PS: I found the Great World module very annoying, because this thing squeezed the little blue time to death. I didn’t play this Northern Union event, but I was stuck with time to fill up the black dragon liver Star, Gan!

Chapter 694 Superhero?

Gu Ping hasn't contacted Su Hao for a while, because he knows that Su Hao is very busy now. Apart from his affairs in the port area, there is also the recently rumored incident of the Sardinian Empire joining the gang.

The big man has the troubles of the big man, and the little man has the worry of the little man, but apart from these, for Gu Ping, how much ability can do great things, this is what many seniors often said to him after he became a commander.

The most taboo thing for the commander is to be brave and make wrong decisions on the spur of the moment. Those painful lessons abound, but even so, there are still many accidents in the port area every year.

It's not that you won't do it if you know it. It's impossible for people to stay rational forever. The emotional and impulsive side will push people forward at a certain moment. Maybe if you change to something that you wouldn't do normally, you will be able to do it when your mind is hot. I didn't think about anything.

There is no regret in this world, so as a commander, you must be cautious and cautious.

But recently, Gu Ping's ship girl discovered a Siren stronghold entrenched in the waters of Area C when she was patrolling. I'm not sure how powerful it is, because his ship girl only saw the Siren ship girl over there.

A stronghold that can appear in the sea area of ​​​​C area is definitely not something that Mengxin can deal with.

But if you think about it from another angle, the benefits of winning a stronghold are also extremely attractive to a newcomer.

Gu Ping consulted some well-connected commanders, everyone’s opinions are different, some say they can fight, some say they can’t, it mainly depends on the conditions, of course they can go if the conditions permit, but the commanders who have a good relationship with Gu Ping , are generally in the same class, and it is unlikely that they will have the strength to lay a stronghold.

So Gu Ping thought of Su Hao.

"Do you want to fight or not?" Gu Ping was a little emotional. This was the first time he encountered a stronghold battle in his career as a commander.

How could Su Hao not understand him? When he came to ask himself at this time, the answer he got was definitely not preaching or suggesting what to do, but a small favor on the premise of support.

Gu Ping is not an idiot. The thinking mode he is falling into now is not a question of whether he can or cannot, but what kind of situation he can safely take down the stronghold.

Yes, the question of whether to fight or not, Gu Ping knows better than anyone else. He just wants to find someone who supports his idea. If you tell him to fight, then he will definitely be excited. Let's discuss with you.

"Hit, why not." Su Hao immediately said, "Hit him."

"I think so too!"

"Then how are you going to fight?"

"Go check the situation first."

"Well, then what?"

"If you can't beat it, find a helper."

"Yes, it is necessary."

"But I don't know who to turn to. Have you finished your work recently?"

"It's almost there, but let me tell you about it first. You have three options. One is that I will fight for you. It's probably just a play. You stand for a while and then the stronghold will be taken down."

"Secondly, you can find several surrounding port areas to form a team together, discuss the distribution of income in advance, and divide the rewards according to the labor output."

"The third is to tell the Maritime Safety Administration that they send ships to support the port area. This situation is very common. The port area cooperates with the Maritime Safety Administration to clean up the stronghold, and the benefits are naturally divided equally. It is similar to the second point, but it is related to the maritime affairs. It's just a bureau."

"Which one do you choose?"

"Ah, this..."

After hearing Su Hao's words, Gu Ping was silent for a while.

There are three choices, and the difference is quite big.

If Su Hao helps, he doesn't need to share any supplies due to his relationship with Gu Ping, but to Gu Ping, it's actually no different from taking some supplies from Su Hao's port area.

The second and third ones all require Gu Ping to mainly participate in the battle.

For a newcomer, training in battle is necessary. Sometimes a strong ship girl does not necessarily mean a strong port area, because it is not only the ship girl who needs training, but also the commander.

"Then I'll choose the third one, and talk to the Maritime Safety Administration." Gu Ping breathed out, "I haven't visited some of the surrounding port areas. In addition, Donghuang recently issued a document saying that inspections should be strengthened. I guess they There is no spare ship girl sent out."

"That's fine, you just have to think it through, or I'll talk to the Maritime Safety Administration?"

"No need, no need, I can do it myself." Gu Ping suddenly smiled, "You bastard, if you want me to wake up, just say it, I know...well, I've been thinking about it for a while now, thinking of winning How helpful the base will be to the port area, and at least how much time it can save for development.”

"The more you think about it, the narrower your thinking becomes. Alas~ I actually came to look for you."

"Do you have any problems with me? When was it not you who was in trouble before and came to me for help?"

"Fuck off, didn't you get beaten and I came to help you?"

"Nonsense, my sister Li is so powerful, who dares to bully me?"

After talking nonsense with Gu Ping, this guy exited the chat room cursing.

Su Hao curled his lips, making sure that Gu Ping had returned to his previous state, so he stopped thinking about it.

In fact, if Gu Ping opened his mouth, he would still go, but what about the commander, the old man can't take you with him forever. It will be easy to suffer.

