After being woken up by Xiao Guanghui in the morning, it seemed as if the buff had been blessed, and it took off all day long.

"Morning, Your Highness."

Su Hao was walking on the road, and someone greeted him.

"Fusang?" Somewhat surprised, the illegal buildings are so heavy, they are usually placed in the courtyard and not taken out.

He saw Fusang, and at the same time saw Yamashiro beside him, holding something in his arms, he didn't know what it was.

"Hee hee~ Good morning, Your Highness." Shan Cheng was still an optimistic girl.

"Good morning, have you gone out?"

"Bought some things and came back."

"That's Kumbu?"

"Materials for making miso soup."

Fusang smiled and said, "Your Highness, what do you want to eat tonight? You can tell me."


After eating breakfast and thinking about dinner, it is really a life like a pig.

But when it comes to Sakura's cooking, he still likes it.

"Can I order food?"

"Hehe~ Your Highness can send me a message if you think about it, and I'll do the preparations."

Su Hao was a little shy, "Will it trouble you too much?"

"It's okay, as long as His Highness is happy."

Since all said so.

Chatted for a while, and then separated.

Walking to a place, sneaking around, it was a puppy head.

"Commander, come here~"

Su Hao originally wanted to go to the office, but was stopped by Xili.

"what happened?"

Xili looked left and right, dragged Su Hao to hide behind the office building, for fear of being seen.

Su Hao noticed that she was holding a small box in her hand.

"Are you in trouble again?"

"No no."

Xili immediately shook his head, "I haven't broken in yet."

Saying this, he handed over the small box and opened it.

"This is?"

"My treasured beef jerky."

"Ha ha?"

Su Hao didn't understand for a while.

Your treasured beef jerky, then what?

Didn't you come to me and complain because it expired?

"Commander, these are for you to eat."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

To be honest, Su Hao was frightened.

What an honor it must be to let Xili take the initiative to give up the meat.

He touched Xili's forehead, "Did the power furnace burn out?"



She was a little messy for a while.

But he quickly shook his head and said, "It's just for you to eat, Commander."

"You don't want it?"

"I still have it in my room. This is half, half for you, half for me, Commander, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay...but why?" Su Hao was still puzzled, "Why do you give me beef jerky?"

"Because I want to share it with the Commander." Xi Li said as a matter of course, "If I eat it, I will only be happy with one portion. If the Commander eats it, I will be happy if the Commander is happy. That's two pieces of happiness."

I don't know where I learned the mathematics, but such a dog head is really heart-warming.

Su Hao took the box over and said with a smile, "Then thank you."

"Yeah, Commander, hurry up and hide the box so they don't see it."


"Those who peek at the treasure!"

Seeing that Su Hao put the box away, Xi Li waved his hand, "Commander, I'm leaving then."

"Well, let's go."


Xi Li ran away.

Su Hao shook his head and couldn't help laughing.

This is probably the life in the port area that he said he was obsessed with. No matter how much you pay, it doesn't matter. The guardian girls, like this, give you a little love from time to time, and it will give you a kind of physical and mental satisfaction.

At this moment, Su Hao separated from Xili and returned to the office.

"Miss Li, look."

He took out the box and said with a smile, "Look at this."

Richelieu, who seemed to be working, raised his head, "What?"

"Xili gave me a small gift."

Richelieu's eyelids twitched.

"Why did I give you a small gift?"

"It's sharing, it's just sharing." Su Hao was a little proud, "Xi Li still loves me as a commander very much, and he doesn't know how much he likes me in his heart. You can see that he shared his favorite beef jerky with me, and even said to share Happy, one becomes two, isn’t it super cute?”

Richelieu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, it's quite cute." She smiled and said, "You have to cherish that little Hao."

"Well, cherishing is cherishing, but you still have to eat it. I saw that the shelf life is only one month left. That guy won't plan to hide it until it expires before eating it?"

By the way, what will happen to the ship's mother if she eats expired food?

Richelieu didn't speak, and his eyes returned to the computer screen.

Su Hao also walked back to his seat, the day's work has just begun.

"TB, do you have any mail to attend to today?"

On the computer screen, wearing a skirt, the shameless TB quickly responded.

"Commander, I have automatically responded to today's emails, and they are all irrelevant, but there are two pending tasks in the Maritime Safety Administration's system that need you to deal with."

"Oh? What is it?"

"It's an approval document that needs your authorization to pass. I can't handle this."

"Well, what about other things?"


"There are so few things today?"

Su Hao is in a good mood, it seems that he can fish for a whole day.

"By the way, Xiao Hao, I will go out later."

Su Hao was processing the documents, Richelieu said.

"Hmm..." Su Hao lowered his head, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, it will be dealt with soon. It's good that you are in the port area and spend more time with everyone."

"Then you call me if something happens."

Richelieu was busy for a while, and then left.

Su Hao had finished dealing with it a long time ago, but he just habitually sat in front of the computer, browsing the website and paying attention to the news in the group.

As always, the chat group was filled with different messages, and from time to time Aunt Sheng came out to give out red envelopes. There were various reasons, such as the beginning of summer, the weather was fine today, and the mood was good, so she gave out red envelopes.

In a word: money willful.

Speaking of which, although Aunt Sheng got the ring and became a wedding ship, the relationship with her still stopped at the stage of holding hands and talking about love.

The same goes for Atago, after becoming a marriage ship, the attack on him has become weaker, but Su Hao always sees her with the three of Kaohsiung, and often ignores Maya, and discusses with Kaohsiung and Chokai without knowing something.

It must be something very serious, right?

Su Hao propped his chin with one hand, and tapped on the screen.

"Huh? Has Bai Ying changed the president? The Internet celebrity president is finally going to step down?"

Su Hao doesn't care much about these political affairs, after all, ZF has always had a clear division of labor with them.

After swiping for a while, I got bored, and Su Hao was going to go out to play with girls.

As soon as he got up, a figure appeared at the door.

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