"If it's a small ship girl, there are much better destroyers in the port area that haven't come yet."

"Go to the monitoring room, monitoring room~"

Feeling so excited, the girls rushed out of the office one by one.

The port area has installed monitoring, and there is also a special monitoring room, mainly targeting the roads and the surrounding area of ​​the port area. There are actually very few inside, such as the office building and only the entrance.

After all, there is no need to install so many, the port area is everyone's home, how can anyone install surveillance at home?No way?Wouldn't someone really want to install a surveillance camera at home to beware of the old Wang next door?

Su Hao can't help it here, the port area is too big, if a stranger breaks in, it's not good, although it has been repeatedly stipulated that ordinary people will be severely punished if they come in.

In the monitoring room, there are special ship girls on duty every day.

Today is Helena, and she is leaning back in a chair and playing with her mobile phone.

Surveillance or something, just glance at it casually, strangers don't see it, they are all familiar faces.

"Sister Helena!"

A group of little guys rushed in.

"Sister Helena..." Saratoga almost called out out of habit, "Helena."

"Eh? Why are you here?"

Helena looked surprised.

"Look at the monitoring."

Su Hao said with a smile.

"Monitoring? Where is it?"

"This section of the office building lasts until [-]:[-] p.m. today."

Confused about what to do, Helena pulled out the monitoring records with doubts.

"What to monitor?"

Su Hao smiled and said, "It's nothing, let's play a little game with them."


The monitoring in the afternoon was quickly called out, and the adult ship girl was eliminated, and the final results were: Xiaoguanghui, Xiaobeifa, Firefly, Yudachi, Volkland, Xiaofufu, Saratoga, Yukikaze, and Xiaohiei.

It is worth mentioning that many of them are going back and forth, only the fireflies come in and out repeatedly, and they are here all day long, and they are sneaky and suspicious.

"Sure enough, it's a firefly."

"It must be her."

"Definitely her."

"Look at her sneaky look."

Firefly was angry and wanted to refute.

Certainly not, it comes from Su Hao's intuitive judgment.

However, even though he thought so, Su Hao still asked, "Firefly, what do you want to go back and forth today?"

Firefly felt guilty now, and he hesitated and couldn't speak.

Su Hao continued to ask, "What are you doing back and forth?"

"Well, I, that..."

Su Hao laughed in his heart, and said, "If you don't speak out, the suspicion will never be cleared, unless you can catch the person holding the key."

The firefly groaned, aggrieved.

Xiao Tiancheng put away the book.

"I suggest going to the yacht to have a look, maybe there will be some clues, there are so many people at the beach during the day, maybe someone saw it."

Everyone had no objections, so a group of people rushed to the pier.

Su Hao walked behind, and he was a little surprised to see Xiao Tiancheng following him all the time, obviously she was not one of the suspects at all, and Xiao Tiancheng usually didn't like to join in the fun.

But it's better to be here, to be social, besides, Xiaotiancheng is also a fox, a fox masturbates, life is more fun.

Shortly thereafter, we arrived at the pier.

The yacht parked there well, but there was no one on the pier, and it was strange that the sun would be walking around here. The mother of the ship is not afraid of the heat, but she can feel the heat. If it is too hot, she will feel uncomfortable. The mother is idealistic, she looks idealistic and behaves idealistically, this is really true, as if she is not afraid of the cold but doesn't like the feeling of being too cold.

It would be very difficult without other ship girls at the pier, so I finally decided to get on the ship first.

"Detective squad, let's go!"

Saratoga led the charge.

Firefly followed, she is now the number one suspect, looking for evidence to clear her suspicion.

When Su Hao got on the yacht, he seemed to be nothing special at first glance.

But soon a ship girl found a garbage bag.

It's a small bag for snacks, a pork shop.

There are many spare things on the yacht, among which there are many snacks, such as pork shop, biscuits, potato chips and coke.

"Is there only one?"

"Only found this one."

Xiao Tiancheng said with a calm expression: "No one usually comes to play on the yacht, let alone eat. Obviously, this probably fell off accidentally from the little guy who stole snacks. It fell off today so it hasn't been blown by the wind. Let's go, but she seems to be in a hurry to eat."

"It makes sense, so is this a greedy little cutie?"

Firefly immediately became complacent: "Hmph~ It's really not me, I've never been greedy!"

"You are not greedy."

Su Hao didn't say anything, he asked everyone to continue searching to see if there were any other clues.

Then he saw Xili, and looked left and right with some anxiety.

"Xili, do you have any clues?"

Xili was startled, and her tail stood upright.

"No, no."

Su Hao felt happy in his heart, and asked again: "Isn't there?"

"not found."

After a pause, he suddenly looked left and right, seeing other people rushing inside to find clues, he suddenly pulled up his clothes, revealing his small belly.

"Commander, let me touch you."


"Touch you."

Xili grabbed Su Hao's hand and placed it on her belly.

Su Hao was confused now.

He wasn't puzzled at first, but he was puzzled by Xili's actions.

But it feels very good in the hand, I am a little bit reluctant, no, I will withdraw it soon.

"What?" he asked.

"Didn't you say you should show your belly when you apologize?"

"Who said that?" Su Hao laughed, "But why do you apologize?"

While no one was paying attention, she took out something from her pocket and stuffed it into Su Hao's hand.

Su Hao took a look, and it really was the key.

He pretended to be surprised: "So you took it!"

"I'm sorry, Commander." Xili shook his head with a weary expression, "I just picked it up in a small box."

"Little box?"

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, "Didn't you take it out of the drawer?"

"No, it's from the trash can downstairs, where the box is placed."

"Uh, what kind of box is it?"

"Egg yolk, with a big piece of meat painted on it!" Xi Li's voice was excited.

However, Su Hao suddenly fell silent.

It's a big box of meat, it looks like...

He recalled the surveillance video, isn't that the box that Firefly took out from the office building? ?


Chapter 618 Who is behind the scenes?

Originally thought that Xili was the culprit, but it turned out not to be.

Think about it carefully, although Xili is naughty, she never does this kind of thing, she can only resist when the temptation is in front of her, and the temptation is locked in the drawer, she is an obedient child, how could she do such a thing Woolen cloth?

The box is the key point. Su Hao remembered that when he watched the video before, there was a scene of a firefly coming out of the box, because the firefly came in and out so many times that everyone didn't even think about her every time she came in and out. doing nothing but directly suspecting her ultimate motives.

Apparently, the fireflies were after the key, and the reason seemed to be knowing the food hoarded inside the yacht.

But there was hoarding in the past, and I didn’t deliberately tell anyone, and everyone couldn’t think about whether there was any delicious food hidden in the yacht. If there was no shortage of tearing down the door of the yacht, then maybe I would also be ordered The official dismantled.

Su Hao knew it in his heart, and quietly observed the little guys busy on the yacht. He had a feeling that the mastermind behind the scenes was here.

"Did you find anything?" he asked.

"Not yet." It was Saratoga's voice, coming from the upper deck, "I found some other things, probably not. The only garbage bag I ate was that one. Sure enough, it was the same as what Xiao Tiancheng said. It may have been eaten and dropped in a panic."

I couldn't find any other ship girls. How could it be so easy? No matter how careless you are, it is impossible to write your name on the deck and tell you that she stole snacks.

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