Once something absolutely goes wrong, it is likely to be a devastating blow.

So Su Hao wanted Gu Ping to realize this himself, and he felt like putting on airs by directly preaching or something, but he was a good brother anyway, so if it was necessary, Su Hao could just point at his nose and scold him.

Then go back to yourself... Su Hao touched his pocket, feeling that he might not be sure all of a sudden, and he was very depressed when he couldn't think of a good solution.

Or give it directly?

After hesitating, on the second day, Emperor Frederick the Great came to Su Hao and said that the study time for this batch of Jagged Fleet members was almost over, and he planned to let the second batch come over.

But Tie Xue can’t be left alone, even if you ask her, she said she doesn’t want to go back, everyone is a white-eyed wolf, do you want Tie Xue?

So Emperor Frederick forced a roll call, and considering Su Hao's situation, she had to talk to Su Hao first to show respect.

"I'm going to bring a pack of wolves over to have a look." Frederick the Great said with a smile, "It's time for them to come out and see the world. They won't grow if they stay in the Iron-Blood Base."

She now understands that the so-called learning is not to find the same type of powerful ship girls in the port area to ask her for advice, but to stay in the port area to feel the atmosphere here, and transform physically and mentally into a powerful ship girl.

When you are used to living in the environment of a group of bosses, if you go out after waiting for a certain period of time, you will be at the level of a boss in the eyes of others.

Therefore, it is imperative for the iron-blooded camp to come to Hong Kong!

"Then when will you go back?" Su Hao was quite depressed. You said you were happy, and you were happy too. I haven't seen the cute U377381101557 for a long time, but the ring in my pocket hasn't been given away yet.

"It's a few days, don't worry too much."

"Then how about..." Su Hao rubbed his chin and raised his head, "Would you like to go to Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau?"

Originally planned to go to Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau in two days, but since the emperor happened to be going back to Iron Blood, he might as well settle the ring matter while there are still a few days left.

When the emperor heard that he was going to Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau, he was also very interested. She must have never been there since she came to Donghuang. It just so happened that this trip was also a 'business'. What could be more important than Su Hao's conferring a title? important?

So, Su Hao prepared for a while, and then took Befa and Frederick the Great as bodyguards. After thinking about it, he took Xiao Guanghui as a cutie and aircraft carrier, and the four of them set off from the port area that afternoon.



On the other side, inside Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau.

After Yixian received the news that Su Hao was coming, he was also relieved. Su Hao didn't give a clear answer before, saying that it was a few days, who knows how many days it will take.

She knows Su Hao too well, and that's why she's worried, but...

"Ning Hai, let the cafeteria prepare for a welcome party tomorrow night."

After finishing speaking, it was not enough to think about it, so Yixian ordered to go on, she didn't like to engage in the official business, but now she is representing the official, Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration, since she wants to do it, she should just do it to the end.

"what happened?"

The Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau hung ribbons and balloons, which immediately attracted the attention of many ship girls.

"Rino, tie the flower basket for me."

"Huh? Why?"

"Don't ask why, it's what Yixian said to do."


"If you ask again, we have broken off friendship."

Rino waved his hand with a smile, and then greeted his companion, "Craven, let's go help."

Craven asked suspiciously, "Don't you want to see the figures?"

"No, I don't think there are any new products these days. I bought everything I should buy..." Reno went to the side and started working, and asked while he was busy: "Why do you do this kind of thing? Xian is getting married?"

The ship girl beside her said with a blank face: "Go and tell Yixian to see if she will send you to the frontier."

"That means you won a prize in the answering contest, and the prize is a handyman?"

"Only you would do such a thing!"

"Who said that?" Reno was a little dissatisfied, "Many people can do it."

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that she is the only one in the Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau who often does this kind of thing, hum, stupid mortal, who doesn't understand the greatness of otaku culture.

But then again, although Reno likes to stay at home, she doesn't really stay at home every day. She will do what is assigned to her.

"Yixian didn't say anything specific." The ship lady said casually, "It seems that some important person came over, maybe someone from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration."

"The people at the headquarters, what's the matter with us?"

"What do you say? Then you still call it the headquarters of others. We are a branch here, and we must obey orders."

Rino thought for a while, well, it doesn't matter, it's none of her business anyway.

"Hey~ It would be great if I could ask for a vacation sometime." Reno suddenly sighed.

"What are you doing on leave?"

"It must be because there is superhero equipment that can be bought. Isn't that what Reno dreams of?" Craven said with a smile.

"Go, go." Reno said proudly, "There is only one superhero in my mind!"

"Who is it? Spiderman? Batman? Superman? Oh I see, it's Iron Man, no wonder you carry that impostor on your hand all day."

Rino was angry: "What is a counterfeit, this is the crystallization of technology!"

"Can that become light?"

"Just to shine."

"What's the use of glowing? I want to become the kind of light. Look how powerful the glow stick next door is. You really are a counterfeit."

Facing the ridicule from his companion, Reno snorted and ignored it. How could a stupid mortal understand the greatness of this?

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