"Oh, not anymore." Xili shook her head.


"I've been to places that are close."

"It's farther away."

"I don't want to go."

"Why don't you want to go?"

Xili scratched his head, looked up at Su Hao, then walked with his head down again, saying, "I don't want to go."

Wagging his tail, he reached out and grabbed Su Hao's fingers, index finger and middle finger.

"Commander, your hands are so big."

Su Hao smiled: "It's because your hands are getting smaller."


Xili bared her teeth and claws for a while, then hurriedly asked: "Commander, look, isn't it super fierce?"

"Ah, it's so fierce, Xili is a brave wild wolf."

"Hee hee~ Whoever dares to bully the commander in the future, I will use my claws to make him look good!"

Su Hao took Xili's hand.

Touched his head, touched his ears.

Kissed on the cheek.

No way, the little guy is so cute.


Strong or not is temporary, cute is a lifetime.

Su Hao thinks this sentence is too reasonable, Xili is so cute, so let him protect him, Xili is so obedient and obedient, no one can get close to me, Xili.

At this time, he took Xili with him, and soon came to the scientific research office in the port area.

Both Ming and Yuzhang were there, and when they saw Su Hao, they stopped to greet him.

"How is it? Has it been remodeled?"

"Yes meow."

Ming started to operate on the computer, "The commander wizard module has been improved, and the AI ​​capabilities have been enhanced according to the commander's requirements, so that it can achieve the same reaction effect as a real person."

Yubari sighed: "Siren's AI technology is really powerful. Now I finally know why their mass-produced models can cooperate so efficiently. If we can also make breakthroughs in this technology, we can even Make many small warships like the Siren to assist in the battle."

"Small battleships, this one is a bit far away. Even if the AI ​​technology meets that requirement, compared with the siren combat units, our technology in this area is not a little bit weaker."

"That's right." Yubari nodded, "Although it can be improved continuously, it will consume a lot of resources, and it may not be useful.

The two discussed for a while.

Ming opened the program of the command system and displayed it on the computer.

Just like a desktop elf, a girl suddenly appeared in the lower right corner.

A white hair, a white dress, bare feet, no socks, even fat times... have you worn it?

The long bangs cover one eye, and one strand is blue, and the other eye is also a beautiful sky blue, but it feels a little like a dead fish eye, and looks lifeless and dull.


Su Hao felt so familiar.

very familiar.

I just don't know where I saw it.

I searched my mind for the memory of the eleven years since I came to this world, but there seems to be no memory. Could it be a certain character in Azur Lane?

"How could it be like this?"

"She chose meow~"

"Can I change it?" For example, change it to Little Gaga or something.

"It's ok, meow, but I have given her the autonomous authority, even if I change it to something else, maybe she will change it back after a while, unless the authority is withdrawn, but in that case, the ability of the AI ​​part will be greatly reduced Meow~"

"Then don't take it back."

It's just an image, it doesn't matter if it's little Jiajia or not, although I have some obsessions in my heart, but it's just a little bit, and I can give up when I encounter other things.

At this time, Su Hao stared at Miss Baimao, actually a little embarrassed, always felt that her dress was too cool, and the dress was short in the front and long in the back, more like a dress, what should I call this?Is it a DIY work?

"Will she take the initiative to speak?"

"Commander, navigator TB, officially at your service."

"Uh, Taobao?"

This girl didn't come across time and space, did she?

"TB, terabytes, my name corresponds to my ability, the commander can rely on me and use me as much as I want."

Su Hao glanced at Ming.

"Did you teach her such a bad thing?"

Ming immediately shook his head, refusing to take the blame.

"TB has powerful AI capabilities and can learn autonomously like a human being, dabbling in maritime technology and combat-related knowledge. All in all, the commander can ask her anything, even relevant information from the Maritime Safety Administration can be directly asked her."

Yubari's explanation made Su Hao's eyes light up.

"Then can she sync to my computer?"

"Yes, meow. If you use her on the computer, you can directly issue commands through language for all operations, but the computer needs a high configuration to run her. Meow, we have also upgraded your terminal for you, Commander. Otherwise, I won’t be able to drive meow at all~”

"That's okay, even with the best configuration, it doesn't matter how much it costs."

The corners of Ming's mouth curled up, "Just in time, Shiranui bought a batch of the highest-grade computer accessories, Commander, let me help you build the latest one."



Wait, am I being tricked?

Forget it.

"Then please."

How can repairing computers prevent shops from making money?The same is true for scientific research. Now that the equipment is equipped for you, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

And with navigator TB, let her help with work in the future.

TBTB, help me deal with the mail, let me know if there is something important.

TBTB, I can't count this question.

TBTB - help me!


Not long after, he took Xili out of the research room.

There is still the final debugging work on the terminal, and Su Hao is not in a hurry. The main thing is to configure the computer. After two days, his big plan to fish for fish can start.

Heh heh heh, ahhh, so cool~

"Commander, where are you going next?"

Xili hadn't spoken just now, and her IQ value was not enough to support her to speak in that kind of place, but now she came out, breathing the air of the port area, she was free.

Walk around the Freeport Zone casually, and Su Hao has nowhere to go. This is the end of today's work, and the next step is fishing time.

If you don’t want to go anywhere, go to the seaside, sit in a coffee shop by the sea, order a cup of black tea and some snacks, and pay attention to the situation here while resting.

Since the work of spiritual counseling started, more and more ship girls came here.

Unless there is really any major matter that needs to be dealt with, there will naturally be troublesome things, and some small things can be solved by the maids. If there is really something that needs to be put away, he will come to him.

There are many people in the coffee shop, and it is very lively. Even if you don’t come to seek advice from the maid, it’s not bad to simply enjoy it. After all, under the guidance of Befa, the atmosphere of the coffee shop and the food and drink are all very good.

The word of mouth is getting better and better, and more and more people come here, so that the canteen next to it seems a little deserted?


A resentful gaze fell on Su Hao through the floor-to-ceiling windows.


Shiranui's eyes turned green after seeing the picture in the cafe.

So many people!

A lot of people, that's a lot of money!

But the money is not hers and cannot enter her pocket.

The resentment in Shiranui's heart is that she decided not to open the coffee shop after discussing it with Ming. After all, she didn't care so much about it, and the small shop cost is low and the return is fast. Anyway, there are no competitors, so it doesn't matter if the things are a little more expensive.

Now, although the business of the commissary is still very good, and the sales of swimsuits, snacks, melon seeds and fruits are not much, the business of the coffee shop is obviously better.

Shiranui swears, this is the only mistake she has ever made in her life.

Xi Li was covering her mouth and laughing, she knew what she didn't know, a profiteer, that's what they call it in the port area.

The profiteers and profiteers stole away their monthly pocket money.

Shiranui hated it, Xili smiled happily.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Hao asked her.

"Hey hey~" Xi Li covered his mouth, let go, ate something and continued to laugh, "Look, Commander, Shiranui's appearance of crying is so funny."

"Shh, keep your voice down."

Shiranui heard it, she heard it, at this moment she glanced at Xi Li, and drifted away expressionlessly.

Su Hao said: "You are miserable, you will definitely be tricked by her next time you go."

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