"Emperor Frederick, what did you just say!?" Ron widened his eyes.

"Emperor, you..." Even Bismarck was shocked by the Emperor's speech.

At the same time, she suddenly realized why she felt that the emperor was different today, because the emperor's attitude towards Su Hao had fundamentally changed!

Zeppelin's hand trembled, and he finally found the reason.

It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this.

Um?Wait, when did it start?

She remembered that she was fine when she went out in the afternoon, so what happened while she was out?

Prince Heinrich climbed out of the pool and applauded vigorously.

"What's so joyful?" Su Hao raised his head when he heard the applause, and asked with a smile.

However, everyone ignored him for a while, only Little Zeppelin asked loudly: "Commander Commander, is my squid grilled yet!?"

"It's coming soon, don't put it spicy, right?" Su Hao asked while applying chili.

"Hmm! Don't be spicy, I don't like spicy food."

"Okay~ I guarantee you are satisfied."


A figure jumped out of the swimming pool and rushed to him in the blink of an eye.

"Commander!" Ron pressed his gaze tightly, "Emperor Frederick said that you want to give her a ring!?"


"Where's mine? What about my ring!?"

"Ron, don't embarrass the commander."

"My lord, shut up, you sneaky cat!"

"Hehe~ Stealing... are you talking about me?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, you live here...I won't give in!!"


Looking at the two people in front of him who looked like the Shura Field was actually a 'domestic violence' scene, a question mark slowly appeared on Su Hao's head.


PS: Daily three great praises are graduating...

Chapter 690 I like you, but you like me

The shining starry sky, the beautiful girl, and

"Wow! It's so hot!!"

Little Led Zeppelin yelling with his head up by the pool.

After eating Su Hao's special spicy grilled squid in one bite, Little Zeppelin took off in an instant.

"Spicy, spicy, spicy, spicy!"

The little guy ran back and forth, and was plotted against by the unscrupulous adults. Now she is a little bit on top.

"Water! Water!"

"z23, give Zeppelin a bottle of iced Coke."

"Hey~ I don't have much anymore, not much anymore."

"Just give me a bottle, don't be so stingy, just buy it later."

Zeppelin still loves little Zeppelin, she asked for ice coke from z23, opened it and handed it to little Zeppelin, with a concerned expression on her face: "Come on, take a sip and it won't be spicy anymore."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Su Hao: "Commander, why did you put so many peppers? You know that little Zeppelin can't eat spicy food."

"Ah, sorry, I didn't notice just now."

"Huh~huh~huh~" Little Zeppelin took a sip of Coca-Cola, stuck out his little tongue and fanned himself with his hands while exhaling, looking extremely cute.

Su Hao held back his smile, cutie, Commander loves you.

"But, but, Commander." Leipzig showed a puzzled expression, "Did you take it wrong? I just saw that you kept putting pepper on these two skewers of squid, and thought it was for others to eat..."

"I didn't order squid."

"I didn't order either."

"It seems that only Zeppelin ordered it?"


Because of Leipzig's inadvertent exposure, Su Hao immediately received strong gazes from the girls of the iron-blood camp.

Little Zeppelin is everyone's treasure, a super invincible little cutie, so the guy who is now attacking the little cutie is naturally a scumbag.

"Sorry!" Su Hao clapped his hands and bowed his head, "I was wrong, dare to do it next time."

"Pfft~" Emperor Frederick chuckled, waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's just an occasional prank, and the commander wants to make the atmosphere more lively."

Dadi Mama protects the cub without any concealment.

"Commander!" Little Zeppelin drank a few sips of iced Coke, and finally it was not so spicy. At this time, he puffed up his face and looked at Su Hao with red eyes, "I said not to be spicy!"

"I forgot."

"I reminded you just now!"

"Ah, sorry sorry."

"You obviously did it on purpose, damn it, give me a shot!"

"Little Zeppelin, what do you want!" Ron immediately slashed his sword, showing the momentum of 'who dares to kill me'.

Of course, it is impossible for Little Zeppelin to really hit Su Hao. No matter how you say it, everyone can play pranks. Usually, there are many little guys who play pranks on Su Hao.

"Haha~ I'm so sorry." Su Hao picked up little Zeppelin and said with a smile, "But you just left me and left alone, isn't it too heartless?"

"Hmm, I'm...that's..." Little Zeppelin rolled his eyes, and seemed to be making excuses, "I was giving you a chance to show off, Commander, to show everyone your skills."

In fact, I really just wanted to ask Commander to grill two skewers of squid for me, help?What is that, can I eat it?

"Then I misunderstood you."

"Hmph! You misunderstood me." Little Zeppelin looked away unnaturally.

"Hmm..." Ron frowned, "Little Zeppelin, you are such a big man, why do you still like to rely on the commander?"

Little Zeppelin: "?"

"You are already an adult, you should learn to play by yourself."

Ron Sima Zhao's heart, even the little guy knows it all.

She made a face at Ron: "Slightly slightly slightly, I like the commander to hug me, are you jealous? Hmph~ Let the commander hug you if you have the ability."

"You bastard!"

"Ron, why are you fighting against a child." Zeppelin took a sip of beer and said lightly, "It's because you are always so narrow-minded that you never got the ring."

The topic came to the ring again, and Ron's eyelids twitched. The topic just now was not over yet.

"Commander!" Ron looked at Su Hao.

Just now I asked Su Hao about the ring, why did the emperor want to have her soon?

Zeppelin skillfully diverted his attention from the little Zeppelin and saved the cute little guy, but Su suffered a lot.


"Okay, today is a holiday, don't talk about other things." Emperor Frederick came to Su Hao to rescue him.

A full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry, although the emperor is not full, but whether she has a ring or not has nothing to do with her?Anyway, he couldn't beat it, and Ron didn't care whether the emperor would get the ring at all, she just wanted to take this opportunity to bring it up.

"Buying, buying." Su Hao could only comfort him first.

He really planned to give Ron a ring. After all, it’s not a problem to always procrastinate. Besides, Ron is not what he was at the beginning. Now he is fully integrated into the port area. Everyone is a good sister. Those who are not seriously ill have already been cured.

Well, the main reason is that all those weddings can't be provoked. What can she do if she can't beat Ron?

Hearing Su Hao's promise at this moment, he smiled with satisfaction.

"You said, I will go tomorrow, and I will go with you tomorrow." White Eagle, Royal, Sakura, Iris Holy See, and Ron, she is going to be the first ship girl with a ring!

Frederick the Great turned his gaze, as if he had seen through Ron's mind, but he didn't say anything, just smiled, mere Ron?

Ron didn't see it, she was too high now.

Ron, go fast!

The topic has finally returned to normal. Today's topic is not to discuss who is the marriage ship, but to celebrate the unification of iron and blood.

However, Jagged Unity (×) Swimsuit Party (√)

While Su Hao was concentrating on making barbecue, he was also concentrating on watching the game.

After a while, Prince Eugen came to replace him.

"Commander, take a break, let me fix it."

"It's okay, I can do it."

"Don't say that, this kind of thing should be done by women, and I will help you."

"What's the point of that?"

"What's so embarrassing, it's not the first time."

"Uh, what I want to say is that it's a sin for all of you to be contaminated by the oily fumes."

Prince Eugen laughed, and Leipzig hid in the corner and cried secretly, Yuyu, Yuyu, Yuyu, where are you?

In fact, Leipzig didn't wear a swimsuit, which is why Su Hao agreed to bake with her, not to say that one favors the other, no, after all, doesn't she smell good with her butt?

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