"Huh? Isn't that obvious?"

"Yes, yes, thanks to your sister protecting you, and that inexplicable energy shield."

"Isn't the inexplicable energy shield put on by the commander?"

Su Hao glanced at it: "z23, do you have an opinion?"

z23 put his hands on his hips and raised his chest, "Of course I don't mind!"

There are so many games and snacks in the secret base, if you anger the stupid adults, they will use all kinds of reasons to take your beloved baby away from you.

"Okay, it seems that everyone is fine." Frederick the Great pursed his lips and murmured slightly: "However, the strength of the sirens here is beyond imagination, everyone should cheer up."

Su Hao looked into the distance, and the siren stronghold was gradually appearing under the mist.


PS: Happy New Years Eve everyone!New Year's Eve! !

Chapter 665 TB Save Me! 【Happy New Year! 】

"Well, have you found a way out?"

Richelieu asked the assailant beside him.

"No, the changes in the sea area feel completely irregular, and it is impossible to stand on a stable route to go out, and if you get stuck in that abnormal sea area, the sailing direction of the battleship is completely uncontrollable. It may be possible to determine the route."

Richelieu nodded, and turned to look at the two main aircraft carriers, one large and one small.

"Centaur, little Guanghui, how about you?"

The Iris Country is not much different from Iron Blood, and the strength of the aircraft carrier is worrying, so Su Hao asked the elders of the port area—the centaur and the little Guanghui—as combat power to cooperate with Richelieu.

Although Xiao Guanghui is young, she can be said to be a good player in the aircraft carrier in the port area, and the centaur is similar. Although she is still called a senior by others, she is actually better than most seniors in terms of combat ability.

"I feel the same as Senior Assaulter." The centaur shook his head, "Judging from the speed of the change in the sea area, it is impossible for us to go out before the change."

"Little Guanghui thinks so too." Cutie said with a serious face.

Richelieu pondered slightly: "What if you can control the direction of sailing?"

"Ah? Can it be done?"

"Although it can't be maintained for a long time, it's fine for a short time."

The three raiders got together to discuss, and finally came up with a theoretically feasible route.

No way, they don't have the help of the navigator TB, so they can only rely on the carrier-based aircraft to detect and obtain the field of vision, but the visibility around them is too low, and the interference in the sea area is so strong, since they fell into this strange sea area, it feels like turning around is in place.

There is no way to go on like this, Richelieu doesn't want to use his hole cards prematurely, but at least he has to think about how to get out of this damned place, otherwise, if it continues, she knows that Su Hao will definitely come in to find them desperately.

"We need to get in touch with other fleets as soon as possible." Richelieu thought secretly.

Not long after, she discussed with the other girls in the fleet, prepared for battle, and then charged towards this sea area.


The same situation is also happening on the side of the company and Tiancheng. Whether it is the company or Tiancheng, they can use their hard power to break through the abnormal currents, but only Guanghui can't help it.

"Sister Guanghui, we're done." Shengli raised his head and said.

"Sister, we are finished." Ke Wei also said the same.

Beside, the other ship girls who followed the fleet were trembling.

"Ah, ah, don't worry, how about calm down?" Hood held up his teacup and said with a smile: "The more difficult the time is, the more you should face it calmly. Why don't you all sit down and have a cup of tea and discuss it? There may be enemies appearing."


The rest of the fleet stared at Hood with unkind eyes.

"What's the matter?" Hood tilted his head slightly, "I'm not a siren, even if you look at me like that, it's useless."

"Hood..." Guanghui sighed softly, "You should be more serious at this time."

"I'm serious. Now that you know it's useless to be anxious, why not calm down and think about it, what do you think?"

"That's what I said, but..."

"I think, you should eat enough to have the strength to fight."

Different from the royal and elegant lady like Hood, George V has the appearance and temperament that shine like a knight. The spirit and spirit can be said to be the T0 existence in the ship girl, but the occasional speech does not match her serious appearance at all. .

Guanghui raised her forehead, she felt that the task Su Hao entrusted to her this time could no longer be completed.

"Well, don't be discouraged." Hood picked up the teacup, but soon felt the unfriendly eyes of the ship girls, put it down immediately, tapped his fingers on the table, and finally said: "Since you can't think of a way, then force yourself Bar."

"Break hard? Where are you going?" Guanghui said angrily, "The current speed of the ocean is so strong that it is impossible to control the direction during the voyage. What if we encounter an enemy?"

"The possibility of encountering the enemy is very small. Let alone the Sirens in this situation, even we cannot stabilize our position, unless there are really large Siren units staring at us, but I think... compared to our side , Richelieu and the others are obviously more able to attract the siren's attention."

"As for where to go, it's very simple. Go wherever there are sirens. This kind of sea area can't be used to lay out battles. It should be for protection. If we still want to move forward to the mission point, the final result will only be It may be that we have been trapped in this sea area all the time, but if we look for the siren, the place with the siren must be where the equipment to maintain this sea area is located. The sirens are going to support, how do they get out?"

What Hood said made Guanghui Mosai suddenly realize that they had been trying to avoid the Siren before going to the mission point, but it turned out that this road was impossible at all. If the Siren wanted to trap them, they would definitely take advantage of them. If you want to design the mechanism with this kind of mind, then if you want to escape, you only need to do it the other way around.

Of course, it may not be really feasible, but at least it is worth trying.

"Sister, Hu De... cough cough, what Ho De said makes sense." Shengli coughed to cover up her slip of the tongue, and she said, "Tiancheng and the others will definitely do the same."

