"However, the Senate of the Sardinian Empire is very stubborn. It has been like this for a long time. This is not about Azur Lane or the Red Axis. This is about the Sardinian Empire itself. We can't say anything."

Su Hao rubbed his chin. He didn't do much research on these things, and he didn't want to study them. But Elizabeth is the type who doesn't talk about it, but her body is very honest. If she can do it, she will definitely do it. Since she is like this Having said that, it must be difficult.

So Su Hao didn't force him to come, and waited for Elizabeth's feedback to see the situation.

"By the way, Elizabeth, do you have the Cheshire for your scientific research plan in the royal camp?"

"Cheshire?" Elizabeth frowned and thought for a while, "Hmm...this king seems, seems a bit...wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, she took out her mobile phone and made a call. She knew it was time to call Zhanwei, and after answering the call, Elizabeth nodded.

"There is such a plan."

Su Hao's face brightened: "Can you share it with me, Kangkang?"


It's hard, Su Hao also knows, after all, it's about state secrets...

"If you want, I can ask Zhan Zhan to make a copy of it."

"Gah!?" Su Hao's eyes widened, "Is it for nothing?"

"What's the matter?" Elizabeth was displeased, "Isn't it what you want? You only give it to me if you want it, otherwise why should I give it to you."

"Ah no, I mean...well, thank you."

Why, Su Hao also wanted to know why, but anyway, Elizabeth agreed, that's the best, so as not to worry about it.

"But what do you want this kind of thing for? The royal family has collected a lot of scientific research plans, but as far as I know, although other countries have also proposed feasibility research plans, even the Maritime Safety Administration has not succeeded. A lot of resources have been invested, huh! My lord has said it a long time ago, even without those ship girls, our Royal Fleet is the strongest, so what about the scientific research ship girls? Those plans only exist in the plan, and they have never been realized , who can guarantee that they will really help?"

For scientific research ship girls, Elizabeth does not seem to have a cold, in fact, it is normal. After all, there is no scientific research plan in this world. If there is no scientific research plan, it must be strong. meaning.

With this resource, why not use it directly on the existing ship girls?

"Su Hao, I want to tell you that the scientific research plan is a bottomless pit, even the national camp can't handle it. You are such a small port area..." Elizabeth shook her head and drank tea.

Su Hao listened, but he didn't think so. After all, he knew the strength of those ship girls. Scientific research ship girls are not necessarily stronger than ordinary awakened ship girls. That's true, but some are really strong. Just look at the great emperor. .

And the monarch is also strong, and I like the monarch most.

And Drake, I like Drake the most.

and also……

Su Hao thought about it carefully, there seems to be nothing he doesn't like?

Forget it, children only do multiple-choice questions, and as an adult, he wants them all.

However, Su Hao is thin-skinned after all. He just asked Elizabeth for information about Cheshire, but he was really embarrassed to speak again. After drinking a few cups of tea and chatting about the recent situation, it was almost evening.

When he was leaving, Shengli winked at him desperately. Su Hao pretended not to see it, stood up, and was stepped on by Shengli angrily. Hao, fortunately, the victory didn't take too much effort.

"What are you stepping on me for?"

"Hmph! Let you ignore me on purpose."

The two bit their ears for a while, until Guanghui cast doubtful eyes on them, and then coughed a few times in a gentlemanly manner. Find each mother.

What is Shengli thinking in his heart, he knows what fart he is blowing his ass, Su Hao doesn't need to guess, and Kewei is also laughing at the side, only Guanghui is the real elegant royal lady, but now this elegant lady is being raped by two younger sisters Fucked, because Victory prepared a surprise for him at night.

Su Hao originally refused, but was threatened by Shengli, will he come?If I didn't come, I would announce it loudly, but in the end I had no choice but to agree.

I ate something for dinner in the big cafeteria. After two days away, it is basically impossible to make any changes. However, during the meal, Richelieu talked about the Iris Kingdom. Last time, she said that Barr would come, but this time it was finally confirmed. up.

"It's just a matter of time to discuss this matter, there should be no problem." Richelieu said.

In fact, the iris country has no intentions at all. After what happened last time, the current iris country only wants to develop in peace and stability, hold high the banner of freedom and romance, spread the fragrance of iris flowers all over the world, and bring love to everyone—— It's nonsense, well, it's just that you can develop with peace of mind and don't care about other things.

In other words, as long as Su Hao nods and Richelieu nods, that's all. The Iris Kingdom doesn't object, but it won't devote its energy to doing anything. At most, it will send Barr over to connect.

