It was only later that Su Hao learned that Hei Feilong had fought another battle with the company.

"That guy isn't a fighter, is he? Like Washington."

Su Hao sat in the coffee shop and drank coffee leisurely.

Beside him, George V was eating, and said something sobbingly, but he didn't understand.

"Sister, don't talk while eating." Howe reminded her to pay attention to etiquette.

Then the Duke of York asked curiously: "Where did the ship girl come from?"

The result of Su Hao's return from going to the NA sea area was not disclosed. He told the Duke of York that the ember had left and there were only sirens there.

She didn't doubt it, after all, this kind of result is normal, it's just luck, but she felt a little sorry for asking Su Hao to make another trip to ensure safety.

"That guy, it's a long story. Anyway, he's not our ship's wife in the port area now, and he may leave at any time."

Speaking like this, he saw the news in the group, and it seemed that when it came to Hei Feilong, he said something like 'I will never leave the company until I defeat it'.

"Maybe he won't be leaving."

It's hard to say, although Hei Feilong's current situation is absolutely impossible to be the company's opponent, but he is an ember after all, if he calls his teammates over and the black company comes to ask for someone, he will have to let go in the end.

But it doesn't matter, I don't want embers or anything like that.

"You are quite open." The Duke of York smiled and took a sip from his teacup. "However, after confirming that the NA sea area is safe this time, I can rest assured. I plan to return to Wujiang City in the afternoon."

"So fast." Su Hao smacked his lips, "How about staying a few more days?"

"I still have things to deal with. As the person in charge of the Wujiang Maritime Safety Administration, I can't leave everything to my subordinates. Now the NA sea area is still in the exploration stage, and the situation inside is unclear. There was a thick fog a while ago, and it is impossible to see I didn't know the situation, so I had time to come here."

George V said indifferently: "The secretary ship of our port area is still the archbishop of the Iris Kingdom, and it doesn't matter now. Bismarck is still the flagship of Iron Blood, isn't it also joining the port area now? That Frederick the Great Said to go back right away, right away, there has been no movement for several days, doesn't she care about things? And Elizabeth, and Essex, and... what's that called? The Northern Union, they are in Lingshui The city collectively opened a winery, can you believe it?"

The Duke of York messed up a bit.

But she still has her own persistence. It doesn't matter if she is called a "ship girl in the port area" by outsiders. At least this point does not conflict with her serious attitude of fulfilling the head of the Maritime Safety Administration.

Isn't Yixian also like this?

drop drop~

Someone in the group clicked on Su Hao.

Helena: "@Commander Commander, come to the pier, here comes a ship girl, she looks so powerful."

Su Hao was taken aback.

There is another ship lady.

What day has it been lately, why is there always a ship girl coming?

But I want to go back to thinking about it, mother-in-law, the more the better, the more the better.

It’s full, it’s really too full, I can actually pack more, come on, come on, come on, no more, no more... Eh?not coming?Is that all?

People, just like duplicity.

At this moment, Su Hao settled the bill and walked towards the pier.

Just approaching the pier, I saw many ship girls gathered here.

It's not a few people in charge of the port area, but the iron-blooded ship girls who were on a short "vacation" here, and the dark forces headed by the swimsuit emperor are looking at a ship girl with swords drawn.

Then Su Hao also looked at the ship girl.



Black enterprise?

I'm here

Black companies are coming!

Frozen, then dumbfounded.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dazzled by working too hard at the Raiders last night.

But ah.

Why did you come here like this! ?

He thought that black companies would come, but he never thought that they would come so openly!

"Ah, the commander is here!"

Many ship girls are feeling baffled.

Emperor Frederick stared at the black company, but she didn't say anything. Not everyone on Tie Xue's side knew the black company, and so did Suhao Port District.

Seeing Su Hao coming over at this time, they talked more vigorously.

"What's the situation?"

"Is there anything special about this ship girl?"

"Well, it's really special, I feel very handsome."

"Did you notice that she looks familiar?"

"No, I think it's very handsome. Being so handsome must be very strong."

"It's not necessarily true. Look at the newcomer in front of me. He looks good but doesn't work."

Su Hao walked over and twitched when he heard everyone's discussion, black companies are not just fancy but useless.

If he throws a big E in the port area if he disagrees with him, then all his management for the past year will be in vain.

"Your Excellency Commander."

Seeing Su Hao approaching, the black enterprise finally spoke.

"You should know the purpose of my coming here, right?"

Su Hao blushed: "You are really calm, here...forget it, I'd better call her over."

"Don't worry." The black enterprise raised its head, "I want to go inside, can I?"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Where do you want to go to have a look?

I want to go inside, I look inside, huh?No, don't do this broken road...

Su Hao shook his head secretly, feeling a little puzzled.

The behavior of black companies is a bit abnormal.

"You know each other?" Frederick the Great tilted his head.

Information about black companies is top secret in every country, except for the heads of each camp, there are very few people who can recognize her.

It's not like purifiers are like purifiers, who can be recognized everywhere they go.

Su Hao knew each other, and Emperor Frederick was still a little curious, but she quickly remembered the time when they united in the north.

"It's just a one-sided relationship." The black enterprise didn't say much.

"Actually, there's nothing to look at."

Su Hao said helplessly.

He was a little worried that after the black company went in, when the big senbei, Essex, and Elizabeth saw it, they might fight.

"I'm not welcome?"

"Not at all..."

"Hehe~ Your Excellency Commander, since she wants to see it, let her see it. After all, if you know more about the port area, you may have the idea of ​​joining the port area. By then, your port area will be worthy of the name. The amazing one, and the most special one.”

It doesn't seem to be the same now.

However, Dadi Mama obviously wants to see the fun, and the purpose of the emergence of black companies is too much to be concerned about.

"OK then."

Su Hao could only bite the bullet and agree.

"I happen to be fine."

Frederick the Great smiled happily.

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, and felt that Emperor Mama was so naughty for the first time.

When a group of people entered the port area, the ship girls at the pier were still discussing.

The black enterprise is too special. It is not easy to know just by looking at the appearance. Newcomers and so on can be known at a glance, and they also know Su Hao and Emperor Frederick the Great.

"Who do you say she is?"

"Could it be the commander's old lover?"

"Bah, bah, bah! Sister Richelieu is number one in the world!"

"Voklan, you licking dog."



The fight of several people was interrupted by a voice.

Voklan turned his head and saw the girl standing swaying in the sea breeze.

"It's light! Light!" She raised her hand to cover the sun, but it wasn't dazzling at all, it was just an exaggeration, "Who are you?"

After exaggerating, I still asked a serious question.

"Liberty ship girl?"

"That's right." The girl said with a smile, "This is Commander Su Hao's port area, right?"

Ah, so it turned out to be someone who was in the port area.

Vockland raised his head and put his hands on his hips: "Yeah, how's it going? Little guy, do you want to join our port area?"

The girl blinked: "Can you show me around?"

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