But she was actually chased and beaten by a few siren battleships and the ship's mother, and this is the siren on the outskirts of Cagliari Bay. How strong is the core area?I dare not even think about it.

Under such circumstances, even the Sardinian Empire did not expect to win so easily. In the end, Veneto also objectively evaluated the strength of the Suhao Port Area—an existence that could compete head-on with Ember.

There is a comparison, and everyone knows it in their hearts.

No matter how strong your harbor fleet is, anyway, they know that Ember's people are ridiculously strong.

Therefore, the Maritime Safety Administration took the opportunity to promote the establishment of the Blue Alliance, and adjusted many details. Of course, the contract will not be changed, and the Maritime Safety Administration has no right to do so. A detailed description of Hao's position.

For example, what rights can he enjoy as the commander-in-chief? He can travel unimpeded in any country, and he will enjoy the highest level of treatment when traveling to any country. For example, he can enjoy a [-]% discount on purchasing materials at the Maritime Safety Administration in the future. and many more.

"Explanation on the Inauguration Ceremony of Commander Su Hao"

This report was sent to Su Hao and the camps of other countries. The appendix clearly listed matters related to Su Hao's position. The Maritime Safety Administration mentioned this matter by taking the Sardinian Empire's formal entry into the alliance as an opportunity.

Of course, since the Maritime Safety Administration has issued a document, it proves that they and other countries have discussed it secretly.

"Miss Li, look."

Su Hao waved to Richelieu who came back to the office, "I'll show you a big baby."

Richelieu rolled his eyes, obviously understood Su Hao's hidden words, of course it was just a joke, didn't you see that Richelieu was still following Befa?

"Documents from the Maritime Safety Administration?"

"Look, I finally want to have a formal job." Su Hao half-jokingly said, "It used to be like playing a house."

Richelieu smiled slightly: "Isn't that exactly what you want? Anyway, you will find troublesome things that are too formal."

"Sister Li, you understand me."

That being said, since you have done something, you have to enjoy your rights, not only for yourself, but also for the girls, otherwise you will not admit it Why do I, the commander in chief of the alliance, want to ask for my help?

Once or twice makes sense, but if you keep doing this, Su Hao won't bother.

The headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration probably also thought of this point, anyway, they have always been very active in promoting the establishment of the alliance.

"Your Majesty also talked about this in the morning." Belfa chuckled. "Probably when we returned from the Sardinian Empire, the countries were discussing it."

"Oh? Did Elizabeth say anything?"

"Not really. The meeting was presided over by War Weariness. His Majesty just read the final discussion results and expressed his support."

"But I still think, it's really Elizabeth's demeanor."

Beifa covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Master, don't say such things in front of His Majesty, otherwise she will haunt you."


While chatting, Su Hao's cell phone rang.

"It's Yixian." He said to Richelieu, "It's probably about the award."

Sure enough, Yixian knew about this matter, and explained to Su Hao that she would come to the port area to handle this matter on behalf of the Maritime Safety Administration.

"You definitely don't want to go to the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration, so I suggest that Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration should do it. Are you free to come over recently?"

"You still understand me."

If he had to travel all the way to the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration for such a 'small matter', then Su Hao would use procrastination to procrastinate, and wait until he goes on a trip and passes by there.

Anyway, this document has already explained the matter, and the rest is just a formality.

"But I think it would be better if it could be in our port area."

"No, the port area is your internal matter. Now it is a joint discussion between the major camps. It is better to be here at the headquarters."

"Am I not the commander-in-chief?"

"Of course, so the fleets of the major camps are under your control now, isn't that enough?"

"Then you are not under my control? If you count, well, I order you to bring the awarding process to the port area."

"You guy..."

Su Hao was teasing Yixian, and Bei Fa went over to make a pot of black tea. Her craftsmanship was beyond Su Hao's comparison. The full tea fragrance filled the room, making people feel refreshed after smelling it.

"It's better to make the tea that you make, Beifa." Su Hao gave her a thumbs up.

"If master wants to learn, I can teach you."

"Forget it, I still like to drink ready-made." Su Hao shook his head, "Sister Li, when do you think we should go to Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau?"

"It's up to you, just bring a few ship girls over there, I'll stay in charge of the port area, but it's best to do it as soon as possible."

"it is good."

Richelieu had no idea, after all, she had only traveled far before, but she was very concerned about Su Hao's conferment this time, which is equivalent to the fact that the strength of the port area has truly been recognized by the outside world, and Su Hao has also become a commander with actual power .

"I also think it's better to deal with it as soon as possible." Beifa and Su Hao had similar thoughts, "Master, if you decide, I will accompany you there, or I will arrange another maid to accompany you there."

"Well, I'll take a look later and pick a time."

Richelieu glanced at Bepha, but said nothing.

Now there is a saying in the port area that the maid team is so capable that the commander is almost retired.

Get up in the morning and start serving. At least one of the maids should follow Su Hao closely, and help out no matter what is asked.

The biggest credit here is of course the current head maid. Originally, Dido was the only one who could not avoid taking care of some details in life. Since Befa arrived in the port area, it is basically difficult for him to take care of the details.

