And considerate.

Still clingy.

The body and appearance are impeccable.

Su Hao thought for a while, and felt that he really wasn't a lolicon. Those who said he was a lolicon had misunderstood him, and he preferred a mature Yujie to a loli.

He likes the big ones, the big ones that can be grasped with both hands and let the fingers sink deep into them, the big ones that can be buried in the cheeks and feel heavy and soft, the big ones that can be like this, rush into the sky, be buried, disappear, only White clouds flowed out one by one.

Niu Niu races high!

Don't think about it, let's go to bed and go to see if those new ship girls are still used to it in the port area tomorrow.

Thinking of this, there was a sudden noise outside the bathroom.

Hearing voices, Su Hao called out while washing: "Sister Li?"

He called out, but there was no answer, but he heard the door slam.

After a while, Su Hao was ready to go out, the bathroom door opened with a click, and then Shengli and Kewei, who were wearing towels, walked in.



After a night.

day to day.

Year after year.

The birthday atmosphere is over, and today is a new beginning.

There is no morning today, because it was almost noon when I woke up.

Struggling to get up in the arms of victory and awesomeness, then Bepha came to serve a delicious 'brunch' meal, rested after eating, and then unwrapped some gift boxes, and did not finish unpacking until the afternoon.

Originally, he wanted to go to the office to put on a show, but Richelieu directly told him to rest more today, and the work has been dealt with.

In fact, he really doesn’t need to do anything special for his daily work. Anyway, the competent navigator tb will classify the things that should be done every day, important and unimportant. If there is something that he needs to deal with, he will remind him, otherwise there is no need Tube.

By the way, Ming has extended the operating environment of tb from PC to mobile phone. Now when you turn on the mobile phone, you will see a shameless white hair telling you that there is still work to be done today, and you can't rest yet.

At this time, Su Hao was walking in the port area, taking a walk after exercising, feeling comfortable physically and mentally.

"Speaking of which, none of you have the concept of celebrating a birthday. It's not fair that only I celebrate my birthday in such a large port area."

"How could it be, master." Belfa, who folded his hands in front of him quietly followed with a smile and said, "Master, isn't your birthday the birthday of all the ship girls in our port area?"

"Uh... yes, is it?"

"Of course, I am a spiritual counselor in Minato District. I understand everyone's thoughts. If it is a simple birthday, even if it is a birthday every day, it will be boring. We don't care about what expensive gifts we can receive. Compared with this, being able to talk to the master Spending a special day together is what we look forward to~"

that's true.

It makes sense to think that celebrating a birthday alone is equivalent to celebrating the birthdays of all the ship girls in the port area.

Chatting casually, Su Hao was going to go to the beach for a while.

Then he saw Peter and Prince Heinrich standing near the gate.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ah, it's the commander!"

Prince Heinrich looked very energetic and waved to Su Hao with a smile on his face.

She is the kind of optimistic and cheerful type, a little reckless like a fool, but she is not a fool, she just wants to be pure and frank.

"Morning, Commander~"

Peter greeted with a smile.

She said the word "early" on purpose. In fact, she didn't see Su Hao all morning. As a newcomer to the port area, the most important thing to rely on is the commander, so now Su Hao is the one who committed the most crimes.

"Uh, good afternoon, good afternoon." Su Hao smiled coyly, "Speaking of which, what are you looking at?"

"Look down from here." Peter pointed to the seaside scenery in the distance, "You can almost see the panorama. Is there a training ground over there? There are many ship girls training."

"You can go up and have a look, that watchtower."

"No need, Prince Heinrich and I are going to the training ground."

As newcomers, they are still adapting to life in the port area, so they are not assigned tasks, nor are they in a hurry to train.

"Then let's go and have a look, the training ground in our port area is not ordinary."

The training ground is also divided into levels. Generally speaking, the training ground in the port area is simply surrounded by some iron nets. Although the port area guards a sea area, the sea area is not your home. Proper planning can be done, not the entire area. let's go

The sea area is also planned, and the training ground is of course the most important thing. Compared with other port areas, the most special thing about Su Hao is that it has a set of advanced training equipment, which St. Louis bought from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration. Well, she saw this at the headquarters, so she asked her relationship to get the latest set.

