"Huh? What's wrong?"

Just as he was talking, a head with fluffy ears popped out of the door.




Atago is about to rush.

On Su Hao's birthday the day before yesterday, he finally gave up because of Tiancheng's words. Although he was a little reluctant, he still had to get 'approval'.

Then pinch, I have been 'learning scriptures' from Tiancheng yesterday.

Don't get it wrong, it's a very serious study.

Then Amagi gave her four-word advice: move forward slowly.

Why slow down?Because Atago's offensive has been too anxious so far, although girls who take the initiative will be easier to get started, but now that Atago is already a married ship, there is no need to worry anymore, right?

The offensive must be slowed down, but it cannot be stopped. Slow down by yourself, but the plot cannot be slowed down.

Atago tilted his head to express his bewilderment.

Then Tiancheng smiled slightly, and said three more words: find a helper.

Atago thinks it's stupid, but I have to say that it makes sense. Originally, she planned to pull the Kaohsiung sisters into the sea from the beginning, but in the middle of the way, Akagi, Ron, and Dafeng rushed in and disrupted the rhythm. The original love It's a bit embarrassing that the master can't even take down a Xiaobai.

After she left from Tiancheng, she went to Kaohsiung.

"Sister, do you know? The bond between the commander and the ship's mother will make the ship's mother stronger. What is the bond like? It's trust, care, and longing."

Kaohsiung didn't know, she reached out and touched Atago's forehead, slightly curious.

"What's the matter? If it's okay, practice swords with me."

"Ah~ That's why I said, sister." Atago sighed, "Why do you always lose to me?"

Takao thought to himself, how can I always lose, so far the record of the two battles is considered to be [-]-[-]. Although Atago hardly takes the initiative to train, his strength has indeed been improving.

Seeing that Kaohsiung was not convinced, Atago said: "Do you know why you have improved so fast recently?"

"Of course it's the result of our hard work."

"Then touch here and talk about it." Atago grabbed Takao's hand and placed it on the soft Oupai, and asked: "Tell me, when you are in the cherry blossoms, compare with here, which one is faster?"


Kaohsiung was quite straightforward, she said, "It's here."


"I don't know." Kaohsiung tilted his head, "You know?"

Atago laughed, she is now the old Siji reborn, returning to the original feeling.

"Sister, think about why I am improving so fast, and you will know."

Takao is not an idiot, Atago has been talking about Commander and Kizuna from the very beginning, she understood immediately.

At this moment, he sighed and said: "I've said it before, I'm Sakura's ship girl, I've given everything for Sakura, and I will fight side by side with Sakura's companions in the future, and I won't join the port area."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about." Atago shook his head, "Sister, haven't you been a ship girl in the port area for a long time? I asked you to ask if you want to become a marriage ship."

Kaohsiung:? ? ?

What are you talking about, sister?When did I become a ship girl in Minato?

Wedding ship?Come on, isn't that arc spanning too big?

"Sister, do you know the meaning of the words that the authorities are fans? You keep saying that you are not a ship girl in the port area, but what is the difference between your current life and ours? Live in the port area, attack and fight with everyone, and train when you are free. , During the break, enjoy the flowers and drink tea, eat together, and celebrate the festival together, tell me, what are you not a ship girl in the port area?"

Kaohsiung opened his mouth, unable to refute for a while.

"You said that you have to pay for the cherry blossoms and fight side by side with the companions of the cherry blossoms. In fact, if you think about it carefully, isn't Richelieu the same? But she is still a ship girl in the port area, or a marriage ship, for the port area It doesn’t conflict with the Iris Kingdom, it’s better to say that even the commander supports it.”

"In my opinion, everyone in Sakura is the same, right? Whether it's you or Mikasa-senpai, even if you look at Nagato, she doesn't live on the island anymore. How dare you say she doesn't regard this place as her home Is there Mutsu, Xuefeng Shiyu, and others, everyone is like this, right? Became the ship girl of Minato, but if Sakura has something to do, she will still attack without hesitation."

Kaohsiung was silent for a moment.

There is no need to think about it carefully, the fact is that, even on Mikasa's side, except for going back to deal with time occasionally, most of the time is here.

Nagato is the same, she doesn't go back to Higurashi Island anymore, but can you say that her mind is not on Sakura?

Kaohsiung remembers that Nagato said personally that he likes the free and carefree life in Minato City, but this kind of life can bring peace and prosperity to Shige Sakura more than before. If this is the case, why hesitate? ?

