But soon Tiancheng said again: "Every one of us ship girls wants nothing more than to be approved by the Lord. From becoming a ship girl, to deepening the bond with each other, and then becoming a marriage ship, what are we pursuing? You don't know Do you really want to fall in love like a human being, and then start to dislike each other after the honeymoon period?"

"Of course not." Shengli shook his head, "I want to protect Commander for the rest of my life."

"That's right." Tiancheng smiled slightly, "The core of everything is to get the Lord's approval. Don't get this wrong. So Atago, you have become a marriage ship and have been approved like us. Then what you and your lord want to do next should be something you and your lord are looking for together."

"Actually, I quite agree with the Lord's statement. He said that even if a destroyer is used as a marriage ship, it is actually nothing."

The wedding boats were shocked.

"Tiancheng, you..." Richelieu hesitated to speak.

"Don't look at me like that." Amagi chuckled, "It doesn't matter that a destroyer becomes a marriage ship, as I said, it's just a kind of approval. After the approval, the commander and the marriage ship should go to find Yes, we are not as hot as humans for three minutes, our protection is for a lifetime, so even a destroyer has the idea of ​​​​guarding the commander for a lifetime, right?"

"If this is the case, then why can't they become wedding ships? What they and the commander are looking for may just be walking hand in hand on the beach at sunset, watching the scenery on the golden beach, watching the cool waves rolling out. Splash the waves, watch the seagulls return to their nests, and then enjoy the peace of being close to each other.”

"Of course, we don't talk about destroyers here, we just talk about marriage ships. Atago, you have just become a marriage ship. What you want to do is that you and the master are looking for it together, rather than you simply making decisions for the master here. If so That doesn't qualify as a marriage ship at all, what do you think?"

Amagi looked at Atago.

The others also looked at Atago.

Atago opened his mouth, ah, I, uh.

"Tiancheng, what you said seems...seems to make sense."

Not only is it reasonable, it is simply very reasonable!

Atago couldn't find any reason to refute at all.

Everyone has been arguing, what are you arguing about?

To put it bluntly, there is still a difference between a married couple and a wife.

"Xiao Hao did indeed say that he has some opinions on the Maritime Safety Administration's stipulation that destroyers cannot be married ships."

Richelieu pursed her lips, and for a while she felt that her family status was a bit insecure.

Fortunately, Tiancheng has martial arts virtues, so I can stop here.

At this time, she looked at Richelieu, smiled and said, "But I won't participate today, I don't care which day is special, because in my heart, every day with the Lord is special, Li Seliu, you don’t argue, you think so too.”

Tiancheng withdrew, in order to make Richelieu feel better, and invisibly raised his image as the leader of the marriage ship.

Richelieu nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, during the eleven years I spent with Xiaohao, every day was special."

"Then I too..."

Shengli just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Tiancheng.

"My lord always needs someone to accompany me. Anyway, today is my lord's birthday... so, let Shengli and you and Kewei stay with me, Chicheng, come back with me."

"elder sister."

Chicheng was a little hesitant, even if Tiancheng didn't participate, she could do it by herself, she didn't mind, really didn't mind!

And with her words, there are only three people. In Su Hao's situation, three people should be just right.

Why cheap victory and fear?

Elder sister, even if you are worried about the Commander's body, there is no need to be like this.

Akagi wanted to say something in his heart, but after seeing Amagi's expression, he agreed.

Shengli and Kewei looked at each other, blinked, continued to blink, what's going on?Such a good thing happened to them?

Tiancheng, forever god!

The two victoriously shouted in their hearts.

At this moment, the Assaulter, who had been silent all this time, raised her hand to indicate that she had something to say.

"What's wrong with you, Raider?"

Richelieu's eyes reminded him.

She is very satisfied with Tiancheng's arrangement, Su Hao is 100% sure that there is no problem with the two of them, maybe...well, suppose, suppose, if Shengli and Kewei return at night, Su Hao is too lonely and she can go there to accompany her.