Su Hao expressed his understanding, and then thought about the Northern United, but he didn't even see Chapayev's figure. It seems that the winery is going to open these days, and at that time he has to congratulate and open a bottle of wine. By the way, let's talk about life... Ah no, let's talk about serious business.

After the meal, Su Hao went back to his residence to take a shower, and heard Dido talk about what happened in the port area in the past two days. If he was not in Richelieu, Dido was responsible for recording all the big and small things as a recorder and waiting for him to come back. .

After learning about the matter, she swiped her phone for a while and played games. Z23 invited her to play icebook. After finishing the game, she cursed "garbage game" and quit decisively. Looking at the phone again, a message popped up.

"Commander, sister is taking a bath."


PS: Thank you for your rewards, the fourth update, 1w6 words, continue to write, see if you can write another chapter, the rewards are counting, so far the rewards and debts are not much different, Ollie! !

Chapter 659 Three sisters, one quilt 】

Shining felt triumphant and awesome tonight, strangely.

It's not that the two of them did anything strange, but seeing the smiles on their faces, as a sister, why wouldn't you be unclear?It was a mischievous smile, as you can see from Teacher Sarah.

Now the sister-in-law trio in the port area originally consisted of two people, but Sarato strengthened the team and made the port area turbulent. Fortunately, she and Lexington were in town, otherwise the three This guy can really go to heaven.

But although it felt strange, nothing happened at night, so Guanghui didn't care.

At this time, she was washing in the bathroom of the room.

If there is any special day today, I don’t think so. I just feel very happy. The commander came back, sat down and drank tea together, chatted for a while, and then talked about what happened these days. Speaking of York, people in the port area Newcomer, I met today, she is really a girl with a lot of personality.

For Guanghui, she is very satisfied with her current life. She is peaceful and leisure, and can do what she likes every day. The laughter of friends and sisters comes to her ears every day, as well as the smiles of other people except Kaigang District. Sometimes you can see a lot by walking around outside.

Who said that the establishment of the alliance is useless?Who says this is just a formalistic fragile alliance?

At least in Guanghui's heart, the current port area is unbreakable.

Gently untied the hair accessories tied to the hair, the silver-white hair was spread out, soft and delicate, raised the head, the warm water sprayed from the shower and fell on the head, flowing down the hair and cheeks, Wet her body.

In fact, Guanghui prefers to take a bath, but it is a bit troublesome to be alone in the bathroom. First, the space is not big, which is somewhat inconvenient for a heavyweight ship girl like her. I don't know how long the bathtub will take, it's too troublesome.

However, I heard that there is a bathing place under construction in the port area recently. Cleveland is very busy running around these days, and she is the busiest in the port area. Fortunately, with the help of Helena, the two of them worked together Things were handled in an orderly manner, a combination that even the commander praised.

Thinking of that bathing place, the big bathing place, Guanghui felt a little bit of anticipation. She wanted to take a bath with her sisters and chat with her, and she wanted to take a bath with little Guanghui. When the bathing place was built, this wish would come true.

But if everyone takes a bath together, there is a problem that is more troublesome.

Guanghui lowered her head and took a look. The mist covered her vision, and she couldn't see her feet. Of course, the reason why she couldn't see her feet was not the mist but the two lumps of flesh on her chest. No, finally gave up.

Saratoga always pointed at Opie and said loudly, "It's just two lumps of fat." "Can Opie do whatever he wants if he is big?" 'Yunyun, how should I put it, Guanghui didn't feel that she could be proud because of this. After all, the ship's mother didn't mean to compete with anyone who had a good figure. She respected Saratoga in her heart. That's why I often called Teacher Sarah generously.

"Do you really care that much?" Guanghui stopped pressing after a few presses, because there would be a very strange feeling, but it's true if the hand feels good, otherwise Su Hao wouldn't bury his cheek in this place as soon as he came. Then he rubbed the damn big chest hard, and couldn't help laughing when he thought of the brilliance, and then silently said 'I'm sorry Teacher Sara' in his heart.

Sorry, Oupaida can really do whatever it wants, at least it is very convenient in some things, such as...

Guanghui blushed, and quickly shook his head, feeling that there was something wrong with his mind recently, and it was all due to Shengli, who always said strange things when he had nothing to do, strange postures and routines, and he was with Kewei Research, I really don't know what to say. She was an elegant girl when she was in the royal family, but now she doesn't even need a disguise.

While thinking about it, he washed his body, dried the water stains, wrapped his hair in a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Su Hao sitting on the bed. Guanghui was startled immediately, and hurriedly picked up the towel and wrapped it around his body.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." Su Hao spread his hands, "Why do you surround it? It's so beautiful. It's like a work of art. I'm looking at it with appreciation, so don't think too much about Guanghui."