Mother-in-law, be nice to yourself.

And the most important thing is to stay in the port area, the improvement in strength is too obvious.

Kaohsiung let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, even if you're right." She shook her head, "You just want me to call the commander the next time we meet?"

It doesn't matter if you call them anyway, Senior Mikasa has said that everyone can call the commander whatever they want in the port area, but they have to be distinguished when they go out of the port area, otherwise Shige Sakura will think that they have collectively rebelled.

In fact, there is no such thing as rebellion at all. Can you say that Richelieu rebelled?After all, she was originally a free ship girl. As long as her mind and will remain the same, no one is qualified to make irresponsible remarks.

you say?What do you say?Crack your balls with a ship suit.


Atago laughed again, "It's only natural for you to call Commander, I've said it before, marriage ship, marriage ship."

Kaohsiung shook his head decisively: "No, no, I'm going to die."

She never thought of being someone else's wife... oh no, being a married woman.

"Sister, don't you want to become stronger?"

"I'm going to be great this way."

"Look at Richelieu, Tiancheng and Enterprise, are they powerful?"

"They are capital ships, they are different."

"But they are also married couples, and so am I." Atago continued to coax, "Kizuzu, sister, why are you blushing? Kizuna doesn't understand? Did you think of something strange again?"

Kaohsiung spat lightly: "I don't think anything strange."

Atago became serious, "Sister, let me tell you, I said that I want you to become a marriage ship, not the human kind. The marriage ship is of a higher level, and does not involve any interests or bad thoughts. It is simply a relationship between the commander and the ship's wife. It’s just proof of the bond between them.”

Kaohsiung shook his head: "There is no bond between me and the commander."

"Why not." Atago drew out his sword and drew it on the ground, and after a while it turned into a net, "Look, the port area is a net, with the commander in the middle, and we are all connected to each other." It’s because of him. Everything you do in Minato is related to the Commander. You can become stronger because of the Commander. You can meet me because of the Commander. You can live happily with Shige Sakura’s companions here because of the Commander. Officer, that’s all, how can you say it’s okay?”

Kaohsiung feels a little dizzy.

"Okay, okay, then it's related, but it's not...not a wedding ship, is it?"

Marriage, wouldn't that be a wife in human terms?

Although it is indeed a kind of fetter, as a ship girl, it doesn't matter whether it is a big ship or a small ship.

Anyway, Kaohsiung feels that he should not have reached that level yet.

"I know, so I'm asking you now, since you have so many contacts with the commander, shouldn't you spend more time with each other?"


"It's like, you have food and shelter in someone else's house, and you have received favors, but you usually don't even talk to the other person. Is this reasonable?"

"Seems to be……"

"Sister, you keep making mistakes!"

What Atago said was serious and serious, but she was smiling in her heart.

She's ambitious now.

After hearing Tiancheng's words, it's true, anyway, it's already a marriage ship, so why worry?

Don't worry, then start looking for helpers and form cliques from now on. As long as the three Kaohsiung-class sisters join forces, who else will be the opponent in the wedding ship besides the three Guanghui sisters?

Amagi?She can't!

The more Atago thought about it, the happier he became.

I, Atago, move forward slowly!


PS: Who has seen Instant Noodles?

Chapter 643 Atago Su Hao Kaohsiung

After coming out of the office, I arrived here. There is a forest path, with tall camphor trees on both sides, lawns, and benches for rest everywhere. .

It's a very artistic place, even if Su Hao didn't realize it himself, the port area is so big, it's impossible to go everywhere, it's a pity to think about wasting such a good dating venue.

In fact, even in the port area, the place is big, and it is very enjoyable to go out for a walk with the good-knowledgeable wife holding hands, probably like this now, with Atago holding his arm, and the atmosphere between the two is cozy and comfortable .

However, it was a little strange that there was another person besides Atago.

"Sister, hurry up."

Atago called out to Takao who was half a beat behind.

Kaohsiung ignored it and followed silently.

In fact, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart, what was she doing?Be their bodyguard?

She admitted that she was moved by Atago's words, and then what?It's okay to come and say hello, why do you want to come out for a walk?It’s okay to go out for a walk, why come here?It's okay to come here, why... I can only watch?

No, no, Kaohsiung shook his head in his heart, this is not the point, the point is that the feeling of being a light bulb is really terrible.

Why not go back and find Chokai and have a cup of tea with Maya.

"Sister." Atago called out again.

"I'm coming."

Even so, Kaohsiung followed slowly.

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