Su Hao touched his chin.

To be honest, they are quite dangerous, far more dangerous than sirens.

On Siren's side, after all, he is considered a relative, an inner ghost, and no matter how hard he fights, it is impossible to have an accident.

But the embers are more ruthless than the other, the dross in the ashes, such a mocking self-proclaimed, corresponds to the steel-like will and determination, a powerful enemy is not to be feared, but a strong, persistent and calm enemy is to be feared.

But looking at it from another angle, Ember is also looking for the possibility of the future of this world, so maybe they can communicate well, at least the black enterprise is still reasonable.

"Commander, are they strong?" Hao asked curiously.

"Strong, very strong."

"Even Richelieu and the others are not opponents?"

"It's hard to say, one-on-one may not be easy to deal with, but we are a group, team, so you don't have to worry if we fight together." Su Hao still decided to go over and have a look. He said to the Duke of York: "The NA sea area I will not participate in the recovery plan, but I can go and see what remains of the singularity, and if there is something important at that time, let’s talk about it first.”

"What about after taking it out?" Xi Li asked, she is now a secretary, concerned about state affairs.

Su Hao glanced at her and said nothing.

After a while, Su Hao asked King George V to accompany the Duke of York around the port area, and he summoned the members of the Golden Fleet.

Richelieu, Enterprise, Amagi, Bismarck thought for a while and hugged the sleeping Shinano.

"Aren't you bringing anyone else?" Richelieu asked.

"I don't want to bring it anymore. With the help of the Black Rubik's Cube, even if you encounter Ember one-on-one, it won't be so difficult. Others can't do it, it's too dangerous."

"What about Shinano?"

"It's okay, she can fight even if she sleeps on the yacht."

"Good ability to foul..."

"Isn't her ability to sleep more foul? The last time I saw her walking on the road, she suddenly fell down and fell asleep."

"No wonder the commander said that if he meets Shinano on the road, he will take her back."

"It's even scarier than Lafite."

Su Hao hugged Shinano, who opened his eyes and looked at him, asking questions.

"Attack." Su Hao said.


Responded, and then...

There's no after that.

Close your eyes, lean your head on Su Hao's shoulder and continue to sleep.

"Let's go."

A few people got on the yacht and set sail, quite low-key, this time Su Hao planned to go and return quickly.


"Welcome to use Port Navigator TB. This product is certified and produced by Mingmiao Company. Piracy is rejected. Support for genuine copies starts with me. For details, please follow Mingmiao's official account: ****"

"The system has started."

"Collecting information on the surrounding sea area, retrieving the location of the siren... The search is complete, Commander, no trace of the siren has been found."

On the terminal, the cute white-haired navigator TB is showing Su Hao her powerful functions.

After Ming and Yubari's improvements, the entire conductor spirit seemed to come alive.

Su Hao just activated her, and then all operations will be carried out automatically. If there is any special requirement, it can be issued in language. Su Hao didn't even see the operation interface.

In the meaning of Ming, the whole body of TB is composed of a visual operation interface. Of course, in order to avoid some strange XP attacks, there is no need to click on TB. Say "TB, search for nearby enemies", and TB can move by itself. You don't need to move.

Moreover, this guy has the authority to control all levels of the terminal at the same time, which is equivalent to the AI ​​of the entire terminal, which is quite convenient.

"This is the command elf you brought back last time?"

Sitting next to Su Hao, Richelieu asked curiously.

"Yes, TB, say hello."

TB still didn't show any expression, but he still followed Su Hao's words.

"Good afternoon, Monsieur Richelieu."

"You know me?" Richelieu was surprised.

"Your data has been recorded in the terminal, and your information can be found in the Maritime Safety Administration. I am a terabyte, a terabyte of terabytes. This kind of trivial matter is very simple for me."

Although his face was expressionless, pride could still be heard in his tone.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Sister Li, look, isn't she very powerful?"

"Indeed, but who is this appearance of TB?"

Su Hao didn't know, so he asked TB.

"My appearance is generated by the underlying technical architecture data."

"Didn't you decide it yourself?" Su Hao remembered that Ming said it was the choice of TB's self-consciousness.

"My behavior is determined by the technology that created me, so strictly speaking, the moment I appear, my appearance is already determined, although I can also change at will... Commander Want to see other people? Regardless I can change anyone, ship girl, orc, succubus, elf or even..."