Even at night, Dido, the wedding ship, is still waiting in the maid group. It can be said that the current maid group has completely occupied Su Hao's life.

But... what's so strange about the ship's mother raising the commander?

Richelieu basically just laughed off the worries of the girls from the former skyship in the port area, and raised them to waste?No, it's not even close.

In her heart, there is no most doting, only more doting.


In the afternoon, I went to the Port Commercial Street, the old place, and the waiter in the jewelry store smiled into a chrysanthemum after seeing Su Hao.

Thanks to Su Hao, the business of the jewelry store has improved a lot recently. Many people have heard of Su Hao's reputation and choose to travel here. With a lot of people, the business in places like the port area will naturally be good.

What's more, Su Hao's port area has recently received a lot of invitations for him to endorse products, not only from Lingshui City, but also many large companies in other cities have also contacted Su Hao, and the conditions offered are pretty good Tempting.

"Unfortunately, I have autism." Su Hao said.

In fact, he doesn't want to be a celebrity at all, and it's already annoying enough now. If he accepts these contracts, he might be blocked by people when he goes out several times a day. Doesn't it smell good?

"Commander Su, just tell me which one you like, and I'll give you a [-]% discount!"

It's still the same shop, the waiter, but the latter has changed into a more 'noble' uniform. Obviously this is a promotion, but when he saw Su Hao enter the door, the other waiters didn't react. This guy He was the first to greet him.

"Hush!" Su Hao raised his index finger.

"Oh, I understand, I understand." The waiter smiled knowingly, this is a girl after all, if the big man came so close and smiled at Su Hao, he would definitely kick him.

guna!I don't want friends.

"It's strange, how did you recognize me?" Su Hao was a little depressed. The disguise on his body, hat, sunglasses, and mask, was tightly covered, and nothing was revealed all the way. Have you been recognized?

The waitress was puzzled, and asked in a low voice: "Commander Su, do you think anyone other than you would pack such a tight bag in hot weather? Outsiders don't understand, and others probably don't dare to recognize it, but you come to me, Then can't I see it at a glance?"


"Besides, who else in Lingshui City usually goes out with such a beautiful maid?" The waitress turned to look at Sirius who was following Su Hao.

"Okay, hurry up, buy it and leave."

"Don't worry about Commander Su, you come here with me."

The waitress took Su Hao into a staff room inside the shop.

"You sit here, I'll go out and get some rings you like."

"How do you know what I want is a ring?"

"What would you buy if you don't buy a ring?" The waitress was puzzled. She stretched out her hand and hooked her fingers, as if she was counting how many rings still needed to be bought for Su Hao. "Otherwise, you can talk to the boss and let him get one." What series, ten or twenty rings at a time, will save you from wasting time every time you come to pick and choose."

Su Hao waved his hand, telling her to stay cool.

"Master, who are you buying the ring for today?" Sirius asked curiously.

One of the advantages of being a maid is that you can know things that others don't know, especially many private things, such as Su Hao, this and that, right?

Just like now, who in the port area knows that Su Hao is here to buy a ring?

"That's what you said." Su Hao corrected Sirius, "It's as if I bought it for you today and for her tomorrow. I don't give it every day. How can I say who it is for today?"

"Sorry, my proud master, it was Sirius who asked the wrong question." The humble maid bowed and apologized, and then asked, "Who is the next mistress?"

"No, I just bought it and put it there first."

Sirius nodded, got it, there is more than one, the master is wondering who to give it to first.

Sure enough, after a while, the waiter brought over some recent beautiful rings. Su Hao had one left hand and one right hand, and his eyes were still fixed on one, obviously struggling.

They are all pretty good-looking, and the price is reasonable, and there is even a [-]% discount. When I asked, I realized that this was specially explained by the boss, saying that only the cost is enough, but as for whether it is really only the cost, Su Hao just smiled. not talking.

I really think I am a noob who doesn't know anything.

Su Hao bought five at a time. He found that there are never too many rings. His previous habit was not good. He always followed the rhythm of the game. If he was too poor in the game, he would buy one or two at a time, otherwise Just buy it when you are flying together. It seems that this bad habit will have to be changed in the future.

But it's not good to buy too much all at once. If you really want ten or twenty, what if people say you're bothering?It's not nice to be misunderstood.

After buying the ring, Su Hao took Sirius back to the port area. On the way, Sirius looked weird and annoyed. Su Hao asked her what was wrong, but Sirius said "I am still too young", but Su Hao gave Lei of.

When he returned to the port area, Su Hao wandered around, thinking about what to do next.

I bought the ring, and among the people I want to give it to, Frederick the Great must give it to him, and Ron also wants it. After all, it would be too scumbag if the promised things were not fulfilled.

Who else?I kissed Dunzi before to make love, and so did Prince Eugen, but the relationship between the two so far has been relatively slow, and it is in a state of warming up. Originally, the emperor should be like this, but the emperor suddenly came to overtake in a corner. Hao was also caught off guard and fell directly inside.

Then, the ones that can be considered at present are naturally the Great Emperor and Ron.

Who should I give first?

How to give?

This is also a science.

Just as he was thinking, Gu Ping sent him a message after a long absence.

"Hao, help the world!"


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