"It's all right." Xi Li said with a smile, "Anyway, I've used up all my pocket money."

"What about next month?"

"The next month's money will be used to pay back."

"Huh? Then next month??"

"Of course you have to pay off your debts. It's only natural to borrow money to pay back."

Su Hao was silent for a while.

"Xili, tell me what you want to buy in the future, and I'll give you a reference."

Xili scratched his head, although he didn't know why, but listening to the commander was always right.


After sitting in the coffee shop for half an hour, I had enough fishing, and it was time to change to another place.

The highest state of fishing is that although you are fishing, in the eyes of others, you are busy all day long.

Su Hao was already very busy, he stopped and walked every day, went around the port area, talked to the girls on the ship, and he was gone in almost a day.

"Xili, do you know how the port area worked in the past?"

Walking on the open road on the pier, Su Hao's voice was high and surging, feeling the sea breeze blowing, and the force of the waves hitting the pier.

He said: "Let me tell you, the profession of commander just appeared in the past, and the port area was only formed under the suggestion of everyone, with the commander leading the ship mother to fight as the core ship girl. At that time, the port area was not like it is now. Many, a port area is the most important strategic resource, there are everyone in it, the commander and ship wife only need to be in charge of war-related matters, and other things are left to others.”

"A port area is equipped with dozens or even hundreds of staff to help with cleaning, cooking, material transportation, etc. It is very lively."

Xi Li raised his head and said, "Isn't that uncomfortable? I don't like having so many people I don't know."

"So, everyone realized this later, and then the organization 'Azur Lane', which is purely managed by the ship's mother, was established, and maritime safety bureaus were also established in various places to be responsible for the docking work with the port area and the work of equipping the port area. The number of personnel has also been reduced from dozens at the beginning, and now, except for a few port areas with a few staff members, most of the port areas are managed solely by the commander and the ship's wife."

"rua! I like this port area!"

"Haha~ I like this too."

The two walked to the beach and stood facing the sea, holding hands.

Holding hands, standing together, then sitting down again, legs outstretched and hanging in mid-air.

Xili kicked her legs, feeling very relaxed and happy. It turned out that being a secretary was like this. She turned her head to look at Su Hao, and then turned her head back.

The waves beat against the stone surface, and the seabirds flew overhead and made high-pitched and crisp chirps.

The sun is just right.

In the distance, a yacht slowly approached.

"Commander, look, look, someone is coming."

The yacht approached, and there was a guest, the Duke of York.


PS: I smashed a treasure chest myself today, and then someone threw experience '3' on my face, smack!Soon, I am not a company, I have a big E, but there is no flash, the man pointed at my nose and said, 'Why is it all experience? ', I ~ smiled, isn't it you?He said 'everyone is experience', I~ smiled, and took out the 16 tokens I got, he was dumbfounded.Sigh~ Ouhuang's opening of the box is often so unpretentious and boring.

Chapter 620 Member of Ember?

The Duke of York came, and Su Hao asked Xili to find King George V, who was in the coffee shop.

"Your daughter?" the Duke of York asked knowingly.

"I'm married." Of course Su Hao was joking.

The Duke of York raised his eyebrows, and when he saw the smile on Su Hao's face, he knew it was a joke.

But the one just now is hard to say, the figure is very subtle, if the personality is more mature, then such a woman is nothing to become a marriage woman, I am afraid that the kind of girl with a young girl's figure and a young personality, you also treat her as a wife, wife wife Whoa, the gendarmerie isn't staring at you?

"When did you get the ring?" The Duke of York seemed to be in a good mood, joking.

"Come on, I invite you to the wedding."

"You really entered it, don't you really have an idea?" The Duke of York put his hands on his chest and raised it. I don't know if it's a habit or showing off, but she has the qualifications to show off. She looked at Su Hao at this moment, "Although You are the commander-in-chief now, but the gendarmerie can go beyond their authority in arresting people, they are all upright ship girls who dare to fight all the evils in this world."

Su Hao didn't care: "They can't beat me."

"If one can't do it, there will be ten or a hundred. If you can't beat it, stare at you every day, are you afraid?"

"Let's forget it. I'm not married, can't I?"

"Is your love for the ship's mother so casual? If you run into a little difficulty and shrink back, this is not a competent commander."

"Uh, so I'm still married?"

The Duke of York took out his phone.

Su Hao asked, "What are you doing?"

"Call the gendarmerie and let them arrest people."

"Didn't you let me marry?"

The Duke of York suddenly laughed.

Well, as expected, I was still joking, and Su Hao was also joking. Of course, it doesn't matter in the game. In the game, he bears the brunt of the brunt, but of course in reality...

Secretly married!

