"Oh? Where?"

"The fluctuation is very weak...I found it." TB showed a map of the nearby sea area on the screen, and one of the places marked in red was the origin of the energy fluctuation.

Su Hao's eyes lit up: "TB, yes."

This thing is much easier to use than brain melon seeds.

Su Hao drove the yacht towards the signal point.

After arriving there, there was only a piece of ruins.

TB presents the floor plan, and the shape of the entire road presents a concave surface, as if pressed down by force.

"Master, here!"

Amagi waved his hand.

Su Hao got off the boat and went over to have a look.


Frozen in an ice cube... Ship girl! ?


PS: (_ _)( - .- )(~O~)...( - .- )

Chapter 621 Black Flying Dragon

To be honest, Su Hao has seldom encountered things that are really surprising.

He wouldn't be shocked if someone told him that little Gaga had 'baby' a little Gaga.

At most, there will be an 'oh', 'what the hell is this?Go see go see', and then, there is no more.

But now Su Hao was surprised.

Who can tell him what happened to this guy frozen in ice?

It's not pure ice, but ice that exudes a black ominous energy.

After seeing her, Su Hao immediately thought of black companies.

This power is very similar to black enterprises.

But this is obviously not a company, nor Kaohsiung, but a ship girl that Su Hao has never seen before.

"Looking at this appearance, she should be Sakura's ship girl."

The ship girls gathered.

"TB, can you analyze her identity?"

"Retrieving. According to the current information in this world, the ship girl belongs to the heavy cherry ship girl. There is an 83% probability that she is a member of the blue dragon and the flying dragon."

"Uh, your probability is really accurate."

Su Hao twitched.

I don't know how TB is calculated, but the heavy cherry ship girl probably is, as for the blue dragon or the flying dragon, it is not known.

"The power of this ice is so strong." Richelieu tapped the surface of the ice cube and said, "It's not like an ice cube, but more like a kind of power condensed."

"Embers." Bismarck said with certainty, "They have incomprehensible energy, maybe this is a use of the Black Rubik's Cube."

"The question is why did she appear here?" Enterprise frowned slightly, "The sirens around are also approaching, but they didn't attack this ship girl before."

"Perhaps they don't know that this ship girl is here. If we hadn't searched carefully just now, we wouldn't have found it. However, judging from the surrounding situation, the members of Ember did stay here for a while, and now they have left."

"So was she abandoned or forgotten?"

Su Hao pondered slightly.

residue among the ashes.

It would be really sad if it was abandoned.

"Or... take it back?"

He looked at the ship girls.

"This..." Tiancheng hesitated, "My lord, Ember's power is too powerful, even more uncontrollable than a siren. No one knows what this ship girl will do when she wakes up. There are too many uncertainties."

"I agree." TB took the initiative to say, "Commander, according to the data, the actions of the ember members have a strong purpose, and they will not appear somewhere to do something meaninglessly. The existence of this ship girl There must be some meaning, and Ember has few members, perhaps her companions are also looking for her, if the commander rashly takes her back, the port area is likely to be attacked by the Ember organization."

"TB is right." Richelieu nodded, "Although I haven't dealt with Embers directly, their strength is terrifying, right?"

"Very scary." Bismarck said without hesitation, "The last time we faced two, one of them has not yet made a move. I think she is even more terrifying."

The enterprise looked at Su Hao, hesitated to speak.

"Take it back." Su Hao said.

"Xiaohao, this..."

"Have you noticed that she is very weak now?"

Richelieu felt it carefully.

Except for Amagi and Shinano, everyone else has the Black Rubik's Cube in their bodies, and they can feel the black energy fluctuations from the Frozen Ship Girl.

Really weak.

"In this case, even if she appears, it will definitely not cause much harm."

"But we can't be sure whether we will be attacked by embers because of this."

"The big deal is to return it to them at that time." Su Hao rubbed his chin, "From the situation last time, it seems that the embers will not carry out meaningless destruction like the sirens, and their members are all rational and independent Consciousness, even if we know that this ship girl is with us, as long as we don't hurt her, it will be fine."

"In addition, there are too many secrets in this ship girl, and it is also the best time for us to get in touch with Ember. If we just miss it like this, we don't know when we will have to wait for the next time."

Are Embers really that scary?

At least from the narration of the observer, what can be known so far is that Ember's ultimate purpose is also for human beings.

So it is impossible for them to attack Su Hao's port area for no reason.

Besides, embers.

Su Hao's heart was hot.

When I was in the game, I have been waiting for the black enterprise to land.


That satellite is too far away, and it probably won't be released until the game is over.

And now, look, what did he find?A cute ember girl.

"Since the lord insists..." Tiancheng and the other ship girls exchanged glances, "Then take it back, we will take turns to take care of it, and wait for the ship girl to wake up first, and if it is judged to be dangerous, it is best to take it away as soon as possible." Send her out. My lord, I don't recommend handing over this ship girl to the Maritime Safety Administration, that will only bring disaster to the Maritime Safety Administration."

"I think so too."

Everyone unanimously approved Amagi's proposal.

"Okay, take it with you."

The ship's wife dug out the whole ice block and put it on the yacht.

There are more and more sirens approaching.

Lingshui, charging with maximum horsepower.




The pitch-black water slapped against the feet of the voyage.

The black enterprise raised its eyes, looked at the surrounding sea area, and slightly stretched its frown.

"I didn't expect that a companion appeared at the end of that singularity."

"I really didn't expect that." Next to her, Hei Gaoxiong followed her, "Companions who have crossed countless worlds, it is too difficult to gather in this world, we need stable beacon transmission, but the sirens obviously won't let us do what we want... Speaking of it , why do you think there is hope in this world?"

The black enterprise shook his head slightly.

"Is it because of him? Although the Siren brought him into this world is indeed somewhat unexpected, it only shows that the Siren is using him to achieve a certain purpose, a purpose we all know."

"You're wrong." The Black Enterprise shook his head, "It wasn't the siren who brought him here."


Black Kaohsiung frowned.

"Do you remember the singularity last time? It's been almost... eleven years."

"Well, something went wrong with the singularity."

"Yes, at that time I sensed the moment when the commander came to this world, I have been looking for it, maybe our embers can fulfill the mission that was created in the first place, I saw the future in him, maybe another 'me' can also Think so."

"No matter what the sirens do, the belief we carry out has never changed. We will not stop until the mission is completed. The night is long and the embers will never burn."

Hei Kaohsiung responded and reminded: "Don't worry, those guys from the arbitration agency have been following us recently."

"The siren is afraid that we will cause trouble."

"After all, it all met their expectations, or exceeded them."

"Don't worry about it, we just need to do our job well."

The figures of the two were forced in the dark night.

Soon, it entered the NA sea area.

"Be careful. Although the sirens in this sea area are weak, they have attracted many human fleets. We try not to cause too much noise."

"It's really weak."

After casually killing a group of sirens, Hei Kaohsiung followed Hei Enterprise and escorted her.

"I remember the location of the singularity point should be... huh? It's here."

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