Suwei Roshia leaned on the sofa and continued to drink. She came to inform Su Hao to attend the opening ceremony of the winery company.

Mikasa was still standing upright, while Bismarck had already stepped aside to drink tea with Richelieu.

"The weather has been nice recently."


"When will another exercise between Minato and Sangvis be held?"

"I'll take a look these two days and make a schedule."


"It's all a family, so what do you say?"

He was aggressive at first, but he didn't seem to have any thoughts when he got here. He asked a question, and Su Hao explained it, but... there was no more.

After Befa made tea for everyone and enjoyed the short party in the evening, a group of people left Su Hao's residence in a mighty manner.

"Have the accommodations for Hei Feilong and the others been arranged?"

Su Hao asked Beifa.

"It has been arranged, master, do you need to let the maids watch them?"

"No, don't worry, if Ember really wants to cause damage, they won't appear in the port area."

Richelieu nodded: "Indeed, Ember seems to be equipped with very advanced anti-reconnaissance equipment. Our radar scans can't find them at all. If they want to destroy the port area, they can completely hide them without anyone noticing." circumstances."

This is the root cause of Richelieu's firm belief that the black enterprise has no malicious intentions. There is no way, the power that Ember possesses is too mysterious and powerful. In direct comparison, except for the power of the Black Rubik's Cube, there is nothing to fight in other aspects.

Judging from the fighting power shown in the Northern United and the previous intelligence analysis on Ember, in terms of destructive power alone, it is estimated that only the attack released by Su Hao after the transformation of Tiancheng and the output of Su Hao's maximum power on her can reach that level. level.

Therefore, there is no malice.

"It seems that we have to find a way to get something useful from them."

Richelieu suggested, "Should I ask Ming to find a chance to analyze them?"

"Forget it, don't worry about it for now."

In fact, Su Hao planned to study Hei Feilong from the very beginning. After all, this guy seems to have a 'happy' personality, so it's easier to deal with.

But now black companies are also there, nuclear power companies, that's no joke.

Richelieu didn't say anything, just worried.

However, her worry was obviously unnecessary. Whether it was a black company or an observer, the two had been very stable since they came to the port area.

In fact, it is mainly an observer. Su Hao is not worried about black companies. She was going to leave at first, and she stayed purely because of the observer.

But the observer never thought that Hei Feilong was here at all. She just showed a little surprise when she first met Hei Feilong, and then she didn't care.

On the contrary, Hei Feilong grinned and expressed hostility all the time, but she couldn't get close to the observer, firstly, the black company refused to let her in, and secondly, she couldn't participate in the place where the observer was.

Since ancient times, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.

The same is true for the port area. The port area has a commander, who is the boss, and a secretary ship, who helps the boss manage the port area, and is considered the second child.

and then?Other special positions such as marriage ship or something.

These are mostly aimed at capital ships and large ships.

But Su Hao's port area is quite special, with many ships, not only battleships, but also vanguard ships.

The capital ship has the boss called the secretary ship, and the vanguard ship, the little guy, the little guy is mainly a destroyer, and the destroyer is used instead, so the question is, who is the boss of the destroyer?

At the beginning of the Minato District, Volkland was the boss. Later, when there were more people, Gaga Jr. had been the boss for several months. Later, there were competitors, such as Xiao Renfu, Hiei Jr., Yudachi, etc., and defeated them one by one.

Later, Xiao Chicheng came, and half of the country appeared in Zhengfeng, half of you and half of me. When Xiaotiancheng appeared, the world would unite.

But even so, Little Gaga's position is still unshakable.

"Are you the new kid from yesterday?"

At this time, Saratoga was sitting on the highest single pole in the playground. While talking, he flipped from the single pole, rotated 360 degrees in the air, followed the second single pole, made two rounds of the big wheel, and finally threw it out and landed beautifully. to the observer.

Bend down and look carefully.

"It's nothing special, but your hair is so long that it almost drags to the ground, don't you find it troublesome?"

Baimao, Donghuang people are all Baimao control, and they are little lolitas, hey~ Commander really has a problem.

However, no matter what kind of hair it is, it will be quail when it arrives in the port area, so be obedient.

"Very well, you are part of the Saratoga squad from now on, you know?"

The destroyer is divided into two factions, she occupies half of the country, Xiao Chicheng occupies half, and Xiaotiancheng occupies the whole, but she usually does not come to hang out with them at all.

The observer blinked: "What is the squad?"

"I'm the captain." Saratoga patted his chest, "Did you see that?"


"Captain, I, you have to listen to me from now on."


"Because I'm the boss."

"Isn't the boss the Commander?"

"That's right, but..." Saratoga put his hips on his hips and stared: "Why do you have so many questions? If you tell you to obey, you will be obedient. Sister Richelieu said that you are still in the internship period. If you don't perform well, you will be punished." You kicked."

"But sister Richelieu didn't let me listen to you."

The observer looked at the little guys around Saratoga, crooked...ah no, they didn't look well-trained at all, one here and one there, playing in the sand, sliding on the slide, and swinging on the swing.

It seems that no one cares about you, right?

She thought so, and then asked, "Can I be the boss?"

Saratoga suddenly laughed: "You are going to be the boss, ten thousand light years too early!"

"But I want to be, what should I do?"

Open-mindedness is synonymous with Saratoga. She looks at the observer and definitely gives the other party a chance.

"It's very simple. If you beat me, you will be the second generation."

"Win what? Fight?"

"We don't do that kind of nonsense in the port area, let me think about it..."

Is the fight worthless?What does the ship girl do if she doesn't fight?

Saratoga produced a deck of cards.

"Let's play cards!"

"play cards?"

"Do you know about the duel? Don't know? Hehe~"

Saratoga was amused, this is the latest game, she has studied for several days and finally mastered the essence of the game, and has not lost a single battle in the port area so far!

"Come on, let me tell you the rules."

Saratoga is poised to win at what it does best and where it's a complete rookie.

How does flying dragon riding face lose?

hum hum~

After a while, the observer understands the rules.

At this time, the members of the Saratoga team finally surrounded them.

The reason for coming around is not to cheer for Saratoga, but because there is a good show to watch.

"I bet fifty cents, Little Gaga will win."

"I also bet fifty cents, and she has never lost."

"I lost to her last time."

"You can play this?"

"No, so I lost."

Everyone was chattering.

The observer looked at Saratoga with a smile.

"Here we come, give you a super card set."

Saratoga didn't blush or heartbeat.

"Whoever loses has to listen to the other party, you know?"


The observer answered very simply.

Sure enough, the brat doesn’t understand anything, hehehe~ Squad member +1, huh!Now let's see how Xiao Chicheng fights with me!

The more Saratoga thinks about it, the more excited she is, her turn, she is going to make a move, sacrifice my integrity, come out, Victory Beast!

The observer lowered his head, and a series of data streams suddenly flashed in his eyes.

After a while, she raised her head again and said with a smile, "It's my turn, draw a card."

ten minutes later.


The cards in Saratoga's hand were scattered all over the place, and the whole person bent forward in frustration, or2


She actually...lost! ?

"Hee hee~ Then from now on, I will be the team leader."

"What are they doing?"

In the distance, Hei Feilong, who had witnessed all this, asked with a puzzled face.

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