningless It's meaningless, so your existence, Commander, is especially important, without you, it would be impossible for the current form of faction alliance to appear so quickly."

"However~ Unity is not the solution to all problems. It is just the foundation. The solution to problems is ability and strength. I really like the ship girl named Bismarck in Iron Blood. She is convinced of this, but I didn't expect She will actually be persuaded by you, this is better, when unity and strength are combined, a better future can be ushered in."

"It's just that it's not enough now. Before the devastating disaster comes, only being strong can allow human beings to survive. Maybe... we may be able to avoid that day in advance, but who knows? Even the Laplace demon can't Accurately deduced things, all unknowns need countless experiments to verify, but at least we have seen hope in this world.”

The observer's words made Su Hao fall into silence for a while.

Digesting the content carefully, he found that it was still vague, and he asked curiously: "So the siren appeared here from the future?"

"Not exactly, it's just a possibility of returning from the future to the past. In human terms, this is just one of many trends, but the final result is the same, that is—destruction."


"Whether we or Embers are making our own efforts to change this result, it's just that those guys firmly believe in the idea of ​​the Creator, although we won't say that it is wrong, but we also have Our persistence, the arrival of the Commander is the result of the hard work of our Judge, at least from the current point of view, hehe~ we are ahead."

Su Hao rubbed his temples.

He has some headaches.

"Are you ready?" The observer waited for a while sympathetically, "If you can't understand, it's fine to stop this conversation."

"No, no, it's okay, my head has enough capacity, you continue to talk."

"Well... Actually, what should be said is almost the same. If I want to make a more detailed explanation... The Creator created the Mind Rubik's Cube and the Ship Girl in the future, but the results of the experiment were not so smooth, and I don't know too much in detail. things, but in the end the Creator was imprisoned, the experimental ship girl was destroyed, and the remaining members were the embers. As for us, you can understand it as a substitute for the ship girl. Compared with the ship girl who has a strong sense of autonomy, we It should be more inclined to the AI ​​category, hehe~"

Although sirens can also have an independent thinking mode, they cannot resist orders issued by authority.

This point is fundamentally different from the ship girl. Simply put, the siren is easier to control than the ship girl.

"Then what happened in the future? Is there any powerful enemy that can cause destruction?"

"Destruction is a result, but the enemy is a possibility. As long as there is desire, countless enemies will be urged to destroy themselves. Isn't this how human beings have been going? So even if I tell you that the enemy is No one is useless, because the future of this world is already changing, and the enemy is also changing. Maybe one day there will be a guy like the ship girl who is not for protection but for the destruction of existence, or maybe, there are countless people from this world. Terrible enemies outside the world, shuttle in each world like us, but no matter who they are, they need strength to contend."

"The deduction of Laplace's demon is changing in subtle ways, so~ Commander, we can't stop yet. Deaths are happening constantly, but new births are also happening. Every alternation of life will Lead the world forward, let us witness what the future will look like~"

Su Hao let out a heavy breath.

"I see, so what should I do now?"

"No need for anything." The observer said with a smile, "We will not interfere with your actions, this world is in an experimental state, and the natural actions of each step are the most authentic experimental data, Commander Just keep your current rhythm. However, be careful of Embers and those guys, because they are not very friendly to you, at least except for the key point G, everyone else is not very friendly.”

"Okay." Su Hao spread his hands, "I suddenly regretted coming here. Although I know that the result will not change even if I know it or not, the heavy feeling of oppression in my heart still makes people unable to cheer up."

"Haha~ Of course, this kind of thing is not as warm as the embrace of the ship's mother. Commander, do you want me to comfort you?"

"No, no, no."

Su Hao stood up and patted his trouser legs.

"If it's okay, I'll leave. If there's anything to do, I'll do it. As long as it doesn't violate my self-principle, I will help you."

The observer watched Su Hao leave with a smile on his face.

After a while, he turned over and entered the pool again, floating on the water surface, quietly staring at the sky in a daze.

"Oh~ Seeing that child's appearance, I feel a little distressed. The dream weaver guy is really too. It's better not to tell... However, the future of human beings is still decided by 'human beings' after all. So now ..."