"Stop stop, TB, something is wrong with you!"

TB tilted his head, showing a puzzled expression.

Su Hao turned serious, he is serious now, turned his head and explained to the smiling Richelieu: "Sister Li, I didn't teach her these things, I swear!"

"Don't the commander like it? According to the data analysis I have collected, more than 95% of the people in this world will not reject the types I just mentioned."

"But I refuse!"

"Well, the commander is imitating...the search results don't exist, huh?"

Su Hao's face darkened: "What are you doing?"

"Based on the basic information I have about the commander, the commander doesn't seem like someone who would say such things."

"What information do you have about me?"

"Provided by the creator 'Cat Teacher', from the data analysis, the commander should belong to the kind of good-natured character who will not reject others. If it is replaced by the hero of the youth anime theater, it should be 'I don't want to hurt anyone' as an excuse. Feel free to leave the harem and enjoy being surrounded by all kinds of girls."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"Pfft~" Richelieu smiled, "Xiao Hao, this TB is so interesting."

"Funny!" Su Hao was annoyed, "What kind of nonsense did Mingdu instill in her?"

"Mr. Cat didn't instill any strange things in me. These are the results of my calculations on the data."

"Then you should change your brain."

Su Hao complained.

"Okay, according to TB, she needs to continuously accumulate data before evolving, right?"


"That's fine, at least in terms of combat assistance, Xiao Hao, it should be more convenient for you after you have this."

"Well, let's just say that."

Compared with the original rigid functions, the improved TB has indeed become more intelligent. Ming has integrated the AI ​​technology of the Siren, and the Siren is indeed very strong in this respect.

However, Su Hao prayed that after TB absorbs enough data, it will not evolve into a guy like a purifier or a clearer.

As for the appearance, don't change it if you don't change it.

Well, try later to see if you can become an orc or an elf. Don't get me wrong, Su Hao just wants to check TB's ability, and has no other ideas.

Along the way, Su Hao paid attention to the sea area while studying TB.

He stayed outside an island at night, and continued to set off the next day. According to the coordinates given to him by the Duke of York, he arrived at the periphery of the singularity near noon.

From a distance, there is nothing special about it, but TB can detect that the spatial data of this sea area is different from the normal one. Obviously, the influence of the singular point has not completely disappeared.

Strangely enough, the Observer hadn't told him there were embers.

Is it the battlefield that has ended?

"TB, what's the situation in this sea area?"

"Commander, a lot of sirens have been found nearby. The preliminary judgment is that the strength level is very high. If measured by the standards of this world, the strength may be between 92-98, and they are still enhanced."

"Are you kidding? This is equivalent to the strength of the L sea area, right? The deep sea area is close to the siren lair."

"In terms of universal theory, this is indeed the case, but recently the siren has generally improved its strength, and now the strength of the siren in the L sea area should exceed 100."

"Then play a ball."

Su Hao twitched, 100 strength, if it is a strengthened siren unit, a team will kill it, enough to wipe out the ordinary port area.

Of course, this is in the L sea area, which belongs to the core area of ​​the deep sea area, and it is generally impossible to see it, unless there is an attack by the Siren fleet.

Su Hao asked TB to search the distribution of sirens here.

Fortunately, there are no large siren units, otherwise it may be very troublesome. If it is just an ordinary combat unit, it is not very difficult to deal with.

According to the display of the map, after eliminating several teams of enhanced sirens, Su Hao came to the core area of ​​the singularity.

There is a reef area here, which feels like a mound of earth left after an island has experienced a devastating blow. Of course, there is no powerful ember black technology here. After all, the fight was so fierce just now, and no one with ember appeared.

Su Hao was relieved, at least he didn't have to fight anymore.

"It seems to be nothing special." Bismarck looked around, "It's just a simple ruin in the sea, although it is very likely that something important happened before."

"Commander, the sirens are approaching this way." TB reminded.

Su Hao immediately said: "Enterprise, delay with Shinano, let's take a look around."


The carrier-based plane went to intercept the Siren's team, and Su Hao and the others conducted a careful investigation of the sea area.

It's all here, it's not a big loss to go back empty-handed, even if you pick up some junk and go back.

"Commander." TB suddenly reminded him, "Abnormal energy fluctuations have been detected, which are similar to the forces that destroyed the remnants of this space."

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