"Xili, what happened in the box when you opened it?"

"It's empty."

"How did you find the key?"

"Well, it's just a pile of that kind of wrapping paper squeezed together. I wanted to check if there was anything I hadn't eaten, so I found the key."

Isn't it obvious at a glance?

That's right, if it was too obvious, Richelieu would definitely pay attention, and at that time, she probably focused on her work, because she had to find something for the fireflies to do, so she didn't pay much attention.

And even if there is food in it, so what, it is a harmless thing.

Su Hao touched his chin.

He was a little interested.

To say that these are all coincidences, he doesn't believe it.

"Speaking of Firefly, you're sneaking around here today just to get the key, right?"

"Hmm." Having been exposed, Firefly honestly admitted that she was an honest child, "I made a mistake, Commander."

Su Hao smiled and said: "I didn't make a mistake, but next time I want to eat snacks, just tell me... But why do you suddenly want to go to the yacht to find something to eat? How do you know there are snacks on it?"

Firefly scratched his head.

Firefly tilted her head.

Firefly frowned.

"It should be... It seems... It seems that someone told me this morning..."

"Who told you that?"

Su Hao felt that this person should be the focus.

But the firefly struggled for a long time, "Hmm~~~" for a long time, and the shit came out, but he couldn't figure out who it was.

"It seems that there is no one, just overheard."

Firefly finally said with certainty.

Tsk~ what do you want.

Obviously, Firefly took on the role of running errands and taking the blame to divert attention in this matter.

If, if someone deliberately told the firefly, then this person is probably behind the scenes.

who can that be?

The key is in the box.

It couldn't have been put in in the morning, because Richelieu didn't have a chance to do it in the morning.

In other words, the key was tampered with yesterday.

Then why is there another person who climbs the window?

Could it be that the mastermind behind the scenes took the food from the window by himself, fearing that people would find out that there were no snacks, so he came up with a plan to make Xili take the blame?

how could it be possible!

How could such a smart guy climb the window and drop things all over the floor in panic.

So there are two people who take the snacks.

Among them, Xi Li is now the scapegoat.

Fireflies are also blamed.

Su Hao suspected that the windows of the yacht were also opened by the black hands behind the scenes.

Because of the inspection by the maids, it is impossible to open the windows at will.

Opened it, and other ship girls used this channel to take away the snacks.

Question How does the ship girl who took the snacks know that the window is open and that there are snacks inside?

Su Hao looked at Xili.

"Xili, how do you know there is food in the yacht?"

"Xuefeng told me." Xili confessed honestly, "She ate the same thing for me in the morning, and she also ate for others, and then I seem to have heard someone say that there is..."

"Oh? Did those ship girls who eat said that?"

"Forgot who it was."

She didn't care who said it at all, she was all about eating, so she didn't care so much.

Su Hao nodded.

Obviously, that ship girl cleverly took advantage of Xili's character.

After eating, Xili was full of temptations, and then "ran into" the firefly who threw the box. After finding the key, he realized that there was food in the yacht, so he made a move.

And Xuefeng was probably the one who climbed the window.

It's not because of timidity, but because of panic, after all, it's Xuefeng, how can Tangtang Xuefeng do such things as climbing windows?

As for dropping things, part of the reason was anxiety, and part of the reason was probably because the window was too small for her.

And sharing food is definitely inevitable, because Xuefeng's temperament is like this, he is easy to be proud, show off, arrogant and arrogant, of course he has to be arrogant.

And the mastermind behind the scenes ate delicious food without doing anything... Would such a smart guy really care about a little food?

And if it was really said by accident, after all, there is food on the yacht, it is not a secret.

It is also possible that like a firefly, I overheard others saying it, and then mentioned it while eating, and Xili heard it.


Big head.

Therefore, it is impossible to determine where the black hand behind the scenes appeared, let alone determine her identity.

After thinking about it, the next step is to find Xuefeng.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Xuefeng didn't admit it, even if he was beaten to death.

"It's not that I ate something, no da! No da!"

Su Hao was speechless, "Then do you know who is spreading the word 'there are snacks on the yacht' recently? Or someone told you that there are snacks on the yacht today."

Xuefeng went to get food, he must have heard from someone.

And maybe that person used the aggressive method to go there.

After all, Xuefeng is a prince, how could he climb the window?

"This, it seems... is..."

Like fireflies, it may be heard 'unconsciously'.

Su Hao changed the question: "Who did you talk to this morning?"

"Then how do I remember, huh! Master Xuefeng is the most popular. He talks to so many people every day, how can he remember everyone? Do you remember how many pieces of bread you have eaten?"

Su Hao twitched, and sighed softly: "Think about it carefully, try to be in the morning, very early, please Xue Feng, this matter is very important to me, and it is something that only you can do .”


Xuefeng froze for a moment.

His cheeks turned red all of a sudden.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

But soon she covered it up again.

"Hmph~ Master Xuefeng is an invincible mouth! I think!!"

Xuefeng frowned and began to think.

thinking about...

After a while, she remembered a few names.

"Yes...Xili, Shigu, Xiao Chicheng...is it early?"

"Well, earlier, preferably before ten o'clock in the morning."

"In this case... Mikasa-senpai, sister Hiei, little Hiei, and... and... oh yes, and Xiaotiancheng, that's all."

"These people..."

Su Hao thought for a while.

Xi Li is definitely not, Shi Yu is not that smart, Xiao Chicheng is possible, and she still has a plan.

Mikasa-senpai definitely won't, Hiei and Ko Hiei too, if Xiao Amagi...

"Did Xiao Tiancheng tell you anything?"

Xuefeng said it vividly: "'You can't do it'."


Su Hao froze for a moment, "Can't you do anything?"

Xuefeng shook his head and stopped talking.

Can't get the snacks out of the yacht?

"Did you give Xiao Tiancheng any snacks?"

"Hmph! Of course I did, otherwise how would I defeat her?"


Well, the truth is out.


When I found Xiao Tiancheng, the latter was quietly sitting on the wooden bench reading a book on the tree-lined path leading to the office building.

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