
Already, there is no going back.

The mood recovered after a brief change, allowing Barr to go out for breakfast after enjoying the morning.

"Today is a big day." Algeria smiled, "It's really unimaginable that the combination of two major powers will be in such a small port area."

Let Barr take a look at her, and emphasized: "It is this 'small' port area that can sweep all the fleets of all camps, and even the sum of them."

"Hehe~ Of course I know, that's why I was surprised, but..." Algeria put his left hand across his chest, holding his right elbow with his palm, rubbing his chin and thinking for a moment, "But after staying here for a while, I don't think it's strange gone."

"What's strange?"

"The situation in the port area, if someone told me before that everyone should listen to a port area, listen to the port commander, otherwise they will be demolished, um, I must think that guy is a lunatic, but now... ..."

"Now I think it makes sense." Jean Bart continued Algeria's words.

"Yes, it's really amazing, but it's not bad, at least it's much more relaxed than before. Don't you think so, Barr?"


Jean Barr was noncommittal.

The two walked out of the house and walked on the road in the port area. The scenery of the port area that seemed to be used to every day appeared in the eyes of the two of them, causing Barr to look around and see the morning as usual.

Many ship girls just came out of their residences, yawning and chatting one by one, like students going to school together in the morning, without the tension of guarding the sea area and fighting the sirens. In contrast, Barr thought of the country of Iris Over there, at the very beginning, due to lack of manpower and a series of messy relationships, I was busy from morning to night every day, and I had to worry about being attacked by sirens. It was really...

Alas~ There is no comparison and no gap.

"Algeria, you say..."

"What's wrong?" Algeria turned her head away.

"No, nothing." Jean Barr pursed his lips and said with a light smile, "Let's go and witness today's historic moment."

"Oh, but then we have to see if your sister has gotten up from the commander's bed."

Jean Bart: "..."



Fast forward to the cafeteria. Early in the morning, ship girls came in one after another. Because he heard Algeria's words, Barr subconsciously glanced at the cafeteria. He was relieved when he saw the familiar golden figure.

"That guy hasn't gotten up yet?" Let Barr sit opposite Richelieu and asked casually.

"I don't know." Richelieu smiled at his sister, "Is there anything I can do with Xiaohao?"

"Don't forget what day it is."

"Of course I won't forget, but don't worry too much about it, just treat it normally."

It's all done. Richelieu didn't take it too seriously. The so-called covenant is just a piece of paper. This kind of thing mainly depends on the determination of the leaders of the various camps. If you decide, then there is nothing to worry about.

"Huh? Where's the commander?"

The chat between the two sisters was interrupted by a voice. Yixian sat down with the plate and looked curiously at other places in the cafeteria.

She came here in a hurry last night. After all, today is a big event, a big event in the ship maiden world, a big international event, and a big event in Donghuang!

All factions gathered in Donghuang (Dock Area), this kind of glory is not something everyone can have.

Yixian was very excited and didn't fall asleep all night, just waiting for today's important moment to come.

Presumably Su Hao was equally excited, right?

However, it's really strange. Although it's still early, shouldn't this kind of thing be prepared earlier?

"I don't know." Richelieu said flatly.

"Ah?" Yixian was stunned for a moment, "You are not him..." Sister?Wedding ship?Secretary ship?In short, it is very important. How could it be possible that Su Hao didn't even know where Su Hao was?

Isn't it in your bed?

Yixian wanted to ask this question at first, but felt that it was a bit too crude, impolite and not elegant, so he changed his words.

"Did you discuss anything last night?"

"There is nothing to discuss about this kind of thing."

"Hmm..." Yixian choked for a moment, and turned to look at Rang Bart, who also twitched, as if he didn't quite understand the situation.

According to the general way of thinking, this is an important moment soon. Why, as the soul of the Minato District, they have to discuss with each other, right?

For example, Su Hao called a few people in charge to chat together, whether it was Richelieu or the company, everyone discussed it together to ensure that there would be no accidents tomorrow, and then after the discussion was over, they went back to their respective homes, and the last ones were naturally Su Hao and Richelieu are, after all, Miss Li.

Of course not necessarily, it doesn't matter if it's a company, Tiancheng, whoever it is, anyway, they don't know the truth about it, anyway, it's almost like this.

But Richelieu didn't know, which was very helpless.

"Huh? Isn't Your Excellency the Commander here?"