But not now, even if you have that kind of thinking, there are too many guys with colored glasses in reality. They are clear and pure, and their souls are as pure as white snow, but others don’t think so, they think of them, they think they are lsp, So you are also an LSP. They think they have smelted copper, so you have also smelted copper.

"Your pier is getting more and more outrageous. It wasn't this big last time, was it?"

The Duke of York was standing on the pier. At this time, she was not in a hurry to go in. Anyway, she used to come here often, and she was very familiar with the place. Entering the door was not considered a guest, but a family member.

"How long has it been since you were last here?"

"It seems to be the time of Chinese New Year."

"For months, I've been able to build another port area."

The Duke of York laughed: "What's the use of building another port area? Your port area is the strongest and largest in the world. I don't know how many commanders are envious and want to take a look."

"Forget it, I can't entertain so many people."

"That's why the Maritime Safety Administration clearly stipulates that you should ask first before visiting, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation."

"real or fake?"

"It's been posted a long time ago, don't you know?"

I know...shit.

Su Hao looked back on his life during this period, and described it in two words: salted fish.

It's still salty after turning over.

"Of course I know." Su Hao has a good tongue, "I can't get enough emails recently, and I spend a lot of time in my daily work on this."

"Also..." The Duke of York frowned slightly, "Why don't you explain it to Yixian?"

"Ah, no need." Su Hao blushed. In fact, the work of receiving letters had already been handed over to other people. He had never checked the mailbox at all. Except for important things, he skipped all other things, and refused all visits.

Duke of York, don't think about me so much, I'm even embarrassed.

Su Hao coughed lightly, and in the distance, Xi Li brought George V and Hao over.


The Duke of York came here this time mainly to fulfill the promise made during the last joint operation.

Last time I said I would come, but because of the problem of the NA sea area, it was delayed for a month.

"After Ru left, Donghuang once again assembled a team to explore the NA sea area with Bagui District and Ninghe District as the main combat force. It has been a month now."

"Judging from the current situation, the sirens in that sea area are indeed quite special, and in the past month, not only the NA sea area, but also 'enhanced' sirens have appeared in other areas. It can be said that the sea area of ​​the entire world has a dangerous level. It's all improved."

"Azur Lane feels that this may be a signal for the Siren to attack in the next stage, and all the camps have to deal with it. You should know this, right? After all, the orders are sent from you."

Of course Su Hao knew that the next Siren's attack point was coming, times had changed, and the Siren was stronger.

It's just that the increased danger in the sea area has no effect on the port area at all.

Xi Li lay on the sofa and asked after hearing the Duke of York's words: "It's become dangerous, has it? I feel the same every day."

The Duke of York glanced at her, a mere little guy, and his tone was not small.

However, she also knew that the little guys in Suhao Port should not be underestimated. Little guys are little guys, and battleships are battleships. There is no conflict at all.

For example, a little guy is a little guy, a wedding ship is a wedding ship, and it's normal for a capital ship not to be a wedding ship.

Why?Because it is small.

"Haha~ I've heard from Her Majesty Elizabeth that she contacted War Weariness during the tea chat last time. The royal side is too busy to deal with the new siren~" George V laughed.

"The royal family is not the only one who is so busy." The Duke of York took a sip of his black tea, put down the cup, and when the tea bottomed out, Beffa filled it up for her. "Thank you." Then he raised his eyes, "Recently, Donghuang's There are also many problems, and the progress of exploring the NA sea area has been unsatisfactory due to thanks, but just yesterday a fleet discovered something strange."

Su Hao mentioned with interest: "What strange place?"

The NA sea area is so big, he led the fleet to walk in a straight line last time, and there was no time to explore other places.

But the observer said it was an experimental site, and there was nothing there anyway, so he didn't care.

"A closed singularity."


"According to the investigation, the members of Ember have the ability to open a special 'singularity', which will cause a huge reaction in the nearby space, and if it is not handled properly, it can even cause the space to collapse... Although Yu is very skeptical about this, But the members of Ember are strong, there is no doubt about that."

The Duke of York pursed his lips, with a fearful tone in his words, "The existence of the singularity has almost become a sign of the emergence of the ember, and the ember does not seem to be with the siren, and this time the singularity that was closed, I wanted to investigate, but there are many sirens nearby, and they are all very powerful, Yixian meant to ask you what you think."

I found the embers, but I don't know what big treasure is inside.

Of course, Yixian didn't want to just report it to Azur Lane, and the location of the NA sea area is very delicate, so there are legitimate reasons for Sakura to make a move.

Yixian's idea is to let Su Hao decide whether to attack in the name of the port area or the name of the joint commander-in-chief. There is a big difference between the two.

It happened that the Duke of York had an appointment with Su Hao, so he came over directly this time.

This is a big matter, and she has to pay attention to it.


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