"Put it here."

Su Hao cleaned it up briefly.

St.Louis put the battleship model on it, the length is just right, although it is a bit heavy, but the quality of the table is good, so don't worry.

"pretty good."

St. Louis chuckled, "Your desk is finally coming in handy."

"Well, actually, that's what I thought at the beginning."

Su Hao had his hips on his hips, his nose stretched out, and he was pierced by St. Louis in a second of complacency.

"I don't know who told Dido to throw it away last time, it's an eyesore."

"Uh...you still haven't thrown it away." Su Hao rubbed his nose, "Okay, put these things away, too, there are too many, I feel that those in the living room can't be put away."

"When you take it apart, there aren't many. The gift of Mikasa is the biggest, and the others are smaller."


Su Hao sorted the gifts he brought and put them away, with St. Louis helping.

After putting everything aside, Su Hao was ready to continue moving bricks.

"Commander, wait a moment."

St. Louis called him over.

"what happened?"

St. Louis didn't speak, and took out a small box from his pocket.

"My gift hasn't been given yet."

"Oh yes."

After receiving so many presents, Su Hao has long forgotten who else has not given them.

At this time, he looked at the box in St. Louis's hand. It was black and looked very high-end. It was bigger than the ring box. It shouldn't be a ring, right?It's a little troublesome if it's a ring.

"What is it?"

"Hehe~ You guessed it."

"Um... Jewelry?"

"Barely count, give me a little reminder, I will use it all the time, and I don't need to carry it with me all the time."

Need it all the time?

Su Hao stared at the box and thought for a while.



St. Louis smiled and opened the box.

A platinum watch.

Su Hao was a little helpless: "This...looks so tall, does it feel like it doesn't suit me?"

"You are the commander-in-chief of the alliance now, how can you do without a watch? You have to pay attention to your image when you go out." St. Louis took out the watch and put it on for Su Hao.

"Is it expensive?"

"It's not expensive, only hundreds of thousands."


Su Hao twitched, "St. Louis, this is too expensive, I'd rather not have an image."

"Others will tell."

"Just say it, I don't care."

"But we take care of it." St. Louis said with a serious face, "Commander, you are the most important thing in our hearts. If others say behind the scenes, there is no guarantee that any ship girl will beat him up impulsively. In order to avoid this situation, we should When it is for us, the commander should also pay attention to his image when he is outside."

"is it so serious?"

"Of course, at least I will."

Well, well, since Aunt Sheng said so.

It was the first time Su Hao wore such an expensive watch, and Su Hao felt that his whole hand was heavy.

"Isn't this pretty?"

St. Louis is very satisfied with Su Hao's appearance after wearing it.

"After all, it's hundreds of thousands." Su Hao still had some heartache.

St. Louis said with a smile: "Okay, don't always care about money so much, I don't care what you care about."

Su Hao smacked his lips, alas~ I can't help it, I'm used to being poor.

But this kind of thing is already considered a luxury, if it was Su Hao himself, he would not buy it if he was killed, but Jian Niang has this kind of intention, they are real and don't care about money.

And Su Hao really felt the kindness of St. Louis.

It wasn't because she was so rich that she bought such a watch, but because of Su Hao's own considerations, she finally decided to buy a watch.

If Su Hao still lacks other things, St. Louis will buy them without hesitation.

"Thank you~"

Su Hao held St. Louis' hand.

"Just thank you?" St. Louis blinked and smiled.

"Uh...then what else do you want?"

"What about me... But I have been waiting for this day for a long time~" St. Louis hugged Su Hao gently, "I almost missed it because of the company's affairs, but I finally made it back in time, Commander, at this moment, Don't you want to do something?"

Saying something that made people blush and heartbeat, St. Louis raised his head, and on his delicate face, there was a pair of deep and beautiful eyes full of expectations.

Su Hao opened his mouth.

Aunt Sheng, what do you want to say and do?

He lowered his head slowly, and his lips were printed on the soft and cool lips of St. Louis.

Downstairs, the couples are still discussing.


PS: Rua!It's the middle of the month, beg for a wave of blades to suppress the shock!

Chapter 634 Tiancheng Takes Over the Battlefield

In the living room, the quarrel continued.

I don't know how long it took, but Richelieu felt his head was getting bigger.

In fact, it's not a fight at all, have you ever seen that kind of scene?It is obviously a matter of serious opinion, but when you say what you say, you are the only one who is serious and everyone else is joking, so you are very angry.

"Is it alright now?"

Richelieu crossed his arms and was angry at the 'unreasonable trouble' of these wedding ships.

The more you say it, the more outrageous it is, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is.

After Shengli's initial double fei fei proposal, it turned into a stud wave at the end, and everyone went together.

Are you guys really talking about serious stuff?You are murdering!

Richelieu was a little angry.

This is not to be angry that she can't accompany Su Hao on his birthday.

It's not because she's angry that she can't accompany Su Hao on his birthday.

Not mad at this, absolutely not.

"If there is no more result..." Richelieu looked at the time, "Okay, it's nine o'clock, you go back to wash and sleep."

"Don't, don't, don't." Shengli quickly waved his hand, "Now I'm talking about my heart...ah no, it's a critical moment, right? Isn't it awesome?"

"Yes, yes, Miss Shengli, you are right."

"So in the end it's me and my sister, and then Shengli and Kewei will come later."

Chicheng smiled, she is stable now, the kind that won't roll over.

However, this proposal was passed at the beginning, and now it has come back in a circle, and the initial worry has not been resolved.

Atago obviously won't agree, even if she makes trouble unreasonably, she won't agree, you are all battleships and you will bully me as a vanguard, right?

Let me tell you, even if I am nailed to the coffin, I will use a decayed voice to say: I love big dogs the best in the world!

"Very well, it's nine o'clock."

Richelieu planned to drive these unreasonable troublemakers out of the house, and then enjoy a romantic evening with Su Hao alone.

"Then let Atago spend a few days."

At this moment, Amagi put down the teacup in his hand and said.

With her appearance, it can't be seen that she is fighting at all. It was a bit outrageous for a group of ship girls to get together to fight for the right to sleep with the commander. More than anything else, so even Amagi joined the battle.

However, she hadn't spoken before, and she seemed to have expected such a scene to happen. At this time, she spoke, and everyone looked over.

"Atago is indeed not suitable. We are not the master. Even if we discuss all the situations here, we cannot make decisions on behalf of the master." Amagi said slowly, "So, from the very beginning, Atago, you are not suitable to join the discussion. .”

Atago is angry, what are you doing?What are you doing, Amagi?You are also the heavy cherry ship girl, won't you help me?

Then I reversed.

Atago is about to reverse.

The wedding fleet is very important, and each one is very important. Now she decided to reconsider her position.

The heavy cherry blossoms must be defeated, even Jesus can't save them!I said!

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