Veneto came, and she spent a little time dressing up in the morning, because she hardly paid attention to it, so it took a lot of time to dress up even though it was simple, and in the end, if it wasn't for Zara to help her, she might not even have time for breakfast.

It's just that when I arrived at the cafeteria, I saw Richelieu sitting here, so I came over to have a chat first.

"Have you had breakfast yet?"

The three shook their heads.

"Didn't get up?"

Keep shaking your head.

Veneto was a little confused, what?

"I don't know." Richelieu was about to turn into a repeater, "Xiaohao didn't rest at the residence last night, but don't worry, he has a sense of proportion and won't delay the business."

"That's good." Veneto didn't say anything, after all, this is his private matter.

It's just that after a while, breakfast was almost over, and Su Hao didn't come.

"Where's the commander? Where's the person?"

After enjoying breakfast, Elizabeth came over with her skirt in hand. The elegant eleven-year-old queen was still young and energetic today. Because of the signing of the covenant, everyone who had not seen her for a long time gathered together, so her mood was particularly high today.

But, what about people? What about people?

"I don't know." Richelieu said helplessly, she just wanted to record a sound, and if someone came, she would play it again, so as not to ask again.

"What do you mean I don't know? Richelieu, aren't you married? You didn't sleep together last night?" Elizabeth was elegant and tough at the same time. After all, she was only eleven years old. What could an eleven-year-old girl have? What about bad thoughts?

"Oh! I understand, you guys are having an awkward fight, right? It's said in the books that when husband and wife quarrel, they sleep in separate rooms."


Yixian couldn't help laughing.

Richelieu's face turned dark, she really wanted to throw Elizabeth out, but considering the identity of the other party, she explained patiently.

Elizabeth responded with a hmm, but she didn't understand much, but she knew that Richelieu didn't know where Su Hao was, and didn't know if others knew, so she asked Buffa, and Buffa didn't know either.

"Diduo, the commander was with you last night?"


"Amagi, where's the commander?"

"I do not know."

"Enterprise, where is the commander?"

"Commander? Maybe go to morning exercise."

"How can he have such a heart?"

"Assaulter, where's the commander?"

"I didn't see it."

"Didn't you hide the commander in the European faction?"

"How can this be hidden!"

I asked all the married couples in the cafeteria, and finally felt that something was wrong. It was strange that no one knew about it.

"rua! I saw the commander last night!" Xili from home jumped out and told what happened last night.

It's just a simple encounter, and it's not certain that Su Hao was in the Cherry Blossom Garden last night, but thinking of the people over there, Akagi Akagi and Atago, and now the first two are there, the most suspicious one is Atago.

Richelieu thought for a while, and although she was not worried, there was no way to continue the trouble, so she took out her mobile phone and called Su Hao, but no one answered, and then called Atago, but still no one answered.

How did you do it?

Now Richelieu couldn't help frowning. Although Su Hao would often 'go out', he would usually come back at this time. Even if he didn't come back, he would still answer the phone.

But what's going on now?

Originally, if it were normal, Richelieu would not be so anxious, but now you say she also said, one by one asking 'Where is the commander', which made Richelieu unavoidably irritable.

"Let me go and have a look." Tiancheng said to her, "It's still early, you ask Dido and the others to arrange the meeting venue."

Tiancheng went out in person, thinking that Su Hao had appeared in Chongying last night, so Richelieu felt at ease and handed over the matter of looking for Su Hao to her, and took charge of the next meeting by himself.

Not long after, she received news from Tiancheng.

"I found the Lord."



Su Hao felt very embarrassed.

Originally, last night was an important time to give Kaohsiung a ring, and it was the sister time with Atago, which was twice as happy, but why is he panicking now?

In the small bedroom, Atago is lying on her left, Shengli is lying on his chest, Kewei is lying on the right with arms folded, as for Kaohsiung...

What about Kaohsiung?

Raising his head slightly, he saw Takao who was holding a headband in his mouth and tied his hair with his hands behind his head.

Seemingly not aware that Su Hao woke up, Kaohsiung tied up his hair, adjusted his clothes, pushed open the door and went out.

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside, and Su Hao couldn't hear who it was. Kaohsiung chatted with the other party for a few words, and his voice was a bit hurried and embarrassing, as if he was talking about something Inappropriate topics for children.

Then the voice disappeared, and Gao Xiong also left the room, and there was no movement outside.

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