Anyway, what can you do even if you keep up?Do you eat dog food?

"Sister, I'm sorry." Atago said with a smile, lowered her voice, raised her head and got very close to Su Hao, she said: "Sister is just too rigid, she doesn't know how to rest after practicing every day, just came here this time Find the commander, I brought her too."

"Ah, so it is."

I wondered why Kaohsiung came here. Speaking of which, every time I went to Sakura, I saw Kaohsiung either drinking tea or practicing swords. Apart from wanting to improve his strength, practicing swords seems to have become a daily routine in Kaohsiung. Work.

"She is more serious." Su Hao said.

"It's serious, but it's too serious. Even Sister Chokai doesn't hack and slash with a sword every day, and Maya too. Occasionally, she wants to go for a walk by herself, but she is dragged by Sister Kaohsiung. Method."

There are also times when the sisters have no choice but Maya listens to Kaohsiung the most. If Kaohsiung speaks, she will definitely drop what she is doing and go with Kaohsiung.

"Atago, keep your voice down when you whisper, I can hear you."

Gao Xiong curled his lips, but after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case, and she couldn't refute it.

"Hee hee~ Come over and chat together if you hear it, it's not like the commander won't let you talk."

While talking, Atang pulled Su Hao to a bench by the side of the road and sat down, beckoning to Kaohsiung, "Sister, come quickly."

Kaohsiung walked over, intending to be next to Atago, but the latter gestured and pulled him to sit on the other side of Su Hao.

Su Hao doesn't care, it's better to say that he is in a beautiful mood, Atago on the left and Kaohsiung on the right, what regrets are there in life?

Atago Kaohsiung, it’s not that other ship girls are not as good as the two of them. It’s probably an obsession. I’ve seen a lot of pictures of them on a certain website, but they’re not really pictures. After all, Su Hao has never I don't look at those things, but the various provocative poses are indeed extraordinary. If you look closely, there are two people posting them. Every time you sweep the scene of pornography, what you sweep is the fragrance of lilies?

But now Atago is the only one who is married, so it’s okay to cuddle with her. If you want sisters to eat, then you think too much. Kaohsiung’s sword drawing skills are not a joke. Pull it out and insert it. It's hard to say which part is missing.

"Has Kaohsiung encountered any trouble recently?"

Su Hao opened the topic and chatted.

"It's okay." Kaohsiung lowered her head and kneaded her hands on her thighs. She is indeed not very good at dealing with others outside of work.

"Sister, she's been troubled recently and has been practicing but her progress is slow." Atago said.

"How can there be..." After thinking about it, Kaohsiung said a little discouraged, "It's really no match for you."

"Hee hee~ because I have a commander to guide me."

Su Hao slowly typed a '? '.

When did I guide you?

"Aren't there so many powerful ship girls in the port area?" Su Hao has never taught, but the ship girls who have fought with him are all big sisters in the port area, so they can naturally guide other ship girls, "What do you not understand? Just ask Richelieu and the others."


Kaohsiung responded lightly, and seemed not very interested. How should I put it, everyone is a ship girl, and they all train in the same port area. They have trained a lot by themselves, so why should they ask others for advice?

It's just that even though she thinks so, Kaohsiung is not the type to belittle herself or be prone to pride and arrogance. She is just a little unconvinced, but the truth is what it is.

"Why don't we just arrange a drill? Aren't those iron-blooded guys still in the port area? Let them see the power of the port area, the heavy cherry ship girl."

Su Hao glanced at Atago, and felt that she was saying this on purpose, and it was obvious that Kaohsiung cared.

"Drill, is it necessary?" He hesitated.

"Isn't it strange that a port area doesn't always have drills?"

"You should have arrangements for your usual training."

"That's training alone. By the way, it's different from this kind of exercise."

Atago is insisting that her offensive is multifaceted, and she has already taken a big step forward without Su Hao noticing, the highest level is the unknowing.

"Is that so... Kaohsiung, what do you think?"

Su Hao felt that Atago was unreliable, and his words were unreliable and his actions were unreliable, so he might as well ask Kaohsiung.

"Whatever, it's fine."

Kaohsiung thought for a while, and felt that his attitude was not good, so he said: "If you arrange a drill, it's best to tell Nagato-sama or Mikasa-senpai about this kind of battle between the camps, and they should also arrange it in advance."

"It's enough for the commander to arrange. There is no exercise in the port area that needs to be arranged by the ship's mother. The commander must always know the situation of each ship's mother through the exercise."

Su Hao looked at Atago in surprise, to be honest, he didn't understand what Atago was thinking.

But soon, Atago showed his flaws.

"If the commander doesn't understand, just ask me. As a marriage ship, let's discuss it carefully. I am familiar with the situation on Sakura's side."

Atangu sees that, as for whether it is true or not, no one knows, but it is true that the drill can't be done by the ship's mother all the time, it will make him seem too incompetent as a commander.

Eating soft food is soft food, incompetence is incompetence, and dedication is attitude that has nothing to do with ability, right?

Seeing that Su Hao was a little moved, Atang struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "If the target is an iron-blooded person, you must first consider whether Bismarck will participate, and that Frederick the Great. I haven't seen her make a move in Hong Kong for so long. If It’s meaningless if the disparity in strength between the two sides is too great.”

"Then, Commander, do you think one-to-one or many-to-many is better?"

Kaohsiung said: "Why not simulated warfare? The mere ability to fight against each other cannot fully explain the problem."

