It can completely support him to complete Bagua 28 palms, and he does not need to use Bamen Disintegration Technique to complete it.

The three of them were walking towards the examination room. At this moment, a mocking sound came from the examination room, which attracted their attention...

"Haha, this Wannian Genin has finally graduated, but he suddenly wants to take the Zhongnin Exam, which makes me laugh..."

"That's right, a person who can only know physical skills and even ninjutsu and illusion can let him graduate, the teacher is really kind!"

"Such a person still comes to take the Chunin exam. If I had to kill him head-on, this guy is simply a disgrace to us Konoha!"

Hearing these discussions, Leng Tian and Jiu Xinnai looked at each other at the same time.

"Go... let's go see what's going on!"

Kushina joined in the fun and said.

At this moment, there was an "uncle" figure standing there in the examination room.

Everyone who knew him showed disdain.

Compared with them who are in their teens or even eighty-nine years old, a ninja who is already in his twenties and has come to take the ninja Chunin exam can indeed be called an "uncle".

Hearing other people's words of ridicule, Leng Tian immediately thought of someone.

When you see the shape that is almost the same as that of Maite Kai, there is no doubt!

Sure enough, it was him, Matt Kay's father, Matt Dai!

When reading comics, Leng Tian felt that Maite Dai was the most neglected genius.

He doesn't know illusion and ninjutsu, but he has practiced physical skills to the extreme.

He even improved the Eight Disintegration Techniques and became the Eight Dunjia Techniques that could almost kill Madara in the future.

How many people can do this!

It can be said that before the three wars, Maite Dai was the most underestimated person.

However, there is one thing that Leng Tian is very puzzled about, that is, whether Maite Dai has obtained the Eight-door Dunjia Technique.

According to the comics, he should have obtained eight disintegration techniques.

But when Leng Tian checked with his white eyes, he found that there was no trace of practicing the eight disintegration techniques in Mai Tedai's body.

There are no signs of opening up many collateral channels, but the meridian bones of Maitedai ​​are extremely hard.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is talented.

Perhaps it is because of the inability to use ninjutsu and illusion, so I put all my energy into practicing physical arts, and finally created a body that can bear the burden brought by the first three or even the first five of the eight disintegration arts...

Thinking of this, Leng Tian was envious for a while.

He has been injured several times and the meridians in his body have been continuously repaired before he can bear it.

But even if Leng Tian is asked to choose again, Leng Tian will still choose the cultivation method of repairing meridians.

At this time...

Matt Dai finally couldn't take it anymore, and shouted loudly: "Shut up, you little devils, and be careful when I say it again, I will blow you up!"

Hearing Maite Dai's words, the laughter grew louder.

"Haha, did you hear what he said, he said he was going to hit me, okay, can you hit me right here?"

After speaking, they looked at each other with their companions, and the two formed seals at the same time, and cast illusions on Matt Dai.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Matt Dai and shouted: "Ninjutsu! Illusion rebound!"

Namikaze Minato bounced back both of their illusions.

I saw that the two of them seemed to be drunk, staggering and unable to tell east, west, north, south, and middle.

"Haha, it's really satisfying, Minato has done a good job, teach me a lesson next time..."

Kushina happily joined in.

Seeing that it was Leng Tian's trio who were attacking, everyone took a step back unconsciously.

The battle on the border of the Land of Fire has already been publicized by Konoha to the entire village.

Under the leadership of the opposing two jounin, Konoha can still defeat the strong with the weak. How could Konoha let go of such a good promotional material.

And in this battle, Leng Tian's trio survived...

And they also played an extremely crucial role, and were personally praised by Hokage.

It can be said that the cold weather trio is the popular candidate for Chunin this time.

At this moment, the three of Yun Ren also came to the examination room.

Lei Li saw Leng Tian at a glance, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body...

This made the other ninjas around him avoid it.

Lei Li's powerful aura directly charged towards the cold sky.

But the cold weather didn't seem to be affected at all, and he walked forward leisurely.

It's like nothing happened.

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