Veneto: "..."

The atmosphere in the group chat made Veneto feel a little uncomfortable. Since joining the covenant, he has always felt weird. It doesn't feel like a group for exchanges between camps of various countries, but more like a group for online netizens to fish and play.

As for the changes in the dragoons in the past few days, Veneto has deep feelings. You must know that the dragoons in the past were good boys who must drink milk before going to bed on time every day and never leave fatigue until the next day.

No, you have to finish the matter here quickly, and then go to the port area to have a look!

Richelieu: "Veneto, how is the situation in the Sardinian Empire recently?"

Veneto: "Fortunately, everything is going well, and the Sirens have no signs of fighting back, but it may take a long time to regain control of the sea area."

Essex: "Be careful with the sirens, there must be some hidden purpose behind their attack."

Soviet Rosia: "Whatever it is, we'll just drink."

Tashkent: "Miss Rosia, you made a typo."

Soviet Rosia: "Oh, sorry, sorry, I typed too fast by mistake."

Mikasa: "Haha! This looks like Northern United style."

Veneto: "..."

The news in the group kept flashing, and there were a few more notes on Su Hao's face. In the end, he could only beg for mercy and give up his position to Hipper.

"It's useless, watch me abuse them!" Hipper said excitedly.

Dezhi rolled his eyes: "Be careful, your swimsuit will fall off."


"Then why don't you wear a split style? Just wear a children's swimsuit, so you don't have to worry about slipping off."

Hipper was furious: "You think I'm Saratoga!"

"Is there any difference?"

Su Hao snorted, and couldn't help laughing. After a closer look, it was true that Hipper was the flattest among all the girls present. Oh, that's not right, Zeppelin was also very flat, but Hipper wore it. Bikinis, bumpy stuff, that's someone else's, she doesn't have it.

Looking at the other ship girls, Prince Eugen has great ambitions, Peter is plump and firm, each has its own merits, no wonder it is always said that the golden retriever with double ponytails is a loser, just this, just this, can you not fail?

Obviously, obviously, I... first leveled it!

Su Hao looked at it for a while, and then saw that z23 had snatched back the phone, and his fingers were beating fast on the screen. His proficiency made even a senior otaku feel inferior.

The progress of z23 is really fast. Now that it has been able to fully enjoy the animation and game circles, what will it enter next?

After watching for a while, Su Hao went to the kitchen to tidy things up. The big cake was divided, and there were some snacks. The ship girls on Iron Blood's side were not interested. A set does not catch a cold.

"Commander, do you have some tea?"

Frederick the Great came in at some point.

"Black tea? There are tea leaves, and the water needs to be boiled again."

"Then take these things up, make a pot of tea and eat some, anyway, it's all made, it's a pity not to eat it."

"Uh... Great Emperor, do you want to eat?"

"It would be even better if the commanders are together, I know they don't like it."

Su Hao nodded. Indeed, these were also made by Beifa and the others. It is not good to waste them, so they tidied up and brought the prepared tea.

"There's a hot water kettle upstairs, just take care of it. We're not professional tea tasters anyway."

The emperor seems very casual, but her temperament is actually more suitable for drinking red wine, that is, sitting in that kind of dark room, holding a goblet, crossing her legs, shaking the red wine lightly, showing a meaningful smile, the absolute dark virgin The wind is full.

"Welcome to...hell. Hehe~ Just kidding." Emperor Frederick came to the open-air attic on the top of the building. The space here was just enough for the two of them to sit down and chat with each other slowly.

"It's better to come here at night." She put the table and chairs away, "Commander, put the kettle there."

"Beforehand, I don't know how to make tea." Su Hao plugged in the electricity and filled the water. He planned to boil it and then pour it into the teapot. Hulahula, whatever your art of making tea, get out, no, ask again Labor will kill you.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't drink tea often." Sitting on the recliner, the emperor stretched his sexy body, "Hmm~~ It's such a comfortable life that makes people want to sleep comfortably."

Su Hao smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be nice to be more comfortable?"

"It's just a sigh. Living between light and darkness, war and peace, who can imagine that there is an intense battle going on on the other side of this sea." The emperor turned to look at Su Hao, "Commander, Which kind of life do you prefer?"

"That's fine, I have no dreams."

"Hehe~ Now...isn't it the result of hard work." The corner of the emperor's mouth twitched, "Commander, those who really have no dreams will not work hard."

"Okay, please spare me such a serious topic."

Really no dreams?Although I always say that I like to be a salted fish without dreams, but ah, even a salted fish has a pure land in my heart that I want to protect.

If dreams can come true, who wouldn't want to work hard?

Su Hao sat down, picked up a cookie, put it in his mouth, and said, "I like to be free, but before that, as a commander, I have to protect everyone, so I can give up something. Like this The so-called alliance, who cares about being the commander-in-chief, power means responsibility and obligation, no matter what, responsibility can't escape, right?"

"I hate these things, but if it makes everyone's life happier, then it doesn't matter. Even now, whether it was yesterday or today, tomorrow will definitely be better, I promise."

The emperor smiled slightly: "Commander, do you know what I like about you?"

"Uh...don't know."

"Just like now, showing a great side with a weak human body, I don't like indecisive character, I prefer to be strong than gentle, strong to protect the people I want to protect, if the commander already has If you have a clear goal and keep working hard, then I will become the sharpest sword in the commander's hand, and I will flatten the obstacles ahead according to the commander's will."

"The sick and the weak are crying out, lamenting the injustice of the world. The strong are defending the pure land in their hearts. I don't like to protect the weak, I prefer to protect the strong, because the strong can not only protect the weak, but also make everything better .”

