However, the immediate problem is very obvious. Based on his previous experience in playing games, Su Hao asked several aircraft carriers such as Enterprise and Guanghui to fly their carrier-based aircraft and search carefully. Generally, this kind of sea area will be maintained by special devices. The principle is similar to that of the mirror sea area. It is probably an upgraded version with more functions, which means more equipment needs to be supported.

Sure enough, after losing some carrier-based aircraft, the aircraft carrier brigade found a total of five places where Siren units were concentrated in the misty sea area. Although other points cannot be ruled out, it will undoubtedly be easier to attack these points now.

To be on the safe side, Su Hao divided the fleet into four teams, each led by Richelieu and other powerful ship girls, and launched attacks from different directions guided by carrier-based aircraft.

The signal in this sea area is still disturbed by the inexplicable magnetic field. Even with the latest technology of the Maritime Safety Administration, the communication cannot be maintained. Su Hao is angry and helpless, can't the technical department give some help?

However, with the strength of his four fleets, even if he really wants to fight the Siren boss, he can handle everything else, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

However, this idea was shattered less than half an hour after the fleet set off.

"Commander, the fleet led by Richelieu and Nagato is gone!"


PS: I just came back from worshiping my ancestors, and I was hit by someone else’s car while driving. It seems that it’s not a big deal. I’m going to have dinner with my relatives tonight. This is Chapter 2 for today. Let’s strive for more tomorrow during the Chinese New Year.

Chapter 664 Hard fight

"Master, the situation in this sea area is very abnormal. The atmosphere for radar exploration is very limited, and there are many special devices that cannot be invaded. Master must be careful."

In the misty sea area of ​​Orosei, since the fleet lost contact, Su Hao personally boarded the Bismarck to go deep into the sea area.

The commander went to the battlefield in person, and it was still in this kind of place. If he said it, he would probably be questioned. In fact, other camp girls, including Elizabeth, had stopped him, but Su Hao finally insisted on coming in.

There is no other reason, he just wants to find the lost ship girl as soon as possible.

In less than an hour, the four teams of Richelieu, Nagato, Guanghui, and Enterprise lost contact respectively. Although with their strength, there will definitely be no major problems in a short period of time, but who can guarantee that they will continue to fight? What will happen when we go down?

This sea area is so weird that the navigator TB took the initiative to send him a danger signal.

Fortunately, to be on the safe side, the members of the Iron-Blooded Fleet were specially left behind. At this time, with the super-powers such as Emperor Bismarck, Su Hao is not worried about encountering enemies. The only trouble is that the aircraft carrier of the Iron-Blooded Fleet is not good enough, Peter The two newcomers and Weser stayed in the port area, and only Zeppelin was there, making the sea area that was already difficult to explore worse.

However, based on the development of technology in the port area, the super-powerful radar scanning invented by Ming can barely detect the situation in a certain surrounding area through the control of TB, so that Su Hao can't just wander around without knowing anything.

It's a pity that it would be even better if a communication device that ignores this magnetic field can be developed. In this case, the current communication device can only realize a short-distance call, and even after more than half a nautical mile, it is basically a distance. The ball of twist is ringing.

"There are traces of battle over there."

Under the signal of Zeppelin, Bismarck controlled the warship to sail in a certain direction, and after a while, he saw the wreckage of the warship floating on the sea.

Judging from the scene, the battle didn't take long, but there was no ship girl around.

"Commander, be careful underwater."

"U47, U556, go and see what's going on."

The two U47 escorts lurking around approached the signal point discovered by TB.

"Commander Commander, it's a submarine!"

"Can it be defeated?"

"Leave it to me." It was the voice of U47. Not long after he finished speaking, Su Hao heard an explosion, and the sea suddenly became violently bumpy.

"It's done, U47 is amazing."

Hearing U556's report, Su Hao was no longer worried, but just now when the Siren's submarine approached, his ship girls didn't notice it. It can be seen that the strength of the Siren fleet this time is stronger than expected.

"TB, are there any enemies?"

"Not found yet."

Su Hao looked at the screen on the command terminal and it showed that TB has presented the situation of the surrounding sea area in the form of a plan, and the fixed area range is a 'grid'. If there is an enemy, a red mark will be displayed on the grid. The signal map comes.

It's very similar to game UI design. Seeing this situation, Su Hao said he knew how to play.

