The most important thing is that the observer is not there, and she doesn't know what she said.

hum hum~

"I see, no wonder you were not surprised when you saw me." The black enterprise nodded thoughtfully, "Then did you choose to cooperate with them?"

"Don't talk nonsense like this." Su Hao spread his hands, "I am a human being, and only a human being. Everything I do now is fulfilling my responsibility as a commander."

"Besides, there is nothing special about what the siren said. The observer just told me something, and didn't ask me to do anything. I think both the siren and you have their own things to do, and so do I. , What our commander will do has already been decided when we stepped into this port area."

Su Hao will not care about the final purpose of Siren and Ember, he is just a small commander, he can't do any big things, and he doesn't know whose words are true and which are false.

Do observers necessarily tell the truth?Maybe even confessing to him is part of the so-called experiment. If you can't be sure, it's not good to be suspicious, so it's enough to just do your own thing honestly.

"I see. Is this the position you insist on?"

The corner of Black Enterprise's mouth was lightly raised, and it was the first time that he showed a 'happy' expression in front of Su Hao.

"I see. If this is the case, at least on the surface, the siren is our common enemy... and there is no one more suitable as an enemy than them."

After finishing speaking, the black enterprise pondered slightly, and finally raised his eyes and said, "I have no other questions."


"Enterprise, where are we going?"

Here, Hei Feilong followed the enterprise and walked towards the gazebo.

She was still enjoying herself in the gymnasium, but she suddenly said she was going to leave, someone came, who is it?Disturb my interest.

"Enterprise, I heard that there are bathtubs for soaking in the villas you live in?"

Hei Feilong was immediately interested when he heard some girls say 'go back and take a bath' when he was playing ball.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I also want to take a bath... Speaking of which, you all live in that kind of house, what do you do after eating? Do it yourself?"

"The big cafeteria will prepare it, but occasionally I will eat it at the place where I live. I live with my sister, and she will cook it, although the taste is much worse than that of the big cafeteria."

"Sister? York City?"


"Then, do you need money for meals in the canteen?"

"Need not?"

"Does the coffee shop need money?"


"I saw that there was a canteen just now, do you want money for the items in it?"


Hei Feilong smacked his lips, why do all the interesting things cost money?

She asked, "What if I don't have money?"

The enterprise smiled lightly: "Don't worry, the port area will pay salaries to all ship girls every month."

Hei Feilong's eyes widened: "Is there still salary?"

Is it that good?

"Well, if it's in the chat group in the port area, there are red envelopes to be collected almost every day, and there are big red envelopes every week and at the end of every month."

"What group?"

"Chat... I forgot you don't have a mobile phone."


Hei Feilong suddenly felt a little cold.

"It's okay, if you live in the port area, the commander will give you a mobile phone then."

Hei Feilong stopped talking.

Free all-you-can-eat canteen, living in a single-family villa, premonition soaking, grabbing red envelopes, gymnasium, game room, lounge, everything, unlimited fishing on the beach, monthly salary after work?

"Is this really a port area?"

The company laughed and said nothing.

Don't you yourself already believe it?

"Wait until I beat you down."

Hei Feilong muttered inexplicably.

Now she has great ambitions and small thoughts in her heart. She goes to the coffee shop once a month... no, twice... no, three times, goes to the gymnasium on one or three, five to the game room on two or four, and sunbathes on the beach on Sunday... …

Ah, it seems that we need to plan well.

Wait, wait, what if the strength recovers?

Hei Feilong suddenly became troubled.


The company spoke up.

"What's here?"

She raised her head, saw Frederick the Great, saw the nervous Maid Dido, and saw the distance... huh? ? ?

"That guy is..." The company obviously has an impression of the black company.

Hei Feilong's heart skipped a beat.

It's over, it's over, the plan I just made is gone! !


On the gazebo.

Ship girls gather here.

Dido poured them a cup of tea, and then quietly stood behind Su Hao.

Hei Feilong looked at Su Hao and then at the black enterprise.

Ah, there are cookies.

She picked up the biscuit from the stone table, and realized that she seemed to be moving a little too fast. She paused, feeling that it was almost done, and then stuffed it into her mouth.


The atmosphere in the gazebo was a little odd.

Su Hao cleared his throat, "Well, Feilong, is she your companion? Here to pick you up."

The black enterprise seemed to be thinking about something just now, but after hearing what Su Hao said, it turned to look at Feilong.

"How's the situation?" she asked.

"Not very good, it may take a long time to recover."

Hei Feilong emphasized, "I can't help you much during this time."

"It's okay." The black enterprise looked calm, "It's good that Kaohsiung can help me for the time being."

"Ah... um."

"We should go."

The purpose of the black enterprise coming here has been achieved.


Hei Feilong shouted, and the enterprise also shouted at the same time.

Hei Feilong remained silent for a while, looking at the enterprise, talking and talking.

The enterprise frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? What is your purpose?"

" can ask your commander." Black Enterprise shook his head, "But I hope you never know the best."

She stood up and glanced at Hei Feilong, this time she was really ready to leave.

Hei Feilong pulled her aside.

Then, with a serious face, he said, "Enterprise, I may not be able to leave with you for the time being."

The black enterprise's calm eyes fluctuated, "Why?"

"Because..." Hei Feilong straightened her back, and her image became tall and stalwart at this moment, "Because, there is an agreement, I made an agreement with the company over there, and she will leave when I win. At first I didn't know You will come, and you don't know that she is so powerful, so... careless."

"So it is."

The black enterprise nodded, "Well, it's not bad for you to stay here."

Hei Feilong opened his mouth.

Why don't you persuade me?

"Then what are you going to do here? The Siren guys are pressing hard, right?"

The black enterprise shook his head: "Anyway, you can't help even if you want to, can you?"


Hei Feilong choked.

"Yes... yes, I think the same way. Instead of dragging you back, it is better to adjust here. This place seems to be different from my previous world. The conditions here are conducive to the recovery of my strength. Don't worry, the company, wait for my strength I'll find you after I recover."

Hei Feilong patted his chest to reassure.

She didn't stay here to enjoy it.

It's purely because it doesn't help much if you go now.

No way?No one thinks that the sirens we embers deal with are the same as those little minions that your human commanders deal with?


Ignorance is a blissful thing.

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