"No." Hood waved his hand, "If it was Tiancheng or Richelieu, they would definitely not choose to do this."


"It's very simple, this is only a theoretically feasible approach, but what if it is not? If there are more sirens ambushing in the direction of progress, then our approach is undoubtedly a self-inflicted trap. If we fall into the encirclement of sirens, with the current situation Judging from the strength of the sirens in this sea area, I am afraid it will be a rather difficult battle. Richelieu and the others will definitely consider this, so they will choose a safer method."

Victory wondered: "What method?"

"Break in." Hood said as a matter of course, "Don't you think that our fleet is the weakest?"


Although I don’t want to admit it, it’s true. It’s not that the whole body is weak, but that they lack a leader. Whether it’s Richelieu or the company, they all have special powers, and the Royal Fleet, although the overall strength is not weak. , but in the current situation where you need to carry the handle to explode your strength, there is nothing you can do.

and so……

"What do you think?" Guanghui looked at the other ship girls.

"I think I can give it a try." George V was gearing up, "As long as it's an enemy, defeating one will lose one. It's better than sitting here, doing nothing and begging for help from others. That's not my style."

"I think."

"Try it, I haven't fought a single battle since I came in, and I'm going to fall asleep if I don't fight any more."

Hood smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I think the success rate is still very high. After all, this sea area is not used for fighting at first glance, and in this environment, it is impossible for the Sirens to place too much firepower. Believe me, that's right."

"I hope so."

Guanghui sighed in his heart. She was not as optimistic as Hood. Su Hao handed over the fleet to her. She was under a lot of pressure now. Both are fatal.

If you can't do well, you will be served by family law.

Guanghui pursed his lips, finally pulled himself together, put aside those distracting thoughts, and was ready to rush.

Before that, they had detected the traces of the sirens, but they just avoided that direction deliberately. This time, the brilliance went in the opposite direction, heading towards the position of the sirens, regardless of the direction of the ocean current. Where, after some ups and downs, they finally arrived at another sea area.

However, it was too late to be happy, waiting for them was a large group of enhanced siren units.

Boom boom boom! !

Artillery fire continued.

Amidst the explosion, a scream sounded.

"Hood! Who said there are no powerful sirens here!!"

Hood: "Yeah~(*^▽^*)"



Here, after a series of hard battles, Su Hao's fleet finally arrived at the location of the stronghold.

This is an island with fortifications built by sirens, and some siren warships, but they were all defeated. These siren warships are not ordinary mass-produced types, they are all elite monsters, which impresses Su Hao What is more profound is a kind of heavy cruiser girl with a big butt pouting, who seems to be called an ocean leader, who is so hard to die, and there are also chess players and game breakers, all of whom can be called by name.

Thanks to this, this battle is not easy for the ship girls. Some two weak heavy patrols are about to be broken. I won’t name them here. On the contrary, z23, who has been fishing in the port area, is still alive and kicking of.

"It's finally cleaned up." Hipper exhaled, patted his chest and said, "These guys are too difficult to deal with. Where did we break into? Isn't this the territory of the Sardinian Empire? Ren's lair is still powerful."

"The deployment of the siren is not in vain." Bismarck said softly, "I thought it was strange at first, but it seems that the siren has a bear this time."

"What makes people more concerned is the situation of the Sardinian Empire." Frederick the Great pressed his finger on his lips lightly, thought for a while and said: "The Sirens have such a powerful combat power, but they have not launched a large-scale attack on the Sardinian Empire." The attack, is this waiting for us to come over?"

"Surround the spot to fight for aid." Tirpitz said simply.

"This is actually... If this is the purpose of the Sirens, then this support operation for the Sardinian Empire will not be easy." Frederick the Great smiled slightly, "But it is more interesting, at least after this battle, we will be able to support the Sirens." Ren's level of understanding has improved a bit."

"Hmph! It doesn't matter who she is, just knock them all down."

"Ron, can you say that again to the guy who ran after you?"

Su Hao waved his hand to signal them not to persecute each other anymore.

His current mood is not so beautiful. After witnessing the strength of the enemy this time, he is more and more worried about the safety of other fleet members.

"Let's go, go up and have a look." Bismarck noticed Su Hao's thoughts, and told everyone to adjust their state and go up the mountain.

The stronghold was in a mess at this time. After experiencing the baptism of artillery fire, many places were bombed into potholes, but it was confirmed that there were no enemies. The ship girls scattered around and searched, and found a lot of supplies, although not many. But most of the ship girls are damaged right now, so it's good to add a little bit, as an emergency.

After a while, z46 discovered the location of the hidden device.

It is a dark, boxy thing, a bit like a mainframe, TB preliminary analysis, it is judged that this is the core device that triggers the sea area agency, responsible for controlling and maintaining the operation of the entire sea area equipment, as long as it stops here, those Other devices hidden in this sea area will lose their function.

Obviously, it is impossible for such a small device to realize the changes in the environment of the nearby sea area alone. However, this thing happened to be what Su Hao needed most. He asked TB to try to invade and see if it could be cracked.

"Isn't it enough to just smash it?" Deutsch hated this thing to the bone.

"No, there are more than one bay in Orosei. If one is smashed, what should we do next? There are two other bays besides here. If they can't be solved fundamentally, then the difficulty index of the next battle will not be low. .”

It's hard to imagine what will happen if such strongholds are fought one by one. I'm afraid that before they reach the Sardinian Empire, the ships in his fleet will be destroyed one by one, and even their clothes will be gone.

It's too perverted!

What Su Hao was talking about were these sirens, they were so perverted, there was no way for people to survive under such intensity!

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