Anyway, it's just a wall.

"No." The attacker curled his hair with his fingers, and said curiously, "I mean, it's been so long, why haven't the Commander and St. Louis come down yet?"


Suddenly the living room became very quiet.


They have been discussing here for so long, where is the protagonist tonight?

What about Su Hao people?

Didn't you mean move things up there?Even if it takes some time to set up, how long has it been?

"Speaking of which, didn't St. Louis help Xiaohao take the battleship model up? It should have come down long ago..."

Richelieu looked at the clock, more than an hour has passed since the two of them went up, this...

about an hour.

She suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Akagi, let's go."

Amagi suddenly stood up and prepared to leave.

"Eh? Elder sister... are you leaving now?"

Akagi didn't even react.

Why did you leave at the critical moment?

No, shouldn't the question now be to discuss why St. Louis hasn't come down yet?

"Well, let's go back, Kaga is still waiting for us, Atago, you can go too."


"Come on, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Some didn't react, Tiancheng's behavior didn't seem to be in line with the current situation, even Richelieu was surprised, Tiancheng didn't care why St. Louis didn't come down?

But Amagi finally pulled Akagi away resolutely, Atago hesitated for a moment, thinking of Amagi's last words, anyway, it's not her place to stay, let's go.

The attacker looked left and right, and felt that the situation was not good, maybe he would have to blame for staying, forget it, let's go back and sleep with Atlanta.

In an instant, only Richelieu and the Victory sisters were left in the lively living room just now.

The three looked at each other.

After a while, footsteps were heard upstairs.

"Ah, have you all gone back?"

St. Louis walked down with a smile on his face.

The three looked over, and no one spoke for a while.

At this moment of silence, Tiancheng's words and actions just now were precipitated in the silence, which were inexplicable before, but suddenly the three of them had a little understanding in their hearts.

They seemed to know why Amagi insisted on taking Akagi away, but Atago dismissed his words.

"what happened?"

St.Louis tilted his head on the stairs.

If you look closely, her clothes are still a little messy.

The hair is also tied differently from when I went up.

Breathing slightly.

Her fair and tender cheeks were glowing red.

The intoxicating smile on his face seemed to be laughing at their scene in the living room.

This is the smile of a winner.

Richelieu sighed inwardly, none of these guys had a fuel-efficient lamp.


PS: Fly, fly, another chapter~

Chapter 635 Come, duel!

Su Hao leaned limply against the head of the bed, staring at the model of the battleship on the big table on the wall opposite the bed, recalling everything that happened just now, feeling very happy.

No, you know what?Aunt Santa is great!

No matter from any angle, you can't pick out a flawed stick.

As a concubine's wife, married concubine, virtuous internal helper, she is a strong president Sheng Zong externally, and a gentle wife when she is by her side, she is considerate in every aspect.

There should be at least an E cup, right?Yingying grasped it enough, judging from the feeling of the hand test, it was slightly smaller than the brilliant one, but it was enough, buried her cheeks and took a deep breath, squeezed in, don't pull me, let me suffocate In this damn big boobs!

And ah, I have to say... Forget it, let's not talk about it, there is a faint green light in the jealous eyes, I see your blood-dripping minions, want to tear through the dimensional wall and harm me?Don't think about it!

fly~ fly~

Su Hao's thoughts are still lingering in the lingering aftertaste just now, and there is a lazy feeling in every part of his body. He doesn't want to move and just wants to do this. There are still many gifts downstairs that have not been opened. Forget it tomorrow. Demolition, it seems that there are still many ship girls, but St. Louis said just now that they will be asked to go back, so you don't have to worry about it yourself.

After a while, the sage's time was almost over, Su Hao got up and walked into the bathroom, and went to sleep after taking a shower.

I am so happy today.

Why can't people celebrate their birthday every day?

He didn't feel anything about birthdays before, but now he can't wait to celebrate his birthday every day.

hum hum~

Maid is great.

And gentle.

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