At this time, Xiao Tiancheng walked over.

She seemed to be very interested in this investigation, and said at this time: "Commander, if you want to be more direct, you might as well search everyone's room. Since it is impossible to steal a little, there must still be some food left in the room." Finished."

Xili immediately stayed where she was, there really were still in her room.

"No, it's not good to search the room without evidence."

Su Hao is not in a hurry for now, what he wants to know now is who gave the box to Firefly.

The box itself didn't seem to have much impression, and he was not there in the morning, stayed in bed, and then chatted with Shige Sakura's ship girls all morning.

But wait, why did you go to the Cherry Blossom Garden in the morning?

Originally, according to the general process, he would deal with the things that should be dealt with in a day before going to waste, although occasionally he just clicked the mouse to read the documents in a day.

Today's words...

"Commander Commander!"

Saratoga was lying on the upper rail and waving, holding something in his hand.

When Su Hao saw it, his face turned dark.

"Does a pair of underwear count?"

I don't know where I got it from. There is naturally a place to dry clothes on the yacht. Maybe some ship lady went out to sea and forgot to take it when she came back.

"Look, Commander, it's black, lace, and flirtatious."

"Black is black, what's all the fuss about."

"You don't make a fuss, how skilled are you, Commander?"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

i'm not i didn't...

Su Hao wanted to deny it, but seeing Saratoga's smiling face, he knew she was joking.

"Be serious with me."

"It's already serious." Saratoga clapped his hands, "Assemble!"

The small teams just now gathered one by one.

"Report the number."





Saratoga was furious: "I'm not asking you to report this, but to report what you found!"

"Nothing found!" *N

The voice is neat, but inexplicably distressing.

What's the matter with this sense of inevitable defeat that is the same as the smell of poverty?It was as if it was doomed not to win in the first place.

Saratoga gave up, she looked at Su Hao.

"Look, no."

But there were still some, Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Beifa finally gathered.

"Where have you been?"

Among these people, the two of them are probably the most reliable. Su Hao didn't expect anything at first, knowing that Xi Li opened the door, but now his mind is not here.

However, Xiao Guanghui and the two discovered very important information.

"There's a window over there that's open and unlocked."


"From there you can go into the yacht."

"real or fake."

"Commander, come here."

Xiao Guanghui led the way, and a group of people followed.

On the side of the aisle, there is a window that opens like a cover. It is not big. Su Hao will definitely not be able to climb in, but the little guy can climb in.

Xiao Guanghui went in just now, and picked up a few packs of snacks on that side.

"Wait, didn't you say you opened the door to get in? How did you turn into climbing the window?" Saratoga was surprised. "Does anyone like to have the key and climb the window?"

Su Hao was a little surprised, and glanced at Xi Li, who shook his head, saying that she didn't do it.

Su Hao also believed that it wasn't Xili, because judging by Xili's Oupai size, he might get stuck on the way.

"Haha! Commander, look."

Saratoga had already crawled in, and at this moment, he stuck his head out from inside and grinned at Su Hao.

"Watch me crawl out again."

It climbed out very smoothly.

Su Hao was silent for a while.

"Gaga, stop playing, I know it's not you."

"Hee hee~ The commander still trusts me."

Not Saratoga, certainly not a sad story, and none of those present cared anyway.

Su Hao cared, but not that.

It now appears that more than one person entered the yacht.

Why did there suddenly feel like a group committing crimes? It didn't exist before, so why did it suddenly appear today?

And it is surprising that this window is open, because every time he travels, Su Hao always has a maid by his side, and the last job of the maid is to check all the doors and windows, because they know that Su Hao values ​​yachts more than their lives.

In this case, the possibility of a window being left open is not high.

"How did you find out? Was it closed just now?" Su Hao asked.

"No." Xiao Beifa shook his head, "When we came over, we saw that it had opened a small crack. Although it is not too obvious, it is easy to find if you look carefully."

"It didn't close?"

"It's careless." Saratoga said indifferently, "It must have been flustered after taking the things, so I didn't pay attention."

"This explanation doesn't feel very reliable, Gaga."

"It should be two people." Xiao Tiancheng said suddenly, "Judging from the situation at the door, the little ship lady holding the key is very greedy, it is impossible to go to such a strenuous place and waste time, I even prefer her He came out after eating inside, and judging from the snacks that fell inside and this window, he might be a slightly timid type."

One is greedy and the other is timid.

After Xiao Tiancheng finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Su Hao didn't speak either.

Things are getting more and more confusing.



Take a pat on the table, imposing, and ascend.

Su Hao put the key back in the drawer, then looked at Xili and Firefly standing in the office.

"Xili, tell me about your business first."

Xi Li honestly explained his criminal process.

The firefly yelled immediately: "So you took the key!"

"It's not me." Xili pouted, "Although it's me, I picked up the key."

"I still want to quibble!" Firefly put her hands on her hips, she was finally innocent now, she was proud, the commander left her because she wanted to teach Xili a lesson, bastard, you actually caused me to be slandered!

"Xili didn't make excuses." Su Hao walked over and knocked on the firefly's head, "Okay, now let's explain your business."


She directly showed Quincy's face to Su Hao.

Commander, what do I have to say?

"That box." Su Hao reminded, "What happened to the box you took and threw away this morning?"

Firefly recalled it carefully.

I remembered.

"Sister Richelieu asked me to throw away that trash box."

"Miss Li?"

Su Hao was surprised, "Did she let you lose it?"

"Yes." Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, Firefly raised her head, frankly, don't lower your proud head even when facing the commander, "Sister Richelieu told me to go."

She repeated it, as if she felt a sense of honor, just a firefly, completely fulfilling the task entrusted by Sister Richelieu.

Su Hao was puzzled, so he still called Richelieu.

"Oh, I see that she is always wandering around the door, asking her if she has nothing special to do, so I just let her do something to pass the time, the box is too big to fit in the trash can in the office, anyway So Kong simply let her throw it away."

"Uh, Miss Li, didn't you open it when you threw it away?"

"I opened it, and at first glance, there is only wrapping paper. Is there anything special about that box?"

"No, I'll just ask."

Su Hao was surprised.

Sister Li actually played a role in it, and I'm sure she didn't know there was a key in it.

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