The palm tightly grasps Atago's huge Opie, the lips are pressed together, the lips are opened and closed, and during the breath, a gust of hot air brushes across the face.

The tongue tips are entangled with each other, and the sweet juice flows on the tongue, making a sizzling sound with the movement of sucking Shun.


Atago's eyes were blurred, and his fingers lightly brushed across Su Hao's chest, and finally landed on the delicate white body under Su Hao.

Kaohsiung's mind is full of emptiness, and he can only close his eyes to bear the impact of Su Hao again and again. Her cheeks are as attractive as a bright red apple, and the fruit on her chest falls vertically, following the movement of her being hit Swing back and forth, swaying out a dazzling wave.

This action lasted for nearly ten minutes. Kaohsiung and Atago switched positions and started a new round of offensive.


"Did you hear it?"

Victory turned his head and said to Kewei.


"The voice, that low, suppressed call, and a rhythmic clapping, mixed together."

"It seems true to say that..."

"The commander is inside!" Shengli said with certainty.

Kewei was stunned for a moment: "But this is Kaohsiung's room."

"Hmph, Atago must be trying to drag Takao into the water. She seems to have succeeded now. Damn it, we should have come earlier."

"Hmm..." Kewei understood, "Then what should we do now?"

Victory thought about it for a while, and it all came. Now that the battle has started, there is no reason to retreat without a fight.

"Go in."

"Huh? This is Takao's room, and if the commander is in's not so good?"

"Always make sure, what if you're not there? If there's a misunderstanding, it's okay. We apologize if we're not there. If we're there, we'll..."

2v1, no problem, right?

But Kaohsiung is already inside.

Forget it, no matter so much, let's go in and talk.

Victory gently pushed the door open a crack.

"It's not locked."

The door opened, and the voice inside became clearer.

Victory froze for a moment, why is there still an accent?

Is it the echo of the room being too small?

She gently pushed the door open, then poked her head in.

There was no one in the living room, and the sound came from the small bedroom.

Shengli went in first, but Kewei hesitated for a moment and followed, then closed the door gently.

Shengli pointed to the bedroom, the two sisters looked at each other, and then tiptoed over.

Victory Probe.

Victory took a closer look.

Victory was stunned.

Victory exclaimed!

Terribly curious.

Terrible probe.

Awe-inspiring took a closer look.


Atago looked up.

Atago was stunned.

Kaohsiung turned around.

Kaohsiung was stunned.

Su Hao turned around.

Su Hao was stunned.

Su Hao was shocked.

Su Hao blew a thousand miles.

Atago ate a lot.

Then the whole bedroom fell silent.

After a long time, Su Hao's shaking had ended for a while, and then he knelt on the quilt in embarrassment, not knowing what emoji to use.

Not to mention Kaohsiung, even if Atago was here, she couldn't let go. At this time, when Shengli and Kewei saw it, she hurriedly leaned down and used Su Hao to block her sight.

Atago recovered from the extreme pleasure.

"Are you here?" She didn't have the shyness of Kaohsiung, but only the anger of being interrupted halfway.

"Commander, you..."

Shengli opened his eyes wide and watched, "Why is Atago here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

"But, it shouldn't be, obviously only Kaohsiung and the commander are right, obviously..."

what happened?

There were only three together at the beginning?

How is this?

"You guys are still not going out!" Atago said angrily, "Spying on others, is this what your royal ladies do?"

When it comes to ladies, I'm afraid, "What's the matter with ladies, who stipulated that ladies can't peep? And we didn't peep, we call it fair and square!"

"Yes, we are looking at it openly, not secretly."

Su Hao's face was full of black lines, isn't this worse than peeping?How could anyone break into someone's house at this time!

"This is sister Kaohsiung's room, without permission, please go out now!"

"This is also the port area, the commander is here, why can't we come?"

"You can't come, this is the territory of Sakura!"

"Who said that? The port area belongs to the commander. We are the commander's marriage ship. We can go wherever he can go."

"It's just not possible. There is also a private territory in the port area. Now you are trespassing on private houses. Why don't you break into Richelieu's room if you are so powerful?"


"Okay, okay!" Su Hao stopped, "We're all a family, what's the fuss about?"

Please, can you take a look at the current situation?

It's like being caught by the other mistresses while cheating on the mistress.

Embarrassment is embarrassment, but the most embarrassing thing is that now he and Kaohsiung Atago are not wearing any clothes!

And it's still like this.

Please take care of my mood, okay?

"Commander~" The Royal Marriage Ship fired the first shot with momentum, it's already here, how can you back down now?

"Didn't I say there is something important today?"

"Then we're all here."

"Go back quickly."


Atago was angry: "If you don't go back, do you still want to come together?"

"Together, let's go together!" After finishing speaking, Shengli began to undress.

Su Hao was shocked, one or two is okay, three is the limit, right?These four together...

Atago laughed angrily: "Do you still want to compare?"

"Compare, compare, who is afraid of whom? Terrible, come on!"

"Good Miss Victory!"

"Sister Kaohsiung, defeat them!"

Kaohsiung: "%*@!>

"No, don't come here!—"


PS: At the end of the month, let’s vote for the blades that haven’t voted, so as not to waste it. How do you feel about these two chapters?Racing on mountain roads is very fresh and refined, isn't it, emmmmm, this volume writes the things that should be finished, and this book is almost the same.

Chapter 687 I must graduate tomorrow!

The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly.

Although today is an ordinary day in early autumn for most people, many insiders know that today will usher in a historic moment between Azur Lane and Red Axis.

As a witness, Miss Barr felt very relaxed at the moment.

It’s good to have someone in the port area. Anyway, you just need to leave it to Richelieu to be the master of everything. During these days in the port area, Barr felt that he had returned to the past, back to the time when Richelieu stayed in the Iris Kingdom, She was in charge of the battle, and all the decisions had to be left to Richelieu.

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