"Huh? What is this grid with colored flow direction signs?"

"Master, this is an icon of sea water surging. If there is this mark, it means that the sea water in that sea area is flowing at an abnormal speed, and the battleship may not be able to pass through."

While speaking, the Bismarck was already approaching the icon.

It's strange, if it's a normal ocean flow, there should be an obvious downward trend between fast and slow, but this sea area is different, it's like this side is still flowing slowly, like a small stream, one step forward becomes The turbulent tide is as fierce as a huge wave.

Obviously this is not a natural phenomenon, Bismarck tried it, then shook his head.

"Commander, this speed warship can't pass through at all. If you force it in, it may be taken to an unknown place by the current."

"This is really interesting." Emperor Frederick looked around and said, "The sirens can actually create this kind of sea environment. It seems that they didn't use their full strength in the previous confrontation with us."

It's not just that they didn't use all their strength, they simply let the water into the sea. Even now, if the siren really wants to attack human forces, it will be a random killing.

"I don't have time to sigh about this now." Prince Eugen frowned, "I think this sea area is not the only thing like this, otherwise it is impossible for other ship girls to lose contact. I suggest starting directly towards the mission point. More traces will be found."

"Well, Bismarck, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Bismarck nodded, controlled the warship to avoid the abnormal sea surface area, and followed Zeppelin's instructions. However, not long after, the originally calm sea surface suddenly experienced severe turbulence.

The speed of the sea current was extremely accelerated, and the sudden change made Bismarck almost lose his stability.

"Master." The phantom of TB appeared on the terminal, saying important things with a Sima face, "The situation in the sea area has suddenly changed, and the area we are in has become an abnormal flow area. For the equipment stronghold, it is recommended to move in that direction and destroy the stronghold first, otherwise the safety situation during the advancement cannot be guaranteed.”

After speaking, TB marked the location of the stronghold.

Su Hao stood on the bumpy battleship and gave orders to Bismarck, who controlled the battleship to move forward. However, the force flowing on the sea surface was beyond imagination. Even Bismarck couldn't control the progress of the battleship according to her will. He could only control the direction with his own efforts. While being carried forward by the surging sea water, after a long period of turbulence, the battleship finally sailed out of the abnormal area.

"I go!"

Su Hao's head was dizzy.

"Master, are you alright?" Dido hurriedly supported him to avoid falling.

"It's okay, where is this?"

"Report Master, we have left the abnormal area, but at the same time deviated from the position of the stronghold of the equipment. According to my deduction, the function of this area is probably to protect the stronghold. Unless we forcefully break through, we can only bypass this area , but the equipment in the stronghold has other functions, I can’t analyze it for the time being, if the siren’s equipment can be captured, maybe it can be used to further analyze the situation in this sea area.”

"I understand the truth, TB, do you have any good solutions?"

"Isn't what I said just now the solution?"


Su Hao really wanted to throw the terminal in his hand on the deck and then step on it a few times, that's it?You say this is the method?You look at other people's navigators, and then look at yourself, don't you have a B number in your heart?

But right now, this is really the only way to go. If we forcefully go to the mission point under all unknown circumstances, the final result is likely to be lost in the layout of the Sirens just like the other four fleets.

Su Hao asked Bismarck to stop, and everyone got together to discuss it. Finally, Bismarck decided to try again. If he wanted to get close to the Siren stronghold, he had to forcefully break through this sea area. If you get a solution, that is after the breakthrough.

Bismarck said so, and then looked at Su Hao. It was obvious that she planned to use the power of the Black Rubik's Cube to charge.

"Then try it."

Anyway, it's okay even if it fails, it's just being taken to other places by the surge of the sea anyway, just like the situation here.

"Sister." Tirpitz was a little worried.

"Don't worry." Bismarck smiled lightly.

After making up his mind, Bismarck adjusted his state, and then rushed back into the abnormal sea area without hesitation.

Much like the first meeting, the power of the Black Rubik's Cube spread around the battleship, resisting the power of the current.

Whoa! ~

The battleship broke through the water, like a high-speed yacht flying across the sea. Su Hao paid attention to the icons on the screen, and the battleship was heading towards the stronghold.

Suddenly, a few small red dots appeared on the direction where the battleship was advancing. At the same time, the sound of a carrier-based aircraft circling in the sky came from the sky. TB reminded the ship girls to prepare for battle immediately.