This set of equipment can be used for different training for different ship girls. It is mainly divided into two categories: shooting and evasion. Each category has many sub-categories. Ships and aircraft carriers each have their own content.

Evasion is more interesting. Su Hao once saw Xili play evasion training, and training bullets from various angles were shot at her. It was like dancing in the middle of a hail of bullets, and then the fireflies also danced, and finally was beaten into a mess.

Su Hao introduced while walking.

In fact, he didn't know much. Anyway, after purchasing the equipment, he threw it to the research room for research, trying to find more uses.

Speaking of the scientific research room, the next scientific research ship is already under development, which is the scientific research data obtained from the Iris Kingdom—Louis IX.

There are too few scientific research related materials. He only has heavy cherry blossoms and iris kingdoms in his hands. Recently, he is thinking about how to get some from the Royal White Eagle. .

"Ah, that seems interesting!"

Prince Heinrich pointed to Admiral Hipper, who was training in the distance, and said, "Look, that guy is quite powerful."

"That's Hipper, Admiral Hipper, and she's really nice."

"Where's there?" Peter looked further away.

"Oh, that's Zeppelin."

"Zeppelin?" Peter frowned, "Is there a little one?"

Su Hao smiled and said, "The young one is also Zeppelin."

"Eh?" Peter was confused, "Two Zeppelins?"

"That's right, a big Zeppelin and a little Zeppelin, they have a pretty good relationship."

Zeppelin, the No. [-] iron-blooded aircraft carrier, apart from being cold-tempered, is actually quite hardworking among the iron-blooded ship girls who came to study this time.

The rest... Su Hao really couldn't describe it in words.

Let's not talk about the emperor's fishing.

Deutschland and Earl Spey don't know what they are doing every day.

z46 has been reading books in the library.

Leipzig's daily diamond kitchen.

"Zeppelin..." Peter pursed his lips, "Can you go over and have a look?"

"of course can."

Open the iron gate of the training ground and walk in. It has been specially repaired with cement, but it can only be extended to a certain distance. At the end, Su Hao yelled a few times, and Little Zeppelin heard it, and immediately turned back and waved.

"Come here." Su Hao shouted.

Little Zeppelin comes over, Zeppelin shoots a few more shots, and then comes too.

"Commander, why are you here?" Little Zeppelin looked around him, Peter and the prince, they were so big.

"How was the training?"

Su Hao picked up the little guy and said with a smile, "I just saw that you are very good."

"Hmph~Of course it's amazing, I'm the No. [-] aircraft carrier!"

Peter couldn't help but said, "You are also the number one aircraft carrier?"

"What happened to her?"

Zeppelin came over, his voice a bit cold.

What happened to the first iron-blooded aircraft carrier?

In fact, Su Hao also thinks it's nothing, T0's Naizi T0's legs, how strong is Tn's strength?

However, recently the company said that Zeppelin seems to have made great progress. Perhaps the reality is still different from the game, and it is not necessarily true that Zeppelin may have turned himself into the master.

"You're the Zeppelin."

Seeing the two of them, Peter was still a little confused.

Prince Heinrich laughed loudly: "One big and one small, they look like mother and daughter, Commander, this little doll can't be your daughter, right?"

Little Zeppelin became angry, "You are the daughter, damn it, give me a shot!"

"Oh, oh, the little guy is angry, so cute, come~ Let my sister hug me."

Prince Heinrich has no brains and colors, and he is so arrogant in the face of the majestic No. [-] aircraft carrier.


Little Zeppelin slapped her hand away and shouted, "Come on, I will fight you!"


PS: Alright~ Now let's play cards!It's my turn, draw cards, sacrifice my integrity, come out, fish monster!The fish-touching monster shows an attack, and its attack power is a full 1800 points!

Chapter 636 Niu Niu Chong Duck!

The little guy arrogantly said that he would fight a duel, and Prince Heinrich laughed out loud.

"Look, Peter, she's so cute." Prince Heinrich really thought little Zeppelin was cute, and when she stretched out her hand, she was furious: "Commander, let me hug you."

"Go away, go away!"

Little Zeppelin bared his teeth and claws, hmph, go away a little bit, damn big fat, you laugh, you laugh again.

At this moment, she stared at Prince Heinrich viciously, and shouted: "You can only be proud at this time, and you will know what cruelty is when I beat you to the teeth!"

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