The two came to the position where the singularity was closed.

"There seems to be a battle here." Hei Kaohsiung glanced at him, "Over there."

The two picked up speed.

However, when they rushed over, they saw nothing.

"Huh? There are obvious traces of movement here..." Hei Kaohsiung squinted his eyes, "Could it be that the Siren got there first?"

"No, the Sirens have long given up on this sea area, and they have no reason to come back and search again."

The black enterprise looked around, the sea at night, the deep darkness seemed to be able to swallow everything.

It's just that in this darkness, she vaguely felt a familiar force.

"Over there, chase!"

The figures of the two disappeared into the sea.



"So how exactly do you break this ice?"

In the port area, they were hurrying, and they finally came back. Everything in the port area was as usual, and no ship girl suspected what they were doing when they went out. Anyway, when they came back, there was not a single ship girl.

At this moment in Su Hao's residence, the frozen ship's wife was placed in the living room.

Su Hao has been telling her for quite a while.

"How about going to sea and using shelling?" Richelieu suggested, "This doesn't look like ordinary ice, it's more like a shield for self-protection."

"If that's the case, it means that you can't force it, otherwise it might cause her some serious harm."

Su Hao smacked his lips.

It feels a little tricky.

Who knows what that hard thing on the surface is.

No matter how you knock it, it won't break.

Even Richelieu hit hard with his fist.

"Would you like to try using the Black Rubik's Cube?"

Richelieu's words made Su Hao wake up.

The power radiating around this ship girl happens to be the Black Rubik's Cube, so it might be useful.

"That's right, why didn't I expect that, Sister Li, you are really smart."

After salting fish for so long, Su Hao almost forgot his old profession.

"That's not smart."

"Hey~ It's just very smart, come on, give me a kiss."

"Go! Go! Go."

Richelieu was helpless, "Hurry up and try it out, the sooner the ember matter is resolved, the better."

Although they are old couples, Richelieu is still very serious at ordinary times, and it is only when they are alone that Su Hao is easy to lead them into an irregular rhythm.

After teasing Sister Li for a while, Su Hao was in a good mood.

The power of the Black Rubik's Cube also melted into the ice layer little by little under his control.

With the input of this power, the ice layer miraculously disappeared little by little, as if it had been eroded away.

"Eh?? It actually works!"

The function of the Black Rubik's Cube feels like it stabilized the situation for Bismarck and the company before. His power steadily suppressed the black energy emanating from the ice layer.

This made Su Hao a little surprised. From this point of view, although Ember's people also use the Black Rubik's Cube, their level is obviously not as high as his.

What did the Sirens stuff for themselves?

Su Hao worked hard while thinking.

After a few minutes, the ice layer was completely melted, and the strange thing was that no water dripped out. Sure enough, that thing was not ice.

It's just that although the ice layer melted, the other party didn't wake up.

"Continue to input power and try." Richelieu said aside, while getting ready for battle, "Be careful."

"I know."

Su Hao continued to send power into the opponent's body.

After a while.

The ship girl on the ground suddenly opened her eyes.

"Scare! "


Richelieu immediately protected Su Hao behind him.

At the same time, the ship girl on the ground reacted greatly, jumped up, and looked at them vigilantly.

"Uh, don't be so nervous." Su Hao waved his hands, showing a gentle smile, "We don't have any malicious intentions, it's better to say that we saved you just now."

Even with such an amiable smile, the ship girl still didn't relax her vigilance.

At this time, she glanced around vigilantly, and only opened her mouth after realizing where she was.

"Are you a human commander?"

"Yes, my name is Su Hao." When greeting you, you must be energetic and have a bright smile. He stretched out his hand, "Nice to meet you, can you tell me your name?"

"Xiao Hao, be careful."

"It's okay, it doesn't look like she's going to run away at any time."

The whisper between the two of them was noticed by the ship's wife.

After a moment of silence, she said, "Flying Dragon."


TB actually guessed right.

Feilong, a member of Embers, is Black Feilong.

"Is this your port area?" Hei Feilong asked.

"Yes, my port area, this is my residence."

Hei Feilong nodded and was about to go out.

"where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it."

"I think you'd better not walk around, if you don't want to sink."

Hei Feilong stopped and frowned, "Why?"

Su Hao shrugged his shoulders: "Your identity may be sensitive, and it will probably be very troublesome if you are discovered by the ship's wife in my port area. You are not in a good state right now? It would be very bad to go out in this state. "


Hei Feilong disdains.

It's just a port area.

She has seen too much Minato, a mere human Minato, how could it be possible to trap her?

Even if the strength is not restored, it is more than enough to deal with the ship girls of several human camps.


Hei Feilong took a deep look at Richelieu.

The opponent is strong, she can feel it.

If it is the heyday, there is no need to be afraid.

"It's not bad that there is a ship girl like you in the human port area." Hei Feilong looked at Su Hao again, "I am very grateful that you saved me, but that's it, don't treat me like those ordinary ship girls , you can't keep me."

After speaking, Hei Feilong left gracefully.

"she left."

Richelieu glanced at Su Hao, "What should I do? Do you want to tell everyone?"

"No, just wait."

Richelieu nodded, she was not too worried, anyway, the strength of Hei Feilong was very weak now.

Yes, very weak, much weaker than expected.

I'm afraid the headbutt of the firefly is enough for her.

So Richelieu is not worried about any chaos in the port area.

It doesn't matter if the black flying dragon really leaves. As for the other party's safety or something, Richelieu is not kind enough to care about a member of the organization who threatens his commander.

"Come on, let's have a cup of tea."

Su Hao sat down with Richelieu.


On the other side, Hei Feilong left the house.

The moment she walked out, she was slightly taken aback.

Very surprised.

Only then did she realize that the house just now was much bigger than she had expected, with a yard and green grass, and only a swimming pool was missing.

"What a luxury guy."

Hei Feilong muttered.

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