"Pfft hahahaha!" Shengli laughed and leaned forward.

"Why are you laughing again?" Hei Feilong was angry, "Smile, smile, you know how to laugh! Let's fight if we have the ability?"

"I'm not going to fight you." Shengli had no intention of fighting at all, "But, it's impossible for you to win the enterprise."

"What do you know?" Hei Feilong dismissed.

She is an inextinguishable embers, a powerful existence that burns down all enemies.

"I'll leave here when I win against you."

Black Flying Dragon has already decided.

After winning the companies here, then leave and go to black companies to show off.

The enterprise smiled and said nothing.

"Shall I take you around?"

"You? All right."

Hei Feilong agreed.

Enterprise glanced at Dido, "Go to the commander."

Dido expressed gratitude: "Then please."

Can finally be liberated!

She was already having a headache from the problematic newcomer Hei Feilong.

"I'm leaving too, I'm going to play with Tirpitz~"

When everyone left, only the company and Hei Feilong were left here.

Hei Feilong looked around, someone was looking at her, she didn't care, she asked: "Are you the same person as Dido's commander?"

"what happened?"

"No, I saw a ship girl with blond hair before. I think she is very strong. Is she also your commander's ship girl?"

"That." Enterprise smiled, "You mean Richelieu, right?"

"Richelieu..." Hei Feilong suddenly realized, "The battleship of the Iris camp, the Richelieu, right?"

"Well, she is the commander's older sister, and they lived together when they were young."

"No wonder, that guy doesn't look right at Richelieu. He's not a sister, but a lover."

The company suddenly laughed: "He is a wedding ship."

Hei Feilong glanced at the ring on Enterprise's hand.

"You are also a wedding ship."

"Yeah." The company said calmly, "Let's go, I'll show you around."

Hei Feilong didn't say anything.


"Although the pier and beach in the port area are beautiful, the inside is also beautiful."

"Look at these lawns and flower beds. We have a ship's wife named Cleveland in the port area. She is now a gardener in the port area and is responsible for these."

"There is a gymnasium over there. There are many indoor entertainment items in it, such as volleyball, badminton, and table tennis. If you feel bored, you can go and have a look."

"Scientific research room, warehouse, canteen, that is the big canteen, can you see the office building? The tallest one."

"The one on the right is the original dormitory building. Now that the port area is rich, many single-family villas have been built. The major camps are separated, and several people in the camp live together. It may be strange to say that the camps are divided. We The port area is different from other port areas, there are many people in our port area, and there are currently more than [-] warships.”

"And the courtyard over there is..."

The enterprise was still introducing, and then noticed that the black flying dragon stopped suddenly.

She turned around and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Hei Feilong didn't speak, but looked from one side to the other, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Wait." She grumbled, "Did you just say that this is the port area?"

"Of course, otherwise what do you think?"

"The ones you mentioned are all buildings in the port area."


"You said, there are more than a hundred ship girls in the port area?"

Enterprise chuckled: "I know you can't believe it. You saw it on the beach just now, all of them, and the buildings inside. I'll take you there to have a look. Many ship girls are at home."

Hei Feilong remained silent.

This is the port area.

There are cafes, large warehouses and docks, beautiful beaches and various buildings, and more.

There are so many ship girls.

What, this port area, this is the port area?Do you think I'm stupid?

However, she is a little dumbfounded now.


the other side.

A place on the outskirts of the port area.

Black Enterprise and Black Kaohsiung stopped on the sea.

"It seems to have gone there."

"here it is……"

"Lingshui City."

Black companies have a slight sign.

"So coincidentally?"

"It's such a coincidence." Hei Gaoxiong looked at her, "What should I do? Do you want to break in? That commander must know the identity of Feilong, but breaking in is a bit troublesome, but if you don't bring Feilong out, it may be even worse. trouble."

The strength of the port area is strong, even if she joins forces with black companies, the final result may not be pleasant.

But the black flying dragon fell into the port area, and Su Hao was not the only one in the port area, there were so many ship girls stationed there, maybe they were going to dissect the black flying dragon.

"You don't need to force your way in." The black enterprise looked at the floors standing between the trees from a distance, and the flag of the port area was particularly eye-catching. She said, "It's just right, I want to go there too."

Hei Kaohsiung was shocked: "Are you crazy? So many people know you, can you still come out after you go?"

"don’t worry."

The black enterprise smiled lightly.

"Because many people know me, they don't act rashly. It's not a day or two for me to deal with them."

"But..." Hei Kaohsiung frowned, "I'll go with you."

"No, you're outside, you can take care of us in case something happens."

"It's… okay."

Black Kaohsiung compromised.

"But you must not act rashly." The black enterprise warned, "I want to see the possibilities of this world with my own eyes, so... maybe for a while, you don't have to worry too much, at least they can't keep me now."


Black Kaohsiung nodded.

"Let's go, you should leave first, so as not to be discovered by the ship's wife in the port area."

After the black enterprise finished speaking, it sailed towards the port area.

Hei Kaohsiung stayed where he was, and after a long time, he turned and left.


at the same time.

Inside the port of Lingshui City.

A petite figure appeared on the pier.

The girl was wearing a slender white windbreaker, a peaked cap on her head, and big black glasses covering her appearance.

The whole person looks very mysterious.

Her outfit, coupled with the eye-catching white hair hanging behind her, attracted many passers-by to look sideways.

But it's obviously Jian Niang, Jian Niang has all kinds of weird guys, but no one came to remind her to be careful of heat stroke in such a hot day.

"Phew~ I specially made a round trip from the outside and came here by boat. I finally arrived here."

A smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, "Hee hee~ That child should be very happy to see me, right? Maybe he will hug me in surprise, haha."

The girl talked to herself and laughed again.

"Excuse me, how do I get to the port area of ​​Lingshui City?"

The girl asked the passerby politely.

Ask the way clearly, step on the pace, take it easy.

The girl walked towards the port area.


PS: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Chapter 624 Black Flying Dragon: Enterprise, I'm not going back!

Black Flying Dragon vs. Firefly. In the end, everyone didn't want to discuss it. However, Black Flying Dragon vs. Enterprise, of course, suffered a crushing defeat. This practice battle, which lasted less than three minutes, was much more interesting than a few random collisions by Firefly.

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