"Oh, I'm discussing the matter of letting your sister Fletcher live temporarily."

"Huh? Sister Fletcher is going to join our port area?"

"Yeah!" Orlik continued to call.

Fletcher waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I'm just staying temporarily, temporarily." After speaking, she realized that something was wrong, no, she didn't agree to live temporarily at all.

But after all the words had been said, Fletcher looked at the expectant eyes of a group of younger sisters, and finally sighed softly, "I'd better stay here for a while."

Su Hao was overjoyed, then Thatcher came over, touched his arm quietly, and whispered, "Commander Commander, let's help you find your sister, how about you pay us?"



"So, you just left me and went to play with your girls until now?"

In the office, Yixian, who sent a message from the group saying that Su Hao had been waiting for him since he came back, looked at Su Hao with resentful eyes.

This little complaining look made Su Hao unbearable, so he coughed lightly, took a sip of black tea, and changed the subject.

"Well, this tea is good."

"That's right, I've already finished five glasses."


Sirius covered his mouth and smiled, but was glared by Su Hao, "Don't laugh, what's so funny."

"Yes, my proud master, it's not funny at all."

"Okay, okay." Yixian waved her hand lightly. She was just complaining. She didn't want Su Hao to apologize or something. After all, it was the commander's responsibility to accompany her ship girl, but she came suddenly, If you have something to trouble Su Hao, "Have you thought of a good solution?"

Su Hao shook his head, and honestly confessed that he hadn't thought of anything. After all, he hadn't told the ship girls from other camps, and he didn't know what they thought.

Yixian was a little disappointed, but he could still understand, "Then why don't you call Richelieu and the others to discuss it together?"

"This will come later, anyway, don't be in a hurry, right?"

"Urgent, I'm so anxious to death, the headquarters is anxious about me, and there's nothing I can do."

"Then you might as well resign and let them go by themselves."

"I resigned, who will support me?"

"I'll take care of you."

It's really undisguised, Yixian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, if someone else said such a thing to her, he would probably be taught a lesson, but this person is Su Hao, there is no way, he can't be beaten, And the current relationship between the two can be regarded as "more than a friend but not a lover". If she puts aside her status as the head of the Donghuang Maritime Bureau, Yixian is really happy to join the port area.

"Get down to business." She knocked on the table, hoping to get an accurate reply.

"Actually, I have thought of a good way." Su Hao rubbed his chin, and said under Yixian's expectant eyes: "If the Sirens suddenly attack the Sardinian Empire aggressively, the Sardinian Empire cannot resist it by itself." Next, do you think they will ask us for help?"

Yixian's face turned dark, "You think you are a siren, and if you say attack, you will attack. If a country can't resist it, what a large fleet will it have? I'm afraid even we will suffer."

The strength of the Sardinian Empire is good. If it really reaches the level that they can't resist, Yixian can't imagine what it will be like. Although she hopes that the Sardinian Empire will join the agreement, she doesn't want that kind of large-scale battle to happen. .

"That's right." Su Hao nodded, feeling that his thinking was a little simple, mainly because it was too dangerous. Of course, it didn't mean that he was unsure. If Richelieu and the others went up in Wushuang, it would be easy to kill hundreds of sirens matter.

"Think of something more reliable." Yixian finally said.

The discussion between the two didn't have a good result. They just had a brief chat. In the afternoon, Su Hao called all the ship girls in charge of the port area.

"Isn't St. Louis back yet?"

"It's already on the way, and I can return to the port tomorrow."

I haven't seen Aunt Sheng for a long time, I really miss her, I miss Aunt Sheng's long legs and warm Opie, praise.

Back to the topic, Su Hao talked about the matter here. In fact, they all understand it. After all, Yixian has been running around in the past two days, and he has talked about it. This is probably the most important thing since the establishment of the alliance. something happened.

This matter is likely to be related to the prestige of the port area, and the best touchstone to verify the strength of this alliance. There are always people on the Internet who say that the current alliance is the same as that between sisters, maybe it is "sister plastic love". sold.

