"I'm sorry...it's all my fault for making such a mistake." Emperor Frederick's voice was full of self-blame.

Su Hao blinked.


What expression should I use?

Being hugged by the emperor like this, with his cheeks buried between his soft chests, enjoying this angelic tenderness made him almost drunk.

Isn't it just a head bump?come!keep going!I can hit for a lifetime!

Su Hao felt that he had made a lot of money. He really had nothing to do, but Emperor Frederick didn't think so. After all, in the eyes of the emperor, Su Hao was still a 'weak' human being.

"Does it still hurt?" The emperor's gentle voice echoed in Su Hao's ears.

It was very fragrant, the tangy fragrance, accompanied by the emperor's body temperature lingering around Su Hao, it was really soft, fragrant, and hot, so comfortable that Su Hao didn't even want to wake up.

Yet he was a serious man, and now he raised his head, his cheeks away from his warm and captivating chest.

"It doesn't hurt a long time ago." Su Hao looked at the emperor, who was really blaming himself. It was the first time Su Hao saw such an expression, "I'm really fine." He said with a smile, "It actually feels like this pretty good."

Emperor Frederick was slightly puzzled, "Is it the feeling of being hugged by me? If so, the commander can act like a baby in my arms."

"Of course not!" Su Hao said with a dark face, "I mean, even you, the Great Emperor, have a clumsy side, but it actually feels pretty good, because I used to see you always look so strong and perfect, powerful So awesome, but the current appearance is very ordinary, let me know that you are like other ship girls, and you also need protection sometimes, so I can rest assured that no matter when, as long as I need it, I will protect the emperor. yours."

"Protect...?" Emperor Frederick trembled slightly.

This word seems to be what she often used to say to others.

Because she is strong and perfect, and weak is used to call others, companions and even enemies, are weak.

Companions need her protection, while enemies need her to overcome.

It seems that no one has said that they will protect her, right?

Emperor Frederick thought about it carefully, no matter who it was, when he got along with her, he would show subconscious awe as Su Hao said.

She suddenly felt warm in her heart.

"Is this... the feeling of being protected?" Frederick put the palm of his chest on his chest, and felt the burning sensation emanating from the inside out. Can't help raising a smile.

"Maybe it's all right, maybe..."

Under Su Hao's surprised gaze, her soft lips touched Su Hao's lips lightly.

The dark golden eyes looked at Su Hao tenderly.

Half a sound, lips parted.

Frederick the Great slid his finger over the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "From now on, whether it's sorrow, joy, pain or joy, no matter what happens, you can rely on me. I will always, always understand. You, tolerate you, support you..."

P station actually has no picture.jpg


PS: 60 rounds, two golds and one purple. Graduation is gone today, supplies are gone, and there are still 80 Rubik's Cubes. Three rounds a day are coming slowly.

Chapter 689 Emperor Mama Loves You

When Zeppelin came back, he found that the atmosphere in the room was not quite right.

"Come on, Commander, ah~~"

Looking at Su Hao who was being fed by Emperor Frederick the Great with a happy expression on his face, Qi Bailin said expressionlessly: "What are you doing?"

I don't want to ask what I'm doing, but I want to ask why it is like this.

"The preparations are all done." Emperor Frederick smiled lightly, "Put the ingredients in the refrigerator first, it's still early, and the party won't start until evening."

"I didn't ask that!"

"Okay, okay, if you want to eat, there are still over there. The commander has made some, and I will start making big cakes later. You should take a rest first, and come over to help later."

Zeppelin: "..."

Meteor, take off!

However, her aura was not worth mentioning in front of Frederick the Great. She finally twitched her mouth and walked to the table beside her to pick up a small cake and stuff it into her mouth.

After doing so many things, at least there should be some rewards, right?

Hmm... Not to mention, it's quite delicious.

Eating the cake, Zeppelin looked around at the decoration in the house, it was different from when he went out, and now it has become beautiful.

The tables and chairs outside are also set up, and the preparations are quite in place, but...

What happened to these two people?

Although Frederick the Great usually treats everyone with a pampering look, but most of the time it is limited to polite help, even if he has a good relationship with Su Hao... Wait, it seems that he would indeed do this in the previous situation.

Everyone who is iron-blooded is grateful to Su Hao, and the same is true for Zeppelin. Whether as a friend or as a commander, it is not impossible to feed things, but...

What's wrong?What is wrong?

"Okay, alright, eat it, my lord, I won't eat it." Qi Bolin looked at it, no matter how coquettish he was, he was ashamed to be coquettish, and besides, Su Hao is not a shou, he prefers to take the initiative.

However, the Great Emperor is really too big, and his aura is so strong, it is not so easy to snatch the initiative from her.

In fact, Su Hao hadn't reacted to the emperor's sudden kiss before, but it's hard to explain the feelings of the ship's mother. They don't want to fall in love slowly like humans, and they will take the initiative to attack once they are determined.

Maybe because of one incident, a word, or the tacit understanding after getting along day and night, but no matter what it is, it is definitely after something that touched their hearts.

