"What did I lie to you about?"

"Have you been here all this time?"

Zeppelin was silent for a while, thinking about asking Ron where he was before, but this is not his problem, who made you so stupid?

Besides, if Ron is allowed to come over, maybe he will help more and more. The time is already tight, so of course the trouble should be minimized.

"Okay, okay." Su Hao waved his hand, "Hurry up and get ready for the final work."

Ron raised his head and snorted, then started working next to Su Hao.

The ingredients for the barbecue are all fresh, and they must taste good, but the trouble is to do it yourself. In the end, iron-blooded ship girls came to help one after another. After the sky completely darkened, it was finally done.

Then Su Hao asked the girls to bring out all the ingredients for the barbecue, put some fruits and snacks in the living room, and anyone who wants to eat can come in and get them.

"Are they all there?"

"Z23 doesn't seem to be there."

"Where is she? Call her over."

"Peter, Prince Heinrich... are all here, all right, z23 is missing."

"Should I change into a swimsuit then?"

"Of course we have to change. Didn't you mean the swimsuit party?"

"Huh? Isn't the theme celebrating the unity of iron and blood?"

"Celebrating iron and blood reunification doesn't conflict with wearing swimsuits."

"It's better to say, for the unity of iron and blood, everyone put on swimsuits!"

Su Hao: "???"

No, what are you talking about?

I just want everyone to wear swimsuits for selfish reasons, don't get involved with Iron Blood Unity, hey!Don't talk about it and make people think I'm tarnishing Iron Blood!

Thinking like this, I suddenly heard someone say: "Then the commander also wears a swimsuit, right?"

Turning his gaze, it was Prince Heinrich, grinning happily.

"The commander is a man, what kind of swimsuit is he wearing? It's called swimming trunks."

"Why can't men wear bikinis? It's not fair! Commander demands fairness!"

Su Hao was dumbfounded.

"Prince Heinrich, come here, I will show you the baby."

"Commander, I was wrong!"

After dawdling for another half an hour, it was almost eight o'clock before the ship girls came over one after another changing into their swimsuits.

Haoyue is in the sky.

The street lamps in the yard light up the sight, the smoke from the barbecue rises, the charcoal fire burns vigorously, the aroma is overflowing, and the oil stains dripping on the charcoal fire makes a sizzling sound.

Su Hao was standing in front of the barbecue grill wearing big underpants, sweating profusely on his head.

nnd, what kind of barbecue are you doing on a hot day, am I sick?

Summer has just passed, and the atmosphere of autumn has not yet arrived. Usually it is still more than [-] degrees, and it is slightly cooler at night, but it can't stand the fire.

But in a blink of an eye, Su Hao was very satisfied when he saw the girls playing in the swimming pool.

"Let me help you." Da Da Da Da Da Di, who was wearing a swimsuit, came over and said.

Bare feet, the extremely sexy long legs are reflected in the light, the white and tender skin stained with water is really attractive, and the heavy fruit on the chest is also shaking slightly with the walking posture, which has a 'potential' The existence of is not just as simple as Opie, it is - a treasure!

The Madonna of the dark wind, with long black hair hanging around her side, Su Hao shook his head resolutely, if these oil stains were stained with the emperor's heat... Ah bah, pure body, that would be a sin.

"Prince Heinrich, come and help me grill!"

Su Hao turned his head and went to grab the strong man.

Befa and the others left after helping. After all, it was to celebrate the unification of iron and blood.

"Hey~~" Prince Heinrich, who was sitting by the swimming pool and stretched back into the water, drew a long voice, obviously unhappy, "Commander, you can bake it yourself, it doesn't matter if you slow down, we can wait rise."

"I raised you so fat for nothing."

"I was born so white and fat."

Su Hao twitched and was about to say something, but Little Zeppelin ran over and hugged him.

"Commander, let me help you."

Su Hao's heart warmed up. In the troubled times of war, it was as cold as ice. Look at what is a caring little padded jacket?

"No need." He smiled, "Go and play, I'm fine here."

After all, Little Zeppelin is not tall enough for a barbecue grill, so it is a bit embarrassing for her to help.

Unexpectedly, Little Zeppelin snorted and said, "Commander, please help me grill two skewers of squid. Remember not to put chili."

After finishing speaking, he ran away.

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, then grabbed two skewers of squid and put them on with a blank expression, and then used a brush to brush the chili on the squid several times.

Come, come, little Zeppelin, the commander loves you.

But there are always genuine sweethearts.

"Finger, Commander, let me help you." Leipzig walked over shyly.

"Ah? How funny is that?"

"It's okay, anyway, I usually help in the kitchen." Leipzig smiled, "I often do this kind of thing."

The upturned Leipzig didn't hold Yuyu, and smiled at Su Hao like a little sister next door, ahhh, healed up, get out, little Zeppelin!

By the swimming pool, the girls were eating snacks and chatting while waiting for the barbecue.

