"Of course." After speaking, Vaukeland looked at the port area and discussed with a few friends. "The commander is busy now. Let us take you to visit."

The girl laughed.



Here, Su Hao wandered around the port area with a black company.

He had already said hello to Sister Li in advance, and told her to go and say hello to the girls of those camps first, or else don't meet, don't fight when you meet, and don't fight in the port area if you want to fight, why do you go to sea? You can hit anything.

"Actually, we found her by accident. We, Donghuang, were exploring that sea area recently, and then found that place. When I went to look, there was nothing there, and I saw her. She was not in a good condition. So I brought it back."

"Heaven and earth conscience, I didn't do anything strange to her."

If there is no silver here, there will be no silver here. It is necessary to clarify the cause and effect first.

The black enterprise responded, and then asked: "I saw a lot of houses just now, are they all used for living?"

Sister, let me tell you something serious, why don't you talk about the house with me next time?

Please, the houses here are not for sale, even the sea view houses cannot raise their prices.

"Your Excellency Commander, the ship girls here are divided into several camps. Each camp has its own residential area. The houses you live in are just like the ones you saw just now. They are all small villas. Do you want to come in and live?"

Su Hao did not speak, and Frederick the Great became the spokesperson. She was not shocked or nervous at all by the arrival of the black company, but was happy.

It's very problematic, you know?Obviously a nuclear bomb was thrown down, so let's not think about how to solve it, and even chatted with the nuclear bomb.

"It looks pretty good." The black enterprise didn't say that it couldn't stand it. "But the major camps are separated, so won't it make them unfamiliar? Your place...is bigger than imagined."

"It feels okay." Su Hao thought for a while, "The port area has specially built a chat group, and everyone will get together from time to time, whether it's a barbecue or a party, I think the entire port area is like a group. Zhang Wang, every ship girl is a node on the Internet, and everyone is connected to each other. It will not be said that they become strangers because they live a little far away. If they really become strangers because of the distance, then there is no relationship at the beginning. Be intimate."


The black enterprise responded, "It's a good idea."

"This should be the thinking of most commanders."

"But most commanders don't have such troubles as you." Frederick the Great smiled lightly, "The atmosphere in the port area is indeed very good, at least personally, I live very comfortably. Ember, you Don't you really want to try it?"

The black enterprises kept silent and continued to move forward.

Emperor Frederick also followed, but was held back by Su Hao.

"My lord, what are you doing?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"What are you talking about? This is Ember, sister."

Frederick the Great hummed, embers, and pinched?Don't you want to?

Su Hao suddenly felt 'seen through'.

He faltered for a while, and said in a low voice: "Let's take a look first, and find out the purpose of her coming here..."

"Invite her to stay again?"

"You can have this, don't worry, you look like we are so hungry and thirsty in the port area."

"Well, since you have said so, Commander."

Frederick the Great smiled.

"Go away."

The two whispered for a while.

Then follow the black company to continue shopping.

The port area is quite large, and the main projects recently are housing construction, which is basically enough for now, but plan ahead, what is enough for today may not be enough for tomorrow, right?No one thinks there are too many docks.

Within limits, of course, more docks are better.

Of course, not only housing, but also many entertainment facilities have been built, but the Roman bathhouse that Su Hao dreamed of was not built. Firstly, the project is too large, and secondly, no one said it, so he is too thin-skinned to take the initiative to mention it.

What else?Now everyone lives in a house with a bathtub, and then you go and say to build a large public bath, let’s wash together for nothing, okay, okay, wash together, Commander, do you want to come too?

What do you do when I ask you this?

"not bad."

After turning around half a circle, I basically watched everything I could see, and the black enterprise finally gave a very pertinent evaluation.

"so far so good."

Su Hao hummed humbly.

Not long after, Richelieu came over.

She has already arranged everything, everyone don't move, isn't it just embers?Listen to my orders one, two, three, and then use all the weapons that can be used, and you are not afraid that you will not win.

Holding the huge advantage of flying dragon riding face, Richelieu is not too anxious.

"This is Richelieu, you should know him?"

Su Hao introduced.


"Members of Ember, are you here to pick up that ship girl named Feilong?"

"That's it."

"I just informed the others to bring her here."

"Then wait here."

There was a gazebo nearby, and Su Hao took the black company over there, and after a while, Dido came over with steaming black tea and some snacks.

Even without telling her, a good maid should know what to do at this time.

"I'm leaving for a while."

Richelieu said in a low voice.

"what happened?"

"Voklan just told me that there is a new ship girl in the port area, let me go and have a look."


Come again?

But this time it should really be Liberty Ship Girl.

"Then you go, take her around the port area, I'm here, and Frederick the Great is also here, it's okay."


Richelieu also saw that the black enterprise was a very rational type.

And there is no hostility towards the port area, otherwise I would not have wasted so long with them in circles here.

"How did she leave?"

Frederick the Great asked casually.

"Oh, there is a new ship girl in the port area."

"Ahhhhh~ here again? Your Excellency Commander, you are really welcome."

Su Hao shrugged.

He looked at Hei Enterprise, Dido was pouring tea for her, said thank you, picked up the teacup and looked at it before taking a sip.

"Dido's craftsmanship is quite good."

Su Hao said so, the craftsmanship is good, and the skill is good.

"How about it?"

“Very good black tea.”

The black enterprise glanced at Emperor Frederick the Great, "Can I be alone with the commander for a while?"


The opinion of Frederick the Great is not important, the maid stood up first.

"That's it."

Then the black enterprise simply gave up.

Su Hao pondered for a while, and said, "Great Emperor, Dido, please leave for a while."


"Don't worry, I don't think she has any malicious intentions. Otherwise, what's the use of getting along with me? You won't go deep into our port area, and then come to assassinate a little commander like me?"

In fact, it is reasonable, if the black enterprise really wants to do something, there is probably not much difference between Dido and Dadi.

Richelieu obviously knew that the black enterprise was not hostile, so he left with confidence. In this regard, Sister Li, who owns her younger brother Radar, has the most say.

"Is it really okay?" The emperor was also a little uncertain.


Su Hao said so, as long as Dido leaves unwillingly, but she doesn't go far away, but gathers at a distance of about [-] meters, staring at this side, and if something unexpected happens, she just slips away. Shovel over and kill black companies.

The emperor didn't go too far either.

When the two left, the black enterprise said softly 'thank you'.

"Actually, I really want to chat with you." Su Hao smiled, "I met by chance last time, and we didn't get along for a long time. Speaking of it, you are really decisive. If you don't want such a good fortress, you don't want it."

"It's nothing." The black enterprise shook his head, "Anyway, it will be destroyed by the Sirens sooner or later."

After finishing speaking, the black enterprise was silent for a while.

"Siren... have you ever had contact with them?"

"Well, if it's about your origins, the observer has already told me."

Su Hao sold the observer without hesitation.

Anyway, it's not something worth concealing. Besides, if you confess at the beginning, you can appear more sincere, and maybe you can win a wave of black companies' favor.

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