Su Hao didn't bother to care about all the rumors, he didn't care, don't make yourself uncomfortable, watching too much of that kind of stuff can easily lead to high blood pressure.

But even though he doesn't care about those claims, Su Hao still won't shirk what he should do. He understands his responsibilities, knows his position, doesn't care about so much, just be himself and it's over.

"White Eagle, I can go talk to Essex and see what White Eagle thinks."

"Sakura, let me ask."

"I will go to Iron Blood."

"Leave the iris country to me."

"Then the royal side is naturally mine."

Everyone brainstormed, there are always more ways than difficulties, and not only there are more ways, but also more talents, Su Hao looked at it this way, good guy, it seems that every camp has his people.

"Then what about the Northern United?" Yixian joined temporarily as a spectator, and sighed while asking. Sure enough, it is different to have a commander in the port area. She ran up and down and talked for so long before, but no one paid attention to her. , What a waste of expression.

"Northern United." Su Hao pondered slightly, "Where are the girls from the Northern United? What are they doing recently?"

The enterprise said with a strange face: "We are running a winery."

Su Hao was speechless, "Isn't it already in the process of doing it, and it hasn't been done yet?"

"No, this is already the third branch."


what can I say?I can only be a good guy, I'm just a good guy.

"Then I'll ask Soviet Rosia later."

"She went back two days ago, saying that the Soviet Union was looking for her, and by the way, brought some new style of wine from the Northern Union. Now Chapayev is in charge of handling the matter here."

"...Uh, then I'll go find her."

There was an ongoing discussion in the office.

At this time, outside the door, the observer leaned against the wall and smiled.


PS: Go ahead, add more updates, keep writing today without a break, and write until evening, don’t stop, everyone will draw a lottery, and there are free blades, so vote for it!

Chapter 658 As long as you also like Cheshire 】

The meeting went smoothly, at least that's what Yixian thought. Sure enough, the core of a port area is the commander. Without a commander, it is a mess. Although there will be no problems in a short period of time, if it takes a long time, everyone's thoughts will be lost. It is easy to go astray.

I always heard that the commanders of many port areas suddenly disappeared. In the end, such port areas were often abandoned and fell apart. No matter how strong the port area was, it would not work without the presence of the commander.

Someone asked why not?Obviously these ship girls are very powerful, and there are all big ship girls from all major camps, so it's not easy to run a port area by just one of them?

However, it really doesn’t work. It can only be said that everyone obeys the orders of the commander and not others, unless there is no commander in this port area at the beginning, and occasionally there will be some deserted port areas that are picked up by wandering ship mothers and run. All kinds of free ship mothers are grouped together, but the number will not be too many.

Of course, Yixian knew it well, but she didn't feel it so deeply before. After seeing the situation in front of her, she suddenly understood why this seemingly absurd alliance was established under the doubts of all parties.

However, although the meeting went well, it was just preparation work. After the meeting was over, the ship girls dispersed and went to discuss with ship girls from other camps.

Discuss well here, the ship girls of the major camps have to study it, convey the news back to their own countries, and then make a decision after rigorous discussions in their own countries—even though Su Hao doesn't think those countries have any views on the joining of the Sardinian Empire , but most of them are watching the excitement, the excitement of the Sardinian Empire, and the excitement of his fragile alliance.

Women's Federation, this is a word that Su Hao saw on the Internet recently, because the ship girls are all women, so this alliance has been given such a nickname by some guys with worrying IQ. It is ridiculed, but it also means that such an alliance cannot be strong .

After all, Yin and Yang are out of balance.

Moreover, the power of the ship girl does not completely represent the will of the country. Thinking about it this way explains the problem. All in all, there are quite a lot of doubts.

After coming out of the office, Su Hao went to the research room. So far, the focus of the research room is on the production of mental units. According to Sister Li's previous statistics, the current main battleships in the port area (including battleships and pioneers) Ships) have reached the saturation state of mental upgrades, which is roughly equivalent to a strength of level 120 if tested numerically.

For this reason, most of the money and supplies in the port area were burned in, leaving some low-strength ship girls, because they don't need to be the main combat force in a short period of time, so they can only wait and take their time later.

In this world, the mental Rubik's Cube research technology is limited. Except for other port areas, the mental upgrade in other places can only reach a maximum of 110. Even Iron Blood does not have 120. Naturally, in terms of the strength of the ship girl, Innate advantages are reflected.

Don't underestimate the strength of these levels. The improvement of basic capabilities means that the limits of all aspects of combat capabilities can be extended, and the gap in actual combat capabilities cannot be compensated by a little value.

This is probably the inner manifestation of level suppression.

However, for this thing, the research on the scientific research plan has been greatly slowed down. Su Hao asked about the progress, and Ming told him that it was still in the first stage, and it would take two or three months to go on like this, unless the matter of the mental unit was put first. side.

"Or don't do scientific research first."

Su Hao rubbed his chin, and ignored Ming and Yubari's doubts, because when he inquired about the information about scientific research ships recently, he saw a ship girl he liked - Cheshire.

He liked this guy very much in the game back then. Even after so many years, he still remembered the sweet and well-behaved appearance of her calling him 'dear', so ah, um, let's put Louis IX aside for now, okay?Shall we go see how the Cheshire cat is doing?

Anyway, Louis IX's scientific research progress has not been made much, so there is no such thing as liking the new and loathing the old, preferring something, nothing, I just like to pet cats.

As long as you like Cheshire too, then we are half brothers!

However, Cheshire is the daughter of the royal camp, and Su Hao doesn't have her scientific research plan at hand, so he can only ask Elizabeth. It just so happens that it is not appropriate to let Guanghui talk about the Sardinian Empire. It's been so long since she's been away from the royal family, and she's not as influential as Warspite, to be fair.

So after Su Hao stayed in the scientific research room for a while, he strolled to the residence of the royal camp.

Looking from afar, I saw that in the yard in front of the house, Elizabeth had already had a drink with Sister Guanghui. Seeing Su Hao approaching, Shengli raised his hand and waved excitedly.

"Commander, here, here." She moved her butt to the side and let Su Hao sit between her and Guanghui. It was just that Kewei was not happy about it, and Shengli whispered something in his ear, and Kewei immediately became happy again.

"Oh, what you said."

"I said."

"What are you talking about?" Su Hao was not polite, sat down and asked with a smile, "What the hell are you thinking?"

"Where is it, Commander, it is very important to maintain basic trust in your marriage ship." Shengli is a little devil, how could it be easy for others to know her thoughts?

"Yes Yes Yes."

Su Hao took a sip of tea, and exchanged glances with Guanghui, who nodded, obviously having said everything that should be said.

On the other hand, Elizabeth is still thinking. She is indeed thinking seriously. Of course, she is not thinking about whether the Sardinian Empire should join. After all, she is just expressing her opinion. She cannot represent anything now, and she is mainly thinking about the internal reaction of the country.

In fact, the problems faced by all camps are the same now. If they agree or disagree, they don’t need to say it at all. The main thing is to see what the major camps can do on this matter. If you like it, if you don't like it, you have to say it, or else you will hit me?Just kidding, you can't fight, but if you put pressure or something, it's okay.

Although Elizabeth is a little silly, but to be honest, she can be the leader of the royal camp, even if it is spiritual, she still has quite good qualities, but she is too lazy to take care of those things. After all, she is no better than Sister Sara Big bar, right?

How cruel it must be for such a young child to bear a weight that was not hers to bear. Seeing that Saratoga is carefree every day, this is what a qualified little girl should look like.

"Of course this king knows about these things." After Su Hao briefly explained, Elizabeth immediately replied, "However, this king can only decide some things about the Royal Fleet. Regarding national policies, our ship mother can't." There's too much involved."

"I know, but I'd be very grateful if you could express your opinion, Elizabeth." Su Hao smiled lightly, "Sorry for embarrassing you."

"Say, what are you talking about? Hmph! I don't feel embarrassed, and I don't want to help you. I just think that this kind of thing is a good thing for the royal family..." Elizabeth blushed. Hong, the tone of her speech became hasty, Tsundere is tired of rubbing, even if she is a ship girl.

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