"Why did the commander suddenly think of celebrating the unification of iron and blood? Could it be that he wants to jump back?" Deutsch always looked at problems from a tricky angle.

"Don't say such stupid things." Bismarck gave her a faint look, "It was suggested by the emperor."

Everyone turned their eyes to look at Frederick the Great who was lying sideways on the bench by the swimming pool. The latter was showing a smiling expression, and looked tenderly at Su Hao who was busy barbecue in the distance.

"Emperor." Ron was a little dissatisfied, "Hey! Don't look at my commander like a moron, okay?"

"Hehe~ Commander...isn't it everyone's?"

"It's different. You call him Commander because of the alliance. I call him Commander because I'm the ship's wife in the port area!"

"Ahh~ the ship girl in the port area... will anyone really care about this status now?" Frederick the Great smiled calmly, and her speech was a bit bold, so that the other ship girls looked at each other in blank dismay.

According to Frederick the Great's meaning, does the iron-blooded faction want to join the port area collectively?

Although, probably, originally, it could have been said that way, but at least in name they are still the Iron-Blooded Fleet, but they stayed here because of the establishment of the alliance and the name of training, but they are still the Iron-Blooded Fleet.

"East·Tomb·Hong Kong·Iron Blood Fleet·District·Water·Huang"

Although it can be said that way, but it is another thing to know it, and it is another thing to say it, right?

"It seems that it's not the commander who jumped backwards, it's you who are going to jump backwards." Prince Heinrich laughed, "But what does it matter, anyway, everyone is happy, there are more people, and we can play a few more games in the usual exercises." Field, how interesting."

"Emperor, you have a problem!" Deutsch frowned, "You don't really intend to stay in the port area forever, do you?"

"I think..." Hipper thought for a while and said, "It's okay to go back to Sangvis once in a while."

"I'll fall!" Deutschland broke and sank.

Frederick the Great smiled coquettishly, and did not respond to Hipper's words. Seeing this phenomenon, other members of the Jagged Fleet were puzzled.

Bismarck was very puzzled, because she knew the emperor's character, and he had a clear distinction between public and private, and would never behave so ambiguously like now.

"What's wrong." Zeppelin snorted softly, "Stay if you want to stay, go back if you want to go back, and no one is stopping you."

"Then Zeppelin, what do you mean, you want to stay here?"

"Hmph, it's none of your business."

"But, there must be a problem." Prince Heinrich rubbed his chin, looked at everyone in the Iron Blood Fleet, "There is a big problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Look." She analyzed with her fingers, "The current situation in our port area, the White Eagle, the Royal, the Sakura, and the Iris Holy See, these four are the main camps, the White Eagle has enterprises, the Royal has the Glorious Sisters, and the Sakura There is Sky City, and the Iris Vatican has Richelieu."

"Now there are Iron Blood, Northern United, Sardinian Empire, and Donghuang. Needless to say, Northern United, those guys will definitely be in the port area in the future. It seems that they will come after the Sardinian Empire and other things are over. Donghuang... this first Not to mention, if there is anything else, we will be iron-blooded."

Ron became impatient: "What the hell are you trying to say?"

"What I mean is, among the four main factions, each faction has a leader. It's called a leader, right? They are all marriage ships, and there are four remaining factions. Iron-blooded What's the matter? Bismarck belongs to our port area now, but she's not even a wedding ship."

"We will be bullied in the future, iron and blood have no place."

Prince Heinrich dared to say anything carelessly, Peter glanced at her, and distanced himself from her without leaving a trace.

Bismarck twitched, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

Ron was unhappy: "Isn't that very simple? From now on, I will be a marriage ship in the port area!"

"You?" Prince Heinrich laughed loudly, "Puhaha! How long have you been here, and now you are licking your face and asking the commander for a ring, but the commander doesn't even..."


Prince Heinrich was thrown into the swimming pool by a black ship suit that came out of nowhere.

What do you mean 'None of the commanders? ', Ron snorted and looked at her disdainfully.

The commander already said that he would give the ring!

Ron remembered it very clearly, but it was delayed recently because of the Sardinian Empire. In addition to today's incident, she planned to wait until today to ask for the ring.

However, Ron's victorious aura did not make other people care. Everyone knows what kind of situation Ron is. It's not that he is not strong enough and his figure is not good, but mainly because of his personality. Men can bear it?

But Ron still doesn't have a ring yet. Everyone knows that this kind of thing seems to be very close, but in fact it is very far away.

"Hehe~ Don't worry." Emperor Frederick smiled lightly, "The commander will give me a ring when the time comes, so I will tentatively be the person in charge of the iron-blooded camp. Do you have any opinions?"

Ga? ? ?

The pool was suddenly quiet.

Su Hao, who was busy grilling and chatting and laughing with Leipzig, seemed to notice it. He raised his head and glanced, but he didn't care, and continued to smear chili on the two skewers of squid that Zeppelin had.

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