In the distance, the girls watching the theater frowned.

"Why did the rookie's carrier plane go up again?"

"what happened?"

"I think she is very capable of operating carrier-based aircraft."

"I think so too, but can you guys tell what kind of carrier-based aircraft she is using?"

"I can't see it, but it seems very powerful. What are the fighter jets?"

"I'm not an aircraft carrier, how would I know."

"Look, she's going to fight fireflies."

"Then she is miserable."

Although it's just a vanguard girl, don't underestimate the vanguard girl.

Destroyers are also as powerful as destroyers. Hei Feilong originally disdained them, but after the close combat, she became more and more surprised.

So fast!

So flexible!

The offense seems to have no rhythm at all, but it has a feeling of punching the master to death.

Hei Feilong is a proper teacher. If her state is 100%, she can easily crush the firefly if she uses the power of the black cube. However, her state is really not good, and she is simply competing for fighting skills, so she is entangled by the firefly for a while Do not leave.

How powerful are fireflies?

Almost no one in the port area will take the initiative to pay attention to this issue.

But in fact, if you look carefully, Firefly is almost the first group to join the port area. According to the theory of 'the longer you join the port area, the stronger your strength', her strength is obviously not weak.

It's just that everyone usually sees the fireflies on the skin, the fireflies smashed the bowl, the fireflies knocked down the tree, the fireflies ate snacks, and so on, never "the fireflies are so powerful and they knocked down the sirens alone!" '.

At this time, she made a move, revealing the demeanor of the old senior.

"What are you hiding from?"


"Let me hit you if you have the ability!"

Firefly fought harder and harder, but she really couldn't touch the Black Flying Dragon, but the latter said that he didn't need a carrier-based aircraft, and he didn't want to use the power of the Black Rubik's Cube.

The firefly couldn't touch it, and the black flying dragon couldn't fight back, so the two drew circles on the sea.

Su Hao yawned.


He walked towards the cafe.

"Stop watching?" George V asked.

"It's nothing to look at. If you keep fighting like this, you won't be able to finish it for the rest of your life."

Su Hao could guess what Hei Feilong was thinking. After all, he was a member of Ember, and he was proud in his heart. How could he use all his strength to deal with a firefly.

But Firefly has really become powerful.

George V looked at it and felt bored, so he followed.

Howe followed suit.

In the end, the Duke of York was left. It was quite interesting for her to watch, "A master's move", but George V left, and she didn't want to continue watching.

A lot of ship girls dispersed after watching for a while.

Dido noticed that Su Hao was coming, and left again. After hesitating for a moment, she sailed towards the sea.

"Stop." She rushed between the two and raised her hand to signal, "Okay, okay, this farce will end here."

"Farce!?" Hei Feilong snorted coldly, "Diduo, get out of the way, I'll teach this ignorant guy a lesson!"

"A little bit~"

"Are you going to skip?"

"A little bit~"

Dido raised her forehead: "Shut up, Firefly, and go to the shore."

"Sister Dido~"

"hurry up."

Dido's words are still useful. After all, she is the "popular man" in front of the commander, and also a wedding ship. One sentence is worth two words of others, and Firefly left obediently.

"You don't want to fight seriously." Dido looked at Hei Feilong, "If you don't fight seriously, what's the point of continuing to fight?"

"I don't have to fight hard to beat her at all."

"And then? What's the use of winning? You have nothing to be proud of when you beat a vanguard ship with a capital ship. If you accidentally capsize, you will be laughed at for the rest of your life."

Hei Feilong thought the same, as if there was really nothing to fight.

"She is too arrogant. A ship girl jumps like this. If she doesn't train well and just knows her skin, she will be in danger on the battlefield in the future."

"Oh~ let's talk about it later."

Dido didn't know how to explain it. Anyway, the ship girls in the port area are all powerful, and it's not the turn of Firefly to fight. At most, they usually patrol and attack, and there is almost no chance to participate in large-scale missions.

Hei Feilong curled his lips, "You will know when something happens."

Don't cry if you don't see the coffin, forget it, anyway, I will leave after a while.

At this time, the two sailed ashore. On the shore, some ship girls left, while others didn't. They were playing on the beach or waiting for them to come.

"Diduo." The company just came back from the outside not long ago, and was a little curious about the current situation, "What happened?"

"No, it's this newcomer..."

Enterprise looked at Hei Feilong, his expression froze for a moment, "Are you awake?"

Hei Feilong was also taken aback for a moment, then frowned slightly, and looked at the enterprise solemnly.

"Are you... um?"

Heifeilong feels a sense of familiarity from the company.

"So that's how it is..." Her eyes lit up, and she said loudly, "Come on, Enterprise, fight with me!"

Dido:? ? ?

Eat melon ship girl:? ? ?

Shiranui, who was about to leave, paused, and came back with snacks and drinks.

The enterprise froze for a moment, then chuckled: "Okay."


three minutes later.

The black flying dragon returned to the shore wearing a gray and white theme.

Lost, lost completely.

Although my own strength has not recovered but...

How is it so strong?

Why are companies in this world so powerful?

It is this enterprise, not other enterprises, Hei Feilong can tell at a glance.

A company selected by Black Rubik's Cube with the ability to change the future.


A voice came.

Hei Feilong turned his head, stared and said, "What are you laughing at?"

Shengli waved his hand: "No, no, I remembered happy things, so I didn't laugh at you."

"What are you happy about?"

"My commander has fished the boat."


Someone laughed again, and Hei Feilong was a little angry.

"What are you laughing at?"

Bumblebee said: "My commander also fished the boat."

Hei Feilong frowned: "Your the same person?"

"Of course." Shengli looked foolish, "Your question is so strange."

Could it be that there are two commanders in a port area?

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to tell you."

Enterprise and Dido rushed over from behind.

Dido has already briefly explained what happened to Hei Feilong before.

"Where's the commander?"

"The master seems to have gone to the coffee shop, and he doesn't seem to care about her."

The company was a little puzzled. Is it really okay to leave the ship girl with the embers alone?

"Hmph! I let you win this time. I will fight you again when my strength recovers. I will definitely beat you!"

Hei Feilong said unconvinced.

It might be okay.

Seeing Hei Feilong's appearance, the enterprise understood Su Hao's feelings.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to beat me."

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