The observer stood on the water and stretched his petite body.

He raised his head, and the brilliant light fell head-on.

"It's time for the experiment to come to an end. Go back and ask for a leave of absence. I'll go to that kid's port area to have fun sometime, hehe~"



PS: emmmmmmm, I feel that there is nothing to write about the main story line. Anyway, I just edited it a few times, so let’s end it here. This volume is a bit long (in fact, I didn’t plan to divide it at all at the beginning), so the next volume will be Let’s start with pure daily life. I originally wanted to write pure daily life, because it’s too easy to make people feel bored. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa who wrote so many words, I’m also very tired but reluctant, this kind of Contradictory and super uncomfortable┭┮﹏┭┮PPS: 50 shots, Peter and Nuremberg, this time the pool is a bit unfriendly

Chapter 617 Big Bad Wolf, Aww~ Super Fierce!

Touched the reality of this world, and realized that my arrival was not due to an accident. From this point of view, perhaps those novels, animations, and protagonists’ time travels are all caused by the will of a certain existence, and these existences often The tool used is the truck.

Su Hao has never met a truck, but there is no doubt that there is a feeling of being selected now.

and then?

What do you do after being selected?

Saving the world as a hero really passed, no, in the end I was able to continue fishing, lucky~

Su Hao got a little excited, so from now on, he would like to offer his blessings to the beautiful Bilan.

The strategy in the NA sea area was not so smooth, even for Su Hao's fleet. After a few days of fighting, the supply of supplies could not keep up at all. In the end, the unanimous result of everyone's discussion was a strategic retreat.

Su Hao combined the results of the in-depth investigation with a certain degree of 'reasonable' guesses, and expressed his final thoughts.

"At present, it seems that this is only an important laboratory of Siren. The result of the experiment is the improvement of the overall strength of Siren. These improvements not only include the improvement of unconscious warship units, but also may include large Siren units, so future battles I'm afraid it's not as simple as it is now."

This is probably the case. As the commander-in-chief and only from the results of his fleet involving deep waters, the possibilities Su Hao mentioned are quite high, so that soon after he returned to Wujiang City, news came from the port area. .

The recovery work in the NA sea area continued, and by the way, it was used as a place to collect the strength data of the latest siren unit, while Su Hao brought the ship girls back to the port area.

What followed was a concentrated meeting between the major camps.

Three days later, the major camps strengthened the research and development of mental units, and at the same time strengthened the control of the sea area, and entered a new round of siren challenge activities.


July day.


The midsummer sun was scorching hot, the sea breeze blew the flags of the port area fluttering, and the branches swayed. I walked along the tree-shaded path facing the front of the office building. On the last road, the sun had scorched the concrete pavement dazzlingly, and the air was twisting. Su Hao resolutely chose to rest on the bench.

Let it shine, Mr. Sun, Mr. H.

Hearing Prince Eugen say this yesterday, apart from Su Hao, probably the only one who can undress her is the vicious sun. I feel so ridiculous, how can I, Su Hao, be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

In fact, it is absurd, but now I feel that what Prince Eugen said is right, right? The first half of the sentence is the second half.

"This summer is really poisonous."

Su Hao yawned big.

Summer is here, midsummer, why do you need to wear clothes in such hot weather?In such a hot weather, I don't wear anything at home, and I feel uncomfortable when I feel like my balls can be stretched and shrunk.

But speaking of it, it is difficult to deal with the hot summer, but the scenery in the port area has inexplicably improved a lot these days.

The port area is so big, sometimes you can’t meet a few ship girls when you go around, luckily you almost never meet one, but there are also times when you meet them in a concentrated manner.

Su Hao recalled the scenery at the beach just now, but why?Why do I have to work?Why can't I move instantly while walking?Why do I still need to breathe?

Ahhh, has life finally started to attack a poor salted fish like me?

The head is leaned back, the neck is leaning on the wooden bench, and the sky is woven with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the light is dripping, shaking with the clouds floating in the sky.

Then a cute little face appeared in the field of vision.


Su Hao raised his head, and the firefly was padded behind him, and the height difference was obvious.

"what happened?"

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