"And Commander, you are the strong one, whether you admit it or not."

"Ah, that's right." Su Hao thought for a moment, it should be said that if his port area is not strong, then there is no stronger one.

However, the emperor's statement really has the style of the ship girl, and it is also a very special type, because most ship girls don't necessarily know what they really want to do.

And the emperor knew very well that Prince Eugen's evaluation of the emperor was quite pertinent. She was the type to be sure and then do it.

After a while, the water boiled, and Su Hao put the tea leaves away, no matter how much or how little, it's just a matter of fate, whatever you want.

"Come, try my carefully prepared 'Royal Black Tea'."

"Pfft~" The emperor pursed his lips and smiled, "If Befa finds out, Commander, you will probably be dragged by her to do a few days of black tea training."

"She pursues perfection more, as for me...Fate, fate, come and have a drink, be careful it's hot."

The Great Emperor smiled and took a sip, "Not bad."

"Really, it seems that the tea leaves are not brewed enough, the time is too short."

"You know it and give it to me to drink."

"Ha... just noticed."

Su Hao couldn't help laughing. He really wasn't this kind of material. The so-called tea art seemed simple but difficult to do. Every field was like a mountain. Every knowledge was formed through the precipitation of various technologies.

But fortunately, neither he nor Dadi Mama care about this thing, anyway, it's just a liquid, so we can't boil the tea dry.

"Black tea, cake, and the moon, it seems that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is relatively late this year."

"Mid-Autumn Festival? Reunion?"

Su Hao raised his head and said softly: "People today don't see the moon in ancient times, but the moon in ancient times still shines on people today."

The emperor turned his head.

"Commander, are you missing anyone?"

"Well, I miss...the people I missed during the Mid-Autumn Festival together." Su Hao chuckled, then shook his head, waving away the slight melancholy in his heart, "Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, although it's just a cup of tea, my lord, from now on please Give me a lot of advice."

"It should be so. From now on, no matter what the commander has, you can come and act like a baby to me and tell me~"


"Hehe~ Commander, do you want to practice?" The emperor stood up, opened his hands, and showed Su Hao all the beauty of her without any defense.

Like an elf in the dark night, he exudes a dangerous aura. There is an abyss in front of him, but Su Hao still walks over without hesitation.

The intoxicating and seductive panting sound is echoing, and the evil is growing in the heart, man, man~ why are you so depraved?


PS: Two chapters! !Who would have thought that I am double-opening, I am so awesome, I can cross my waist first~~

Kirov is still short of graduating, cute big tits, easy to send three times a day, and the black dragon feels like it can be full, good!

Chapter 693 Awarding Titles and Rings

Iron Blood's party ended successfully. Of course, compared to everyone's success, there is also the success of Frederick the Great.

The moon was full, and the two quietly got along alone. Frederick the Great didn't mind the open-air environment at all, and he was confident and bold. He said that the ship's mother was an unreasonable creature. It was true. Don't look at the emperor's usual With a smiling and gentle appearance, it is scary to be domineering.

Domineering and strong, very crazy, the main reason is that the emperor's figure is really the kind that can be placed in the ship's mother, which is also very good, plump, and feels very fleshy when touched and hugged. The ability of meat bomb impact is right, what should I do? Speaking of which, u1s1, from a man's point of view, big breasts and big butts are of course good.

Su Hao is not a lolicon, he just likes this. One thing he likes to do is to bury his cheek in the warm chest of Frederick the Great when he hugs face to face, enjoying the feeling of suffocating happiness.

The feeling of burying the whole face and then swinging it from side to side, as if there is a stormy wave hitting the face, the touch between skin and skin, the temperature, and the smell of fragrance lingering on the tip of the nose... No, no, the more you say it, the weirder it is up?

All in all it is very beautiful.

After a successful night, after the party, life in the port area returned to a peaceful state.

"Master, there is a confidential letter from the Maritime Safety Administration that needs to be processed."

When Su Hao came to the office, TB had already dealt with all the things to be done today in detail.

"It's from the Maritime Bureau, is it about the Sardinian Empire?"

"No." TB stood in front of the computer screen, stretched out his hands to touch the back of the computer, and opened a letter.

Su Hao took a look, good guy, big event.

I don't know if it's because of the strength shown in supporting the Sardinian Empire this time, the Maritime Safety Administration suddenly sent a notice, saying that it was going to award Su Hao, and it was not an ordinary award, it was aimed at Su Hao, the general manager. The position of commander was affirmed by various countries in the name of the Maritime Safety Administration.

Before that, although Su Hao was regarded as the commander-in-chief of the alliance, at best it was just for self-entertainment in the port area—although it was not really that bad, but compared to the formal commander profession, Su Hao was always There are no specific benefits and benefits for the position, and there is no specification of the commander-in-chief's rights, and there is not even a badge representing the commander-in-chief.

Su Hao didn't care about these at first, he didn't bring it up, and the Maritime Safety Administration is not easy to handle. After all, although the alliance is established, it will take time to observe to what extent other countries will recognize it.

At this time, the Sirens attacked the Sardinian Empire, providing Su Hao's port area with a powerful platform to play, saying a thousand words: Your mother has a good intention.

Many of the battles this time were recorded and fed back to the camps of various countries, especially the wave in which Littorio was hunted down thousands of miles away, which shocked the various camps for a whole year.

Who is Littorio?The veritable second-in-command in the Sardinian Empire camp, his strength is obvious to all.

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