Hearing footsteps, he didn't raise his head until Su Hao came to her side.

"I finally found it~" Xiao Tiancheng raised his head and smiled slightly: "Commander, how did you get it?"

"Harvest... There is a guy who egged on two naive cuties, and even used an iron head as a tool man. Do you think she is hateful or not?"

Xiao Tiancheng asked back: "What do you think, Commander?"

"I don't think it's evil at all. There must be a reason for her to do this. Her Fugang District is very lively all day long. Everyone ate snacks and played games. But can you tell me why she did this? ?"

Xiao Tiancheng didn't speak, closed the book in his hand, and held it up for Su Hao to read.

The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes

"I get inspiration occasionally, hee hee~ Sorry, Commander, but I will find a way to clean up the next mess and make sure they won't do this kind of thing again."

"Ah, so it's this." Su Hao patted Xiao Tiancheng on the head, "It's a good thing to have something you're interested in, but don't play it too far."

Xiao Tiancheng stuck out his tongue.

Then he laughed.

"Not next time."

"A good boy is obedient."

"Commander, I'm no longer young... Do you want to sit down and read a book together?"

The robin on the tree squeaks and squeaks~ It's noisy, but it makes people feel calm.



Chapter 619

Not all the little ship girls are naughty, and now it is obvious that Xiao Tiancheng feels that he cannot be treated as a child.

Not to mention the foul figure, considering that her joining would seriously increase the average intelligence of the small ship girls in the port area, Su Hao decisively removed her from the ranks of small ship girls.

In fact, judging by her size, Xiao Tiancheng is already a mature junior high school student. Some high school students are not as beautiful as her, but compared to Tiancheng, she is indeed smaller, but compared to a certain capital ship, she is much stronger.

If it is some lsp, I am afraid that they have sharpened their knives and turned their attention to the mall, krypton gold, rings, flying one sky city and one small sky city, hentai!

However, Su Hao is not hentai, he looked at Xiao Tiancheng full of 'father's love', no, he is not that old at all, it should be said that he is loved by his brother.

My sister can't be this cute!

Together with Xiaotiancheng, reading, walking, chatting, enjoying the leisure in summer time, is the tranquility of a small river.

However, there are still some people, the real little ship girls, when they get along with each other, they are like storms and waves, rushing non-stop.

Today is the day when Yudachi is the secretary ship.

"rua! Commander, is the job done?"

"rua! Commander, is it time to eat?"




At eight o'clock, nine o'clock, eleven or twelve in the morning, when the bell rang for lunch in the port area, it was the time when Xili was most excited.

But there are things in this world that Xi Li cares more about than eating.

At this time, the little guy was standing beside Su Hao, staring at his work, staring, standing, couldn't wait after a few seconds, stood on the spot and stomped his feet, beeping beeping, shaking his hands to cheer up, hurry up Ah Commander, if you don't go, they will eat all the delicious food.

"All right."

Su Hao tapped on the keyboard.

"Let's go."

"Don't worry."

Being dragged away, the little girl's anxious appearance was so cute, Su Hao couldn't help but laugh.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, many people were there, and some ate at their own homes, but even if there were no special circumstances, they would come here. The atmosphere was different if it was a bit more lively. The big family in the port area was harmonious.

"Today is Xi Li as the secretary ship."

"The commander is miserable."

"I have to work and take care of the children. Is there no one to help? Assault?"

"I'll pass. I can leave the work to me. Let Xili forget it. I'm afraid of her now."

"Afraid of what she will do? If she is disobedient, you can hit her with your foul object."

"Atlanta, do you want to be smashed by me?"

The bustling voices in the big cafeteria, the ship girls can let go at home, they don't care about so much, Opie, long legs, etc., some even openly discuss the size of underwear, Su Hao said to this Strongly condemned.

I'm a big man, can't you restrain yourself?

"Commander, here, here~"

Su Hao was holding the dinner plate, and originally wanted to go to Sister Li's side, but Xi Li helped her work until noon, so she wanted to talk about something.

But Akagi called him that.

"Hey, Xuefeng is over there too!"

The ship girls of Chongying usually get together, and at this time Xili ran over, Su Hao had no choice but to follow.

"Xili, you are so slow today."

Xuefeng laughed at her, aren't you the first to rush into the cafeteria every day?

"It's the commander who is too slow, I'm waiting for the commander."

Su Hao twitched, thinking that if you weren't around and kept helping me, I would have finished it long ago.

"Today is Xili." Tiancheng smiled slightly, "That's really hard work."

Xili tilted her head: "Commander, it's not hard, I'll help her." She walked over and sat down next to Xuefeng, then moved her buttocks to push Xuefeng aside, "Commander, sit here."

Akagi was unhappy, "Commander, sit here."

"Hmph~ Sister Akagi, today I am the secretary ship, you must obey the discipline, and if you don't obey, you will be disciplined."

Akagi froze for a moment, what and what?

Is there such a good thing?

However, Xi Li's words are not rough, and now the port area stipulates that the secretary ship must be by the commander's side, which is a right, otherwise it would be meaningless to rotate the secretary ship.

Su Hao sat down and looked around.

"Where's Nagato? Didn't come over again?"

"That's right, Nagato-sama is still used to eating alone. In fact, she doesn't care much about what to eat, she's just used to the food that Fusang prepares for her every day, and the atmosphere."

"Occasionally we have to sit down and get together."

"I will convey this proposal on behalf of the Lord."

"Whatever she does." Atago tapped his chopsticks, "Is Commander free this afternoon?"

"what happened?"

"I want to go shopping, you can accompany me."


"Atago, you can't disturb the work of Your Excellency the Commander."

Kaohsiung's reminder was naturally ignored, but was used by Atago, who put his arms around her arm and said with a smile: "Of course there is Sister Kaohsiung together, Chokai Maya, do you have something you want to buy? For example, a Beautiful and sexy Nene?"

"Love, Atago!"

Kaohsiung blushed and scolded, can Nene say such things so loudly?Even if you want to buy sexy ones, you can't tell your commander!


"Hee hee~ Sister, you are shy, so cute."

Atago squeezed against Kaohsiung, who really had nothing to do with her.

Su Hao looked at it for a while, as expected of Ai Dagou, but Kaohsiung's shy look is also awesome, Kaohsiung vs Ai Dagou, think about the picture of two sisters fighting together on the bed, wait, why two sisters?Isn't there four?

Fighting together, trying to persuade a fight as a commander, fighting with each other, it seems that there is something wrong with the taste, it is a steel plate, and someone added a steel plate.

But even with all the allure, it's not a good day to go out.

"next time."

I have a very important job to deal with in the afternoon.



After the last joint operation against the NA sea area, when Su Hao came back, he left the system of commanding the spirits to Ming and Yubari to study. They contacted him in the morning, saying that it had been remodeled, and asked Su Hao to take a look. Look.

If it wasn't for Ming's sudden contact, he would have almost forgotten about this matter.

"Commander, aren't we going to the office?"

Xili followed Su Hao, beep thump, beep thump, short legs but not long but walked fast, more than enough to keep up with Su Hao's pace.

"Let's go to the research room."

Instead of going to the office, Xili immediately regained his energy.

The little girl was humming a song, she didn't know what the tune was, listened carefully, hamburgers, chicken rolls, grilled chicken wings, grilled chicken legs, Coca-Cola chicken wings with big elbows, etc. Damn, she was reading the menu.

"Has Xili been out recently?" Su Hao asked.

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"Go shopping, go shopping, didn't you often go out with George V before?"

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