Su Hao wasn't very clear either. Anyway, it couldn't be because he fell off the chair and there was a problem. If there was a problem, it would be a problem with the floor.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it again. This is the great emperor, who can refuse?

"Ahh~ It doesn't matter if you have more, I'd rather watch the commander eat than eating by myself." Emperor Frederick said with a smile.

has a problem!

Absolutely wrong!

Isn't this too straightforward? ? ?

Zeppelin really wanted to stretch out his hand and scratch the emperor's face to see if it was Ron pretending to be.

"Where are you?" Zeppelin actually sent Ron a message.

The results were answered very quickly.

"Waiting for the commander in the office, what's the matter?"

Zeppelin was silent for a while, and replied: "It's okay, you can continue to wait."

It doesn't seem to be Ron, yes, how is it possible, the bodies are different, and this behavior can't be imitated by anyone.

After a while, Su Hao said that he really couldn't eat any more, otherwise what would happen to the party at night?

"Oh, by the way, there are still some fruits missing. It's better to get a few more big watermelons, it's cool and delicious."

"I'll go buy it."

"Forget it, I'll ask Befa to send it over. Anyway, I still have to ask her to help out when the time comes. Otherwise, with the speed of the three of us, there will be no time to prepare the food."

Su Hao contacted Befa and asked her to pick a few more maids to help. This is not because the royal camp came to the party, but from the perspective of the port area, so it has no effect.

It's just that I have to ask them if they want to stay together at night. If they are together, the maid outfits have to be replaced with swimsuits. After all, imagine a group of iron-blooded ship girls in swimsuits walking around at the party, but there are some girls in the middle. A royal ship girl in a maid outfit always feels very strange.

But having said that...it seems like I've never seen Bepha in a swimsuit?

Not long after, Beff came over with Sirius and Hermione.

"The coffee shop is a bit busy, is it enough for three people?" Befa asked, "If not, I'll let Suffolk come over."

"Enough is enough. The main thing is to order food. Speaking of which, I called Prince Eugen. Where is she?"

"Here in oh~"

Prince Eugen suddenly appeared from behind Su Hao, startling him a lot.

"Eugen, you can't do this." Frederick the Great showed a numb demeanor, "Humans have a saying that 'people scare people, scare people to death', what if there is an accident?"

Accident?That's it?

Prince Eugen was surprised. Hey, hey, what are you talking about, my lord?Is Commander so fragile?

"It's okay, it's fine, just come here." Su Hao knew Prince Eugen's character well, she didn't suddenly tear off her pants from behind and say "here" is already very good.

"You guys are doing this kind of thing without telling me." Prince Eugen said something that was misleading, "Since it's a festival of iron and blood, why don't you call everyone over?"

"We were together before, at least this time, the commander wants to give everyone a surprise." In fact, the emperor thought so, and Zeppelin put his hands on his chest and said: "It doesn't matter, it will be more troublesome if there are more people."

"That's right." Prince Eugen put on the apron, "So, what about the ingredients?"

Chef Eugen did it himself, Sirius and Hermione assisted, and Befa and Su Hao prepared to make a super invincible cake.

In order to make this cake, Su Hao specially bought a super-large oven. He tried several times in the past two days. The small one was okay, but the big one was not easy. There is Biffa.

Frederick the Great and Zeppelin were originally helpful, but they didn't know anything about this kind of thing. Su Hao simply asked them to prepare big elbows. As a result, the two of them even opened up their seven orifices, and they both sat and ate. To say that the Battle Emperor is very good at taking care of people, but cooking... In fact, who can imagine the figure of the iron-blooded Darkness Madonna busy in the kitchen wearing an apron?

Compared with Frederick the Great, Bismarck is more likely. After all, Bismarck is cold outside and hot inside, and the title of Persian cat is not for nothing. However, as far as Su Hao knows, Bismarck’s cooking skills are limited to fried eggs and stewed elbows. The first step - prepare the ingredients.

In the midst of a busy meal, the sun went down.

Frederick the Great sent a message in the special group chat of Iron Blood, and specifically asked Bismarck, who had known the plan for a long time. Her original task was to prevent Iron Blood's ship girl from approaching here this afternoon, and here Call everyone over one by one.

After receiving the news that there was a party here, everyone became interested. Only Ron asked, "Is the commander on our side?" ’, and Zeppelin replied ‘um’ and the message disappeared.

Not long after, Ron rushed to the door.

"Commander!" Coming in from the outside, including the decorations in the yard and the living room, Ron immediately understood. She paused in the office for a long time, and the commander was right under her nose!

Damn Bismarck!

Damn...damn...I want to...

"Ron, you're here. It just so happens that the last ingredient for the barbecue is not ready. Come and help me."

"Okay!" With a smile on Ron's face, he rushed in in a hurry, and squeezed Zeppelin away from Su Hao's side.

"What are you doing!" Zeppelin glared.

"Who told you to lie to me?"

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