Su Hao was not idle either, he released the Black Rubik's Cube domain around him, and those ship girls in the domain suddenly felt a powerful force pouring out of their bodies, and this feeling of being overflowed with power made them They couldn't help but want to make a blushing sound. If it was blessed with a certain animation special effect, now this scene is probably the time to collectively explode their clothes.

Bang bang bang!

The huge naval guns on the battleship let out a powerful slamming sound. At the same time, the ship girl standing on the deck unfolded her ship, and the anti-aircraft guns aimed at the carrier-based aircraft flying in the sky. However, with various buffs superimposed, it has theoretically reached the top match stage in the current world situation.

However, to Su Hao's surprise, some of the carrier-based aircraft that were hit did not fall immediately, and judging from the evasion movements of the carrier-based aircraft, the strength of the carrier-based aircraft flying is definitely not weak.

"There are too many carrier-based aircraft, and they are all so powerful!"

"Damn it!" Deutsch cursed, "These despicable guys know how to hide behind and fly the plane, if they have the ability to come out and challenge each other!"

"No matter how incapable they are, they are more capable than you in complaining here." Hipper didn't forget to mock at this time.

"Zeppelin! Zeppelin! It's up to you!" Youjian Niang shouted.

Zeppelin's face turned blue, what are you kidding?Didn't you see this densely packed area?I only have one, no matter how powerful I am, I can't deal with so many enemies!

Although she is the No. [-] aircraft carrier of iron and blood, although she is invincible and powerful, it is useless for anyone to come to this situation.

On the other side, Su Hao didn't expect Zeppelin to make any big moves at all. He said loudly to Bismarck: "Just go forward and leave the rest to me!"

Bismarck nodded, with a serious face, and urged the power of the Black Rubik's Cube to the extreme, only to hear a very powerful explosion sound, and the speed of the battleship immediately increased by a large amount, which was faster than that of a destroyer in flat seas. Sailing speed is even faster.

Boom boom boom! !

The gunpowder smoke from the flames of war surged around, and the sea breeze swept past. The wind flowing on both sides of the battleship drove the smoke, forming two gray lines visible to the naked eye, which stretched into the distance as the battleship moved forward.

On the surface of a roaring sea, the battleship finally rushed out of the abnormal sea surface before long.

After leaving, Emperor Frederick the Great immediately led his iron-blooded troops to jump off the boat and began to clean up the surrounding enemies. However, they soon discovered that the strength of these sirens was simply outrageous. If they are covered, I'm afraid they will suffer a lot of damage after this wave.

After all, it is not the local fleet in the port area. Among these ships, z23 and Prince Eugen have been in the port area for the longest time, so their strength is the most outstanding. As for Hipper and others, they are aggrieved. When they were attacking with iron and blood, the sirens they faced were all beings who were hanged and beaten by them. How have they ever suffered such a hardship?

"Master, the special magnetic field in this sea area seems to be able to strengthen the combat capabilities of the Sirens." TB analyzed, "According to the combat statistics, the strength of this batch of Sirens is around 110."

Su Hao was taken aback. You must know that even when the strength of the sirens in the entire world was improved before, the strength of the sirens that appeared in the offshore area was only 40-50. Occasionally, the sirens in the deep sea area would appear. Including the Siren Grand Fleet, the highest strength he has ever seen is only 85.

This is outrageous.

Is this directly adjusted from the simple mode to the abyss mode?

Su Hao didn't have time to think about it, so he could only cooperate with the ship girls to clean up the surrounding sirens. In an ordinary encounter, the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark. After finally defeating all the enemies, the ship girls started again. Gathered on the battleship, looking at each other.

"Did we fight the elite sirens just now?" Z23 asked with her head tilted. She was in good condition. The destroyer and her petite body allowed her to move freely on the battlefield, and no siren hit her at all.

Germany is not good, although she is small, Naizi is not small, and as the King of Great Germany, she took the lead in the charge during the battle, and now she is beaten to smoke.

"Sister, are you... all right?" Even Earl Spey, who rarely spoke, couldn't help but worry.

"Of course I'm fine!" Deutschland said stubbornly, "It's just a team of sirens."

"But there's smoke coming out of your head."

"Hippel, are you better than me?"

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