"I'm just a suggestion, sister, of course you can say that." Atago pursed her lips and chuckled, she just wanted to bring Kaohsiung in to discuss together, "Commander, what do you think? Is it better for my sister's suggestion or mine? "


Su Hao was in a dilemma. Is this a multiple-choice question or a proposition?

"I can't say which one is good and which one is bad." Su Hao is no longer Wuxia Amon, he said: "Pure combat ability is simpler and quicker, and it tests combat skills more. If it is a simulated war, it depends on coordination and strategy. , things to consider are more complicated.”

"Is that better than my sister's suggestion?"

Are you angry?It seems not, Atago is indeed smiling.

"Atago, your suggestion is also good." Gao Xiong didn't want to embarrass Su Hao.

"If that's the case, how about the two together? First conduct a simple practice battle, then simulate the battle, and combine the results of the two times to determine the winner?"

"Well, we can't just let us decide for ourselves, right?" Kaohsiung hesitated, "Should we..."

"It's not our decision." Atago corrected Kaohsiung's statement, "It's the commander's decision. The commander is the core of the port area. Of course, what he says is what he says. Of course, as the person in charge, he must have his own opinions."

"What should I do if no one participates?" Su Hao felt a little uncomfortable.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

In fact, Su Hao has no idea of ​​practicing, because the iron-blooded training plan is decided by Bismarck, the emperor, and the company through joint discussions. Although the iron-blooded ship girls always fish for fish, they are still very serious about the things within the training plan .

I didn't care about it at all, and suddenly arranged some exercises to disrupt their plans. If I didn't participate and added chaos in the end, it would be unreasonable.

Cute and very interested, Su Hao couldn't bear to interrupt, so he could only respond with a hmm, and then saw that Kaohsiung was also discussing seriously.

If you really want to fight, Su Hao still feels that it is not easy to handle. If Iron Blood fights Sakura head-on, first of all, the aircraft carrier will suffer a lot. The one-on-one exercise is fine. If it is an offensive and defensive simulation battle, no matter whether the attacker or the defender, As long as Sakura protects the aircraft carrier well, wouldn't she be able to fight casually?Iron Blood's air defense ability is not good.

There was a lot of chatter and discussion, and Atago was in high spirits. It's really strange that Ai Dagou or ghs actually became serious.

However, in the end, no results were discussed, and it was originally an unfeasible solution.

Su Hao said, "Why don't you just ask the almighty TB."


"Command Elf, she can simulate the maneuvers on both sides, as long as there is enough data."

"That's so boring." Atang waved his hand, stood up and stretched, showing his figure in front of Su Hao, "It's noon, let's go eat something before we talk."

"Then go to the cafeteria."

"No, let's go to the Cherry Blossom Garden, I'll cook."

Atago knows how to cook, Su Hao has already understood this, but at the beginning he blew up the office just for a lunch box, recalling it filled with tears.

"Sister, come together."

Kaohsiung hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

She just got excited about discussing with Atago, and it feels uncomfortable when it suddenly cuts off again, just like watching TV when it suddenly disappears halfway through.

Soon after, the three of them came to the Cherry Blossom Courtyard. There was a kitchen in the room where Atago lived. It was small, but enough for one person.

In fact, these are all symbolic collocations. After a few days of use, going to the big cafeteria is of course lively, but there are also people who want to be quiet by themselves, or just lazy to boil a cup of ramen to eat.

At this time, Atago was preparing lunch, and Su Hao and Gao Xiong were sitting in the room.

The room is not big, the floor is tatami, and a square wooden table is placed in the middle. It is used as a kotatsu in winter. Now it is summer, of course it is better to be cooler.

There is also a small compartment inside for rest, where some of Atago's personal items are placed.

Put some fruits on the table, bananas, grapes, big peaches, or peaches, the peaches in Tiangang District are on sale these days, eat one and get two free.

"When did you go to Sakura in Kaohsiung?"

Su Hao picked up a banana and began to peel it.

"Me? I was there a long time ago... I guess I was in Sakura when I was awakened."

"No wonder." Su Hao took a bite of banana, "Seeing that you have such a good relationship with everyone."

"A good relationship...?"

Gao Xiong lowered his eyes, revealing a thoughtful expression.

"what happened?"

"No, it's nothing..." She raised her head and looked at Su Hao curiously, "Your Excellency, Commander...cough~ Commander, how do you get along with everyone?"

In fact, Takao's character is not good at getting along with people, or in addition to things related to work and training, he doesn't know much about other things. Unlike Atago, he can get along well with anyone, even among Shige Sakura's partners. In everyone's eyes, Kaohsiung is the serious and responsible type.

Then, she seems to only know how to be serious. Sometimes she is serious and makes others feel inaccessible. Everyone is okay, but the little guy can't do it. When she sees her standing in a military posture automatically, she obviously doesn't put on that kind of seriousness. expression.

"Uh, why do you ask that?"

"Because I saw that you have a good relationship with everyone, Commander..."

They all called him Commander. Su Hao was a little surprised, but it happened occasionally. The ship girl on Chongying's side also called him Commander or other names. In short, everyone was not unified. I don't know if it was the arrangement of the senior.

"Kaohsiung, don't you get along well with everyone?"

Gao Xiong scratched his hair and sighed softly: "I can't do it, I subconsciously become serious, I'm used to it."

"Is there?" Su Hao smiled, "This is a feature, I think it's pretty good."

"Really?" Kaohsiung wondered, "Will it be too serious to make people feel difficult to get along with? Except for Shige Sakura's companions, I don't know what to say to them. I feel that I can only communicate with them about work. "

"That's it." Su Hao thought for a while, "How about starting with the other person's hobbies?"

"Hobbies? Like..."

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