"Go!" Guanghui was a little ashamed and annoyed. Only ghosts would believe such fallacies, "Commander, why didn't you make a sound when you came in?"

"You're taking a shower, so I won't bother you."

Guanghui walked to the side, hesitated for a moment, and untied the bath towel, just like what Su Hao said, anyway, it's not like he hasn't seen it before, since Su Hao wants to see it, let him see it enough.

The bath towel was untied, and a perfect ketone body was displayed in front of Su Hao.

The white and tender skin is amazing, every inch is extremely exquisite, especially the pair of rabbits that bounced out, with red in the white, which brought a great visual impact to Su Hao.In contrast, the sexy waistline that is gripped tightly, and there is no trace of fat on the lower abdomen, and the flesh has all gone to Opie and the round and straight buttocks. The body curve outlined by these three is simply perfect to the extreme .

Especially at this moment, because I just took a shower, my body is still stained with wet water. Under the light in the room, the color difference brought about by the white and dark colors adds more charm to this delicate body. A bit of sexy glamour.

Art, really is art.

Even though he has seen it many times, he still can't get enough of it. So, Su Hao stared at Guanghui with admiration.

A little shy, being stared at so directly, after all, he was not wearing anything, but Guanghui still mustered up the courage to pretend not to care, stood by the bed and started drying his hair with a hair dryer.

"F-commander, why are you here tonight?" She wanted to find a topic to ease the embarrassment in her heart.

At the same time, I was also puzzled by Su Hao's appearance. After all, it stands to reason that I just came back today, so if I want to go, I should go to the company or Dido.

Of course, Su Hao was very happy to be here, not saying what he wanted to do, but simply being with him and chatting, which was very satisfying for Guanghui.

"There's no reason, I just talked to Elizabeth today and wanted to ask about the situation in the royal family. Guanghui, you should know something."

"Yeah." It turned out to be like this, Guanghui knew it in his heart, and dispelled the last bit of doubt.

After drying her hair, she stretched out her hands a few times to dissipate the heat, and the evening breeze blew in from the balcony. She only closed the screen window. She usually likes to sit on the balcony after taking a shower, but now she can't, even if no one sees her. She doesn't have that exhibitionist streak.

It's just that I couldn't stand being stared at by Su Hao, so I finally picked up the nightgown prepared on the bed and put it on, even if the bottom is vacuum, at least it can cover my shame, enough is enough.

"It's even more astringent now." Su Hao said.

Sometimes it is not necessary to take off all of it to be called astringent. The highest state of astringency is not that simple. If you cover it up and expose it, and the rest depends on your imagination, then it is called high.

Guanghui was a little dumbfounded, I didn't ask you to comment on me, Su Hao still looked like an LSP, and she punched the latter's chest angrily.

"It hurts, it vomits blood."

"You deserve it." After finishing speaking, he rubbed Su Hao worriedly, "If you do this again next time, you will be miserable."

Su Hao laughed, Guanghui is the most powerful, but in fact she is extremely gentle in her heart, if you want to make a ranking of the tenderness index in the port area, she must be the first one, not counting Sister Li, Sister Li is only gentle to him, that is called spoiling.

"Still laughing!"

Guanghui glared, raised his hand and pretended to hit him, but was caught by Su Hao, and soon the two fell down, rolled on the soft mattress and hugged each other, the big bed creaked lightly, and then continued to ring, And then can't stop.

The clothes she just put on were quickly pulled out, and the big breasts that she missed and the damn big breasts were exposed in the air to show off their power, and they were quickly caught and kneaded.

A light kiss on the cheek, a light kiss on the lips, the touch of the lips, the entanglement of the tip of the tongue, all brought an intoxicating touch.

The body has just been washed, the water stains have been dried, and the contact and friction between the skin will have a very tender and smooth feeling. Why do you like a good figure?Why do you like long legs?Just like now, the two bodies can't help being entangled together, twisting, fitting together, using the greatest strength, making the most careful movements, at this moment, I can't wait to integrate the other into my body.

I can't help but have voices, whispered, loud, selfless, all suppressed, this side is still tasting the soft lips, but the hand doesn't stop for a moment, the palm is open, and the curved fingers can't cover it. Living in Naopai, so I can only slowly slide down the curve of the skin surface, until I penetrate into the slightly moist and warm mysterious zone.




In the dead of night.

Su Hao leaned against Guanghui, enjoying the pleasure of the aftertaste sweeping his body, lazily not wanting to move.

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