The black enterprise frowned, shook his head after a while.

She couldn't read it either.


The Observer joined Minato, and was forced to take away Gaga's captain position with lightning speed.

However, she was not interested in managing the team at all, and finally returned the position to Xiao Jiajia, who was moved and said on the spot that she would cover the observers in the port area in the future.

As for the black enterprise, after the initial vigilance, after a period of observation, it was finally confirmed that the observers really didn't care about the black flying dragon.

After confirming this point, there was no need for her to stay any longer, so she left in the dead of night and joined Hei Kaohsiung who was waiting outside alone, almost turning into a statue.

Su Hao didn't feel any pity about her leaving.

Fishing is what I want to fish for, and there is no way if I can’t get it. The future is long, and there will always be opportunities to contact.

Richelieu, on the other hand, was relieved. The pressure from the embers is still quite high. Although the black flying dragon is also embers, judging from the recent situation, the latter seems to be a bit integrated into the port area. At least you will be in a certain place. From time to time, I saw Hei Feilong lying on the beach and basking in the sun with other ship girls.

Fishing, lazy, fishing, lazy.

Well, the happy life begins here.

Then Richelieu suddenly remembered an important thing.

She raised her head and glanced at the wall calendar in the room.

"Xiaohao's birthday is coming."


PS: Rua! {{{(_)}}}It's so cold, it's so cold

Chapter 627 A Gift for the Commander ([-])

What is the most important thing for a port area?

Of course it is the commander of this port area.

The establishment of the port area revolves around the commander. To put it bluntly, in the relationship network of the port area, the commander is the core hub, the most critical point.

If there is no commander, no matter how powerful the port area is, it will fall apart in the end, and the ship girls can walk and disperse.

This is why there are always so many commanders who are always running around to find the ship's mother.

The commander left, not where he went but really left. The ship girls who have a deep connection with them can feel this. When the ship girls feel that the commander no longer misses this port area, they will leave silently .

Maybe the waiting commanders come back, maybe never, but they're still there.

The commander is the most important thing, of course, the things about the commander are also the most important.

There is no birthday statement for ship girls, but most ship girls will record the day when they come to the port area as their birthday, so that they can ask the commander for a gift after that day.

However, there are generally no ship girls, but the commander must have them.

No way?No way?Whose commander is not an individual, right?

Even if there is no one, there are birthdays.

At least Su Hao has a birthday.

Of course, he is more convinced that he is a person.

But when it comes to birthdays, Su Hao himself has forgotten that he has been busy these days, busy inside and outside, what are he busy with?Snapped!Believe it or not?There's a word for it, 'toil', you know?

Moreover, in the past few days, things about black flying dragons, black companies, observers, and these ship girls have made Su Hao's head dizzy, so he doesn't even bother to remember when his birthday is.

But in fact, in the impression that he lived with Richelieu, he really didn't remember his birthday very much. Every time he went back, Sister Li gave him a big surprise to celebrate.

Surprise, you must die, wait for a delicious meal, a hug, a kind kiss, of course not lips or tongue, in short, it is very simple.

Generally, if Sister Li doesn't say anything, he doesn't know either.

It was the same morning as always.

Last night in my residence, in the room, there was only one person on the empty big bed.

Su Hao didn't know how he did it, he usually came in turns, and he didn't need him to remake the marriage ship. They seemed to have discussed with each other, who would come today and who would come tomorrow, but it was strange that no one came last night.

But once in a while, I would take a break from my busy schedule and lie in big characters on the bed, and I couldn't sleep more comfortably.

Speaking of this, Su Hao needs to emphasize that a double bed does not necessarily require two people to sleep together to be comfortable.

Even if the bed is a bit bigger, it doesn't matter, it's fine to sleep alone.

After all, two people are dishonest, three people are even more so, four people... Well, this Su Hao has never tried it, so he can't say whether it is good or not.

This is a rare leisure time, I slept late in the morning, the Lafite alarm clock on the bedside table was ticking, but it didn't ring, the alarm clock was pressed to death.

Then when I was in a daze, I heard a sound similar to running.

Someone opened the door, but it was not locked, after all, it was in his own home.

He opened the door, but there was no sound. It seemed that someone tiptoed over, covering his mouth and snickering, "Hey hey", which sounded like the voice of a little guy.

Su Hao still closed his eyes.

The little guy is here, I don’t know who it is, but the ones who come to his room so early are generally not too naughty guys, those who are too naughty will stay in bed, make too much noise at night and go to bed late, and they must go to the beach when they get up early in the morning Or just roll and play casually on the grass in the port area, and come back to appease the commander's young heart.

Of course, generally speaking, little ones can't come in. After all, the morning time is not suitable for children. Obviously, it has been approved by Richelieu, so Richelieu also woke up at this point.

Su Hao continued to sleep.

I closed my eyes, and then heard a soft sound, followed by another slap, something fell, hey, someone climbed onto the bed, it should be a shoe that fell off.

Shoes, little leather shoes, which cute little lamb will it be?

Su Hao is still sleeping.

In fact, he was not sleeping, but just pretending. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw the silver-white hair dangling in front of his eyes.


Lovely laughter, heard it.


Calling softly with a false voice, it feels so cute.

"Get up~~"

Lazy little pig, Commander isn't up yet.

Stretch out your hand, press your fingers on your face, and press your nose, a little playful, and smiled.

But the little sheep should never try again and again in front of the big bad wolf, because the big bad wolf eats meat.


Su Hao opened his eyes, rushed over, hugged the little guy in his arms and kneaded it.

"Hehehe~ Commander, it's so itchy."

Xiao Guanghui laughed unbearably.

The most healing little brilliance came. When he got up early in the morning and saw the little angel, Su Hao suddenly felt better.

At this moment, he was lying on the bed with little Guanghui in his arms, and he didn't want to get up anymore, he just wanted to continue hugging, ahhh~ the little angel is so cute.

Holding is of course the baptism of a pure heart, a snow-like heart is not afraid of the slander of those dirty villains, not to mention little Guanghui, he will hug another one, and ten more, what is the saying?The body is not afraid of the oblique shadow.

"Why did you come here alone?"

Su Hao's chin landed on Xiao Guanghui's head.

"Sister Guanghui and the others got up early in the morning. I had no place to go too early. When I came here, I saw Sister Richelieu. She just went out and said, Commander, you are still sleeping."

"Where's little Beifa?"

"Boogie Island."

No matter how good the relationship is with friends, it is impossible to stick together all the time.

"Commander, are you still awake?"

"Sleep for a while, sleep again...well, three minutes."

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

After talking for three minutes, three minutes and three minutes, Xiao Guanghui reached out and grabbed Su Hao's chin. The commander got up, and I was about to become a big Guanghui!

Finally got up reluctantly, Su Hao went into the bathroom to wash up, Xiao Guanghui sat by the bed alone, swinging his legs up and down.

She is writing a spiritual diary.

Today is the commander's birthday, but sister Guanghui said that she can't tell the commander.

What kind of gift should I give?I've been thinking about it, struggling >.

I don't know what the commander likes. The commander likes the big sister, the Guanghui sister, and others, but the big sister can't give it away, and it's not the hull. The hull is too expensive, so of course I can't afford it.

Piggy has saved some money in his stomach, which has hundreds of dollars, and some money is stored in the card, which is salary, which should be enough to buy some things.

The commander is a bit careless, the clothes he wore yesterday had a hole and he didn't know it, he was still wearing it.

The Commander's shoes are a bit torn, they are not expensive shoes in the first place, hehehe~ We are all grown-ups, we need to pay attention to our image Commander, should we buy a better pair of shoes?

The commander's favorite food is crab meat stew, big lobster and crab, and watermelon and mango as fruit, but is the food too ordinary?

The Commander's favorite sports are swimming and basketball.

The commander's favorite game is the naval battle simulation of the ship girl.

What does Commander like best? Fishing, sleeping, basking in the sun, why don't you give me a lazy suit?Is there any equipment that can be lazy at any time no matter where you are?

Don't sleep, Commander, grass is growing in the port area!Hee hee~ It seems very interesting.


What else do you like?

Xiao Guanghui